Start with Batman

v1 Chapter 241: complete body

Latest website: ten minutes ago.


The ancient Usak lowered his head, watching the two tentacles passing through his body. He felt as if everything about him was being sucked away by the pair of tentacles, pouring into Ophelia's body continuously.

"Sorry, Usak." Ophelia showed a regretful expression, "But even absorbing Kasim's power is not enough. I am only one step away from being perfect. Those humans may catch up every moment. We're here, but we're running out of time."

"I understand, Lady Ophelia."

A smile appeared on Usak's lifeless face.

"I always let you down, I know," he murmured, "I'm too useless to do anything else. So at least, let me end up Be your strength for once."

Ophelia didn't say a word, but the expression she looked at him became a little more subtle.


Ten minutes from now.


Like the earth suddenly self-exploding, the formation was blasted, and the whirlwind spread the dust.

Immediately afterwards, Usak's huge body, which was beaten to the ground by them before everyone's eyes, disappeared.

It didn't disintegrate and disintegrate like when the ancients were defeated, but disappeared out of thin air as if the video stopped broadcasting.

an illusion.

"Impossible." Agent Duan Lan showed a surprised expression, "It clearly has a physical voice, it should be real. How is it possible..."

There was a strange laugh from the disappearing phantom.

"Because I have surpassed Usak, a human being. I have inherited his power, but it is far stronger than him. The illusions I have created are more refined and cannot be distinguished by hearing."

As if walking out of the void, Ophelia transformed from a phantom into a real entity, standing in front of everyone.

She glanced contemptuously at everyone present.

"Before I asked you to distinguish the so-called 'noumenon' through the sound, it was just to test whether I could do it. In other words, I let you hear it, so you can hear it."

Leila also stopped, hovering in mid-air, looking at Ophelia.

"So, it's all an illusion? I guess that hapless Usak is gone?"

"Yeah, he's never used it before, and he only played such a role for me in the end." Ophelia smiled lightly, "Just now I was just experimenting with a new power to get familiar with it.

But in fact, Usak was no longer there from the moment you noticed my position. "

"You devoured them, Usak and Qasim," Layla said. "You absorbed his power and accelerated your own progress."

"Yes, thanks to them, I am complete now."

Ophelia smiled, as if inadvertently revealing part of her current power. In the eyes of everyone, that graceful body seemed to be suddenly raised a lot, and the huge coercion made every breath seem to be several times heavier in an instant.

"You made it, congratulations," Leila said quietly. "And then? Do you really feel whole? Do you really find the missing piece? Like... the soul?"

Ophelia's smile froze.

"That's not important." Her voice was a bit colder, and the pressure everyone felt from her seemed to be increasing, "I am immortal, and I will have time to think about this kind of issue in the future.

But you? Your time is up here. "

Before she could finish speaking, Leila had already made a fuss. She spread her wings and quickly lifted into the air, and the flames pierced towards Ophelia like an arrow missing.

Ophelia stood where she was, maintaining a strange chuckle and remained motionless. The hurricane rolled up, and the air flow spread out like an invisible wall under her thoughts, and at the same time, a mass of Tis shield material came out from her body.

The flames shot by Layla seemed to have hit the transparent barrier, and before it touched the shell of the Tis shield, most of the flames had been cut. The powerful flames from the distorted space bombarded the shell of the Tis shield, without even leaving a trace of burning marks.

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked.

Layla's flame control power has already been measured by the madhouse during this period of time, and its strength once made the researchers feel that it was an ancient monster. The team members present had heard about this to some extent, and they knew how powerful and destructive she was as an ancient who was good at output.

But even a blow like this couldn't even leave a scratch on the opponent's defense line.

And you have to know that Layla is already in her original form, while Ophelia is still in human form!

The current actual combat and testing also feedback the same results. Maintaining the human form of the ancients not only makes it easier for them to integrate into the environment, but at the same time this state will greatly suppress their own power. That's why it's difficult for the radars of the nine places to detect their energy responses.

But even in the suppressed state, she easily blocked Leila's attack.

Of course Layla knows that this is not only because the complete Ophelia Tis shield has reached the highest purity, but also because Ophelia has a set of special defense methods.

The Tis shield she released was divided into three sections, and there was a fine buffer layer between each two layers. The airflow she operates is almost clinging to the surface of each layer of cushioning structure, like layers of air cushions, perfectly integrated into the Teith shield structure, constructing the strongest Teith shield defense system created by her personally, regardless of temperature or impact are difficult to penetrate.

The other people didn't stand still, and immediately took action.

The Phantom in Red was the fastest, and at the moment Ophelia was attracted by the flames, she had already circled behind Ophelia, and her figure turned into an afterimage and shot out with a bang.

But Ophelia stood there calmly, not only did she not move or even turn her head. The Phantom in Red seemed to have hit an invisible barrier halfway and stopped, then flew backwards as if spontaneously.

The same instant is approaching with shadows. Taking advantage of the cover of his teammates, he successfully rushed to Ophelia's side, and punched her sideways with almost all his strength.

But the old man didn't react at all, and took the punch whole with that flimsy face. The ability was activated where the fist touched, and it exploded with a bang, but the airflow and impact all returned to the shadow as if they had eyes, and the phantom was blown away in a panic, while Ophelia was still standing there. The ground didn't move.

"After all these years," Ophelia chuckled, "human beings are still as noisy as ever."

She snapped her fingers.

In an instant, sand and rocks flew across the venue. The transparent whirlwind is like thousands of troops under her control, thousands of indestructible blades are hidden in the storm.

The ground was riddled with scratches, the surrounding reinforced concrete was shattered, the trees and lampposts were cut in half, and swept up into the sky with the storm.

With just a snap of the fingers, in the blink of an eye, the entire team was in disarray. Someone was covered under the gravel, as if being scratched by a wind blade, and someone was blown away by the blow of the wind head-on. If it wasn't for their unique physiques, tenacious vitality and self-healing, casualties may have occurred at this time.

"What the hell," Luo Yajun protruded a hand from the ruins cursingly, barely crawled out half of his body, "what monster?"

"Hey, this is not at the same level as the last time we met!" This was the shadow yelling at Felix.

Everyone has also discovered that this is not in the same order of magnitude as the infected people they have fought in the past... No, it is not even in the same order of magnitude as the other ancients that appeared before.

What's even more frightening is that she's even in human form.

It would be even more unimaginable if the main body appeared.

"Is this... the complete ancient?" Agent Duan Lan murmured.

Although they have all heard from Leila that the complete body of the ancient is very different from the present, but no matter how they hear it, they can't experience it directly.

Formidable to formidable force.

In the next second, the ground was suddenly melted through. The pillar of fire that Ophelia stood on erupted into the sky, engulfing her like an erupting volcano.

But still doesn't work.

When the pillar of fire dissipated, everyone saw an egg-like thing floating in the air. The shield's defense system protected Ophelia in all directions without any dead ends, and she was unscathed from the inside to the outside.

Ophelia raised her hand slowly, spread her five fingers, and aimed at the direction where Layla flew through the air.

In the next second, Leila's whole body tensed up, as if she was being grabbed by an invisible hand.

It's the wind.

The airflow passing her at high speed, like the extension of Ophelia's hands and feet, caught her in the air.

Leila felt as if she was chained, and her wings were too stiff to move. Immediately afterwards, an unmatched strange force pulled her down.

The huge flying creature fell, dragging a colorful trajectory, and hit the ground with a bang.

"It's ironic. In the end, the last ones left are you and me."

Ophelia walked slowly towards her.

"You never learn to obey. You used to. You've got the ability—I've always admired that, to be honest. The problem is, you're always thinking too much."

Leila didn't speak, just continued to struggle. UU Reading Several streams of air bound her to the ground like transparent chains. She exerted tremendous strength, and the temperature of her whole body continued to soar. The cement and steel bars under her body were melted by her high temperature, but she still to no avail.

"It's a pity we didn't make it to the end together. But...huh?"

The sound came up, the music was deafening, it sounded like... pop music.

Everyone was stunned, and all their eyes turned to the special service Nine fighter jet that fell not far away.

Someone hijacked its speaker and used it to play pop music.


The moment Ophelia's attention was attracted, from the completely opposite direction, a string of missiles descended from the sky, and exploded at the exact position where she was standing!

A red-gold steel afterimage pierced the sky, and Iron Man swooped down.

"Hey guys, did anyone miss me?"