Start with Batman

v1 Chapter 273: failed the city

Venderani, Building of Tomorrow.

This is one of the city's landmark buildings, and it is also the headquarters of the city's giant Tomorrow Group. Its apparent owner is Yan Wenjun, who is at the helm of the group. But only those who really understand it know that it is the mayor, Dedalore Reed, who is also the owner of the city, who really has the final say.

Yan Wenjun may ostensibly own the group, but he and his board of directors are nothing more than puppets on strings. Their group, like many other companies in the area, has to obey the mayor's orders like a dog on a chain.

But now, for the first time, they have the chance to make their own decisions.

More than a week ago, Wendelani ushered in the biggest change of this century. The ruler of the city was overthrown, and Dedalus Reid fell headfirst from his secure throne, shattered to pieces.

That dealt a heavy blow to the city's hitherto entrenched crime system, but it also served as a clarion call for the city's underworld to go into a frenzy. After the mayor was killed, almost every guy with a few younger brothers in the streets and alleys regarded himself as a character, and everyone fantasized that he could sit on that throne.

Some media even claimed that the end of an empire is just the beginning of a nightmare, and chaos will become the main theme of the city for a long time. The streets are going to be criminals' territory for at least the next many nights.

But they are wrong.

The chaotic days lasted less than a week until today happened to be the seventh day. And today, this period of disorderly days will come to an end.

Marked by the fall of Tomorrow Group.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the Venderani Police Department had already surrounded the building. The heavily armed explosion-proof team members surrounded the bottom of the building tightly, but no one could break in for a while.

The entire building was almost armed as a military fortress with live ammunition, and mobs fired machine guns from countless windows. All entrances have been set up with self-exploding mines, and demining teams are working under the cover of explosion-proof teams.

In fact, everyone inside and outside the building knows that the fall of this place is nothing more than a matter of time. They're fighting the beast, it doesn't make any sense.

Just earlier today, the Sheriff's Department received material from a masked vigilante known as "Arrow". The information and charges are clear, listing all the activities of the board of directors of Tomorrow Group one by one, which is completely enough to settle them all.

At this time, Yan Wenjun, who was trapped in his office, was furious.

"Discovered!?" He stared at the subordinate in front of him with wide eyes.

"Yes. There is a built-in piping system, the only secret passage out of the building, and that exit has already been blocked by sheriffs."


Yan Wenjun was so angry that he punched the computer monitor in front of him.

"It's the green hat lunatic, it must be! The previous evidence is also... You have clearly promised that there will be no clues, and there can be no mistakes!

Why is he always one step ahead of us? Why does he know everything! ? "

For a whole week, Tomorrow Group and the entire gang it belongs to have been in dire straits, all thanks to that cuckold lunatic.

That guy is pretty much everywhere. He showed up on all the most crucial deals, and his eyeliner seemed to be everywhere. His grasp of the organization's movements is almost clearer than that of the organization's leader, and any action will always be one step ahead of them.

After their key strongholds were destroyed one after another and important members were arrested one after another, in just one week, they were forced to the last step, as if being squeezed into the corner of a cage by a ferocious beast, with no way out.

Yan Wenjun had just finished speaking, but there was a bang, and the lights in the office suddenly went out.


In just one week, the villains throughout Venderani have realized what it means to turn off the lights. That was a signal of impending death.


That was the sound of the elevator arriving at the floor and stopping. But the elevator leading to this office operates independently, and it is now locked. In theory, no one can take this elevator up now.

So there is only one possibility for the person in the elevator.

"Fire!" Yan Wenjun roared.

This is the most well-deployed area in the entire building. There is almost no need for orders from the boss. The gunmen have already spontaneously poured bullets towards the elevator.

Countless muzzles roared at the same time, as if releasing a torrential rain. The metal door of the elevator was instantly smashed into a sieve by the rain of bullets, and the cold white light shot out through countless holes, making the picture even more eerie and strange.

But they may be disappointed that there is no one in the elevator.

The ceiling exploded suddenly, and the collapsed masonry stunned the two of them. The green shadow broke through the ceiling and fell straight to the ground. When it landed, it had already shot out with an arrow. The arrow missed and hit a minion who was shooting desperately towards the elevator, and it exploded with a bang, and a large group of quick-setting lakes instantly trapped several miscellaneous soldiers around it.

Green Arrow landed in the air, with a sliding shovel, during which time he fired two arrows in a row. One of the shocking arrows was knocked down instantly, and the other was nailed to the wall, and several people were overturned with a bang explosion.

It's so easy to cheat.

The intrusion plan went so smoothly that Chu Cheng almost forgot that what he was facing was a real person, not an nppc with limited intelligence, and might even be smarter than them.

Use the elevator to pull the hatred, and at the same time, the hero body operated by himself moves in the ceiling waiting for an opportunity to break in. This group of people was actually all attracted by an empty elevator that was hacked by Friday's hackers, and none of them thought that the enemy might not be inside.

Come on, have you ever seen a superhero who honestly takes the elevator and breaks in?

This thing itself may not be compatible with superheroes, and Commissar Luo, Captain America, who has an indissoluble bond with elevators, has a very good say. Although his "big man" battle in the elevator was a classic, if you give him another chance to re-elect, he will definitely choose to climb the ventilation pipe like Batman.

Get rid of the main miscellaneous soldiers who get together in an instant. Green Arrow picked up his bow and arrow and jumped up from behind the cover, and rushed straight towards Yan Wenjun with a 100-meter sprint.

The few miscellaneous soldiers who were scattered all around were relieved at this moment, raising their guns and trying to fire at Brother Tang. Brother Tang completely ignored them, but this group of people was without exception. Before they had time to pull the trigger, each of them was suddenly hit by an arrow from nowhere, and their bodies fell to the ground.

Vents from corners. The ventilation grille had been kicked open at some point, and Hawkeye crouched inside, unfurling his bow and nodding his arrows to cover the shooting.

"Take him down!" Yan Wenjun yelled.

The remaining man and woman beside him—the last line of defense before the big man went to prison—flyed towards Green Arrow.

These two are his personal bodyguards, the top bodyguard masters in the underground world, and they have been paid sky-high prices for many years just to deal with this moment.

Especially the woman among them, although she looks very weak, she is said to have subdued ten strong men with her bare hands, and she is extremely powerful.

Moreover, this pair of men and women are originally partners. They followed the same master when they were learning arts. One plus one is far greater than two.

"You lunatics just can't let us stay!?" Yan Wenjun yelled angrily from behind, "You are the cancer of the city! This city is originally good, and everything is moving according to its proper track!

But you just have to get in the way! Why! ? "

The pair of male and female bodyguards used a dagger and a one left and one right to attack in two ways, attacking two different vital points of the opponent at the same time. But Green Arrow swung his bow and arrow horizontally, relying on the length of his composite bow to skillfully block left and right, the dagger and dagger hit the two ends of his bow arm respectively. Following his right hand exerted force, the compound bow deftly turned, and with a snap, the male bodyguard's eyes were dazzled, and then he swung upwards and hit the female bodyguard's beautiful jaw.

Ten strong men with bare hands seems to be the end of it.

Losing the last line of defense, Yan Wenjun trembled all over when he saw the green hat Robin Hood cast his gaze coldly, and then saw his subordinates lying on the ground behind him, and some of them were still convulsed by electric shocks. The courage disappeared in an instant.

"Why do you ask?"

Green Arrow kicked him over, stepped on Yan Wenjun's chest with his boots, and pointed his bow and arrow at his nose.

"Because you failed the city."