Start with Batman

v1 Chapter 78: Free 1 snack

Chu Cheng got up early in the morning while brushing his teeth while checking the news with his mobile phone. He saw a big brother of a certain gang go to the Public Security Bureau to bring evidence and surrender himself. Indefinitely, lest I have to think of a way when I come out in the future...

Even Chu Cheng, who was the instigator, was dumbfounded when he saw this.

It's okay to bring your own evidence and hide in prison directly.

It's not that Chu Cheng didn't think about whether such a daily practice experience would force people to run away, but at best, Chu Cheng only thought that the other party might slip to another city to keep a low profile and avoid the limelight.

Originally, he was thinking of tracking and locating these people, and someday he would find a chance to drive a Bat fighter to visit these people after they went to other cities.

At that time, when the elder brother settled down in the field, he hugged left and right in his arms, ate hot pot and sang songs with his brothers and sisters. Suddenly, the light was pinched, and a big bat of about 1.8 meters fell from the sky, and fast forwarded directly to "Batman" Still chasing me fuckin'...

These days, Chu Cheng was already planning to expand the security territory. After all, all the superheroes wander around Jiangdu all day long. Although it is unlikely that anyone will be able to imagine that there is a remote control behind them for a while, he still tried to let Batman wander around other cities a few times out of precaution.

Practice has proved that his remote-controlled heroes can also be active in other cities. It's just that only Batman has a long-distance flying vehicle at present, and other superheroes do not yet have the ability to quickly travel to and from other cities.

It's true that this person escaped directly from prison. As long as I surrender quickly enough, Batman will be too late to Gank, and he will understand the truth of French tactics.

Although for Batman, the difference between a prison and a bus may be that one does not charge and the other charges, it is not impossible to go in and beat people up.

It's just that there is no hostile judgment for this person when he enters the prison, and it is time-consuming and laborious to go in and beat him up, which is useless.

But it doesn't matter. Now Chu Cheng is casting a wide net. The criminals in the whole city and even the outer city are his experience packs. After running away, there are so many left, so he doesn't feel bad at all.

During the day, when he was taking a breather, he recovered his energy and went to class to change his mood. While walking on the road, he checked the Secret Service Nine APP to see if there was any new news.

He was in the clerk post of the Ninth Office for more than half a month before he came to the news yesterday saying that there seemed to be news, and it was a gossip from Tang Li.

Chu Cheng guessed that it might be because he said before that as a college student, he was fine and didn't need to report. It can't be said that he has never heard of this kind of work in his previous life, but it is generally not for ordinary people.

He had wondered before that there might not be many such positions in the Ninth Branch of the Secret Service. It's just that Youdao has a problem with his thinking that he doesn't fish when he goes to work. Anyway, he has been paid as usual when he joins the job this month.

Unexpectedly, his position will be arranged soon. Tang Li also said that it should be doing odd jobs online, sorting out data, doing some file classification or online statistics.

After swiping for a long time, I didn't get the posting news, but an unexpected message popped up.

Your Majesty is coming tonight.

Chu Cheng was a little startled by this sudden change.

He didn't know when he started to make full preparations in advance every time his mother came to visit. For example, say something about locking the learning materials in the hard disk, and hiding the unclothed villain in the cabinet.

But as the saying goes, a wise man is bound to make a mistake, just like Nobita’s zero-point exam paper, even if he digs a grave and buries it, he will not escape the fate of being discovered. Chu Cheng has occasionally been seen by his mother with strange pillows or counseling materials. experience.

So he doesn't really want his mother to see his room if possible, but of course it's just a thought.

In the evening, mother Huang Liping had already arrived at the apartment. The moment she entered the door, she showed a look of shock, and couldn't help but gasped. It's a pity that it was not the exclamation of "my son has the appearance of a great emperor", but "how can it be so messy"...

With a dark face, Chu Cheng deliberately said that I am not sloppy, but that things are arranged like this, but throwing the dirty clothes that have not yet been soaked in the laundry basket and are fermenting is like trying to export him.

After trying every means to dissuade his mother to no avail, Chu Cheng had no choice but to join in the house cleaning project with her.

"Mom, put the earphones on the table. I use them every day. I can't find them in the table..."

"Hey, put the box there and don't move it, the computer accessories are also useful..."


At first, he quibbled a few words about his "disorganized" placement in the eyes of his mother, but he quickly shut up.

Chu Cheng knew that, in fact, his mother probably knew in her heart that it didn't make much sense for her to tidy up like this. After two days at most, things will go back to their respective places, and the apartment will still be what it should be.

She knows, but she doesn't care.

"The temperature will cool down in a few days, so remember to add more clothes, and I'll take out the thick quilt for you and put it on the cabinet."

"And your closet is also messy, with everything here and there. I have sorted it for you according to the seasons, here is autumn, and here is winter... look at it Remember, don’t throw it around casually next time.”

Huang Liping was talking tirelessly, and she didn't stop moving her hands while talking.

Chu Cheng didn't say anything, just kept responding.

People grow up, everyone in any world.

We leave our hometown and the familiar environment to face the unknown. Maybe someone will become famous, maybe someone will become a highly respected dean, and someone will even wear a cloak and underwear for a week and save the earth ten times or eight times.

But no matter how many years have changed in the past, in front of mothers, we always just need to care for children who need to be taken care of.

Huang Liping kept talking. Talk about how Chu Cheng's cousin is, how his uncle fell ill and was hospitalized, how unreasonable his father is at home, how he messed up the house...

When she asked how Chu Cheng was doing, Chu Cheng just smiled and said that everything was fine on his side.

He basically just goes to class now, catches fish, **** with pay, and after night, he drives a superhero to go out and beat people to relieve stress, what's wrong?

If you have to say it, it might be bad for the person who was beaten.

"Why are you out of laundry detergent?" Huang Liping shook the bottomed out laundry detergent bottle.

"Uh, I'm planning to go shopping these two days..."

"Go as soon as you think of it, or you'll forget it later."

There is a business district right across the street from the apartment, and there is a department store in the mall. In fact, it only takes ten minutes to go shopping and go upstairs and downstairs, but every time he thinks that he will buy it and bring it back when he goes home next time, and he forgets it every time he comes back.

It was not until this meeting was urged by his mother that he slowly went out to buy laundry detergent Entering the business district, Chu Cheng stopped when he passed by a milk tea shop on the second floor, and unexpectedly found that There seems to be no one here today.

This is not the case in the past. This is an online celebrity store, and chain stores all over the city are lined up all day long, even if there is no waiting time of half an hour for starting at a relatively deserted point, there is no need to think about it.

Chu Cheng was puzzled by this kind of behavior of queuing for a cup of milk tea for half a day. For nerds, it is better to go back and clear one more level of the game if they have this time. So even though it was just across the road from home, he never came to taste it once.

Seeing that it seemed rare that there was no need to queue up for this meeting, he also thought that everyone would come, and he could take a whole glass back for his mother to taste, so he walked in.

"Hello, what do you need?"

The attitude of the waiter is very good, with a smile all the way, and the tone is so sweet that it is even a little greasy.

Chu Cheng chose two recommended by netizens from the comments and recommendations, and ordered a glass of each.

"Okay, here is your receipt, please take it."

The waiter tore off the printed receipt and handed it to Chu Cheng. When the fingers of both sides intersected, Chu Cheng noticed that her hand felt unnaturally cold.

"We have an event this week, order any milk tea and get a snack."

The waiter smiled and took out a beautifully packaged small box and placed it on the counter table.

But for some reason, that delicate box made Chu Cheng feel a little uneasy.

He lifted the lid of the box and froze the moment he saw what was on the plate.

What lay inside looked like a tentacle.

A squirming tentacle that seemed to be covered in blood and ink.