Starting From Huashan Sword Slave, Signing For Ten Years

Chapter 247: Everyone's goal, the midpoint of the sec

At the same time, to the southwest of the Secret Realm.

The sword energy swept away everything, and countless jade spirit moths shattered like a fire.

Zhenwu thirty-six Tiangang sword formation, invincible.

"The Jade Spirit Secret Realm, this trip will definitely return with a full load."

"Yes, this secret realm is vast and there are countless jade spirits.

"If nothing happens, thirty-six of us will be able to increase the strength of our soul domain to our limit! At least it is equivalent to shortening the time by two to three hundred years.

"It will take at least three to five years to exchange for a small domain pill in the Zhenwu domain for a thousand points of contribution!"

Among the sword formations, there were constant discussions.

Thirty-six swordsmen, thirty-six soul domains, the thirty-six Heavenly Gang sword formations formed by them are unmatched, and they don't need to be too focused to control them.

All the jade spirits that come forward will be crushed by cutting melons and vegetables.

The scattered jade spirit crystal nuclei were also scrambled for ingestion by them.

"Jade spirits are rare and precious, and no such creatures can be found anywhere except this newly formed secret area.

"We have come to the Extreme Cold Region this time!

"It's just that they are the most ordinary things in the secret realm.

"If you focus on taking the jade spirit crystal core, other unknown opportunities will fall into the hands of others!"

Lan Wuyou, who is at the center of the formation, is not happy.

The mere jade spirit crystal core is not worth mentioning compared to unknown holy artifacts, medicines, cheats, etc.

Perhaps a large number of jade spirit crystal nuclei are worth more than inflowing sacred artifacts.

But it is definitely not as good as a suitable character artifact, let alone a local artifact.

"Indeed, if it is only for the Jade Spirit crystal nucleus to increase the strength of the soul domain to the stage limit and satisfy the thirty-six of us, it may be necessary to kill Jade Spirit endlessly, March or May.

"And the premise is that these jade spirits are sufficient, and other people won't compete with us."

Zhang Jie, Lan Wuyou's junior, nodded in agreement.

Immediately, his conversation turned, "The Jade Spirit crystal core can only be a base gain, not a goal.

"I think while looking for treasures, give priority to Senior Brother Lan, Senior Brother Duan and others to upgrade their soul realm so that they can absorb the Jade Spirit crystal core first.

"Only in this way can we be able to compete with Wei Tianyi, Zuo Mingyou and Jiang's beast!"

"Okay, I agree."



On a grassland, in countless jade spirit frenzy.

The Zuo family team in black clothes and black cloaks is very eye-catching.

They formed a phalanx tacitly, blocking the killing of Yuling.

In the square, Zuo Mingyou sat cross-legged, his face calm, ignoring the shaking of the surrounding mountains.

Sitting with him staring at each other was an old man with white beard and white hair.

A gleaming chessboard was placed between the two of them.

The old man was silent, placing black and white chess pieces on the chessboard from time to time.

The black and white chess pieces are arranged in a special way, with hidden mysteries.

The chessboard, together with the chess pieces, is a rare sacred instrument.

The old man is not playing chess.

What he drove was a powerful secret technique, the art of life chess!

Using chess to evolve fate and secrets is far better than astrology, and only people with special physique can master it.

Only this old man Yu Liuyang has the control of the entire Pan Demon Realm.

Although the strength is average, it is indeed a teacher comparable to a country, even Zuo Tiankuang will be polite to him by three points.

Until the chessboard was placed halfway, Yu Liuyang put the chess pieces back into the bowl, and he showed a bit of weakness.

The art of fate chess is powerful, and the price is also not small.

Only this time calculation, he paid 50 years of life.

"How?" Zuo Mingyou couldn't help asking.

Yu Liuyang nodded slowly, "I already know where the central area of ​​the secret realm is."

That's right, this calculation is to determine the location of the center of the secret realm.

There are countless treasures in the secret realm, and no one is sure how many things there are.

But the secret realm center must contain the most precious things in the secret realm, which is a well-known thing.

Zuo Mingyou didn't care about the jade spirit crystal core, he wanted to get the best naturally.

As for the jade spirit crystal nuclei, they can't escape the secret realm and can ingest it at any time.

Therefore, the most urgent thing for all strong men who are deliberately plotting the greatest opportunity is to calculate the center of the secret realm.

Whoever finds the secret realm center first is the most likely to obtain the treasure.

The secret realm was formed for the first time, the aura was chaotic, and there was no positioning of the stars, the sun and the moon, and the warrior could not directly distinguish the direction by normal means.

Whether it is for people to search separately, or to try multiple times, it is extremely time-consuming.

Every minute and every second, chances may be taken away by others.

"Great, hard work and old age!" Zuo Mingyou was overjoyed.

"But...well, I measured the good and bad luck of this trip by the way. It is a sign of great evil." Yu Liuyang looked at Zuo Mingyou worriedly, "You...and us, both may die in this secret realm."

As for the more detailed ones, he dare not and can't make calculations.

The secret is unpredictable, and the more detailed it is, the more price he has to pay and the higher the risk.

Zuo Mingyou was taken aback, and after two breaths, he smiled confidently.

"There is no safest place in the world. If I am really greedy for life and fear of death, even if I am extremely talented, I will not be able to obtain the current strength.

"Insurance for wealth and wealth!

"As for the danger, it comes from three kinds, the danger in the secret realm, Wei Tianyi and my cousin who doesn't know what is good or bad!"

Zuo Mingyou looked arrogant.

He is a saint, and it is absolutely impossible to give up this opportunity because of Yu Liuyang's few words.

At the same time, a team of hundreds of Xuexin Palace.

Wei Tianyi is also guarding the elder of the crazy painting.

The huge scroll traverses the sky, using the innate aura of fascinating painting itself as the brush, and the chaotic atmosphere of the secret realm as the ink.

The blank picture scroll began to show the location of mountains and rivers Wei Tianyi and others, which also appeared in the picture scroll.

This is the elder's soul realm, a picture of mountains and rivers!

Integrating with the world, printing and painting the mountains and rivers, reproduce the same environment, topography and other conditions of the world.

The Jedi and dangerous places where many warriors stopped, and even the legendary 18-layer **** and Huangquan Hell.

If he has enough ability to re-engrave into the mountain and river map.

Then the same place can be evolved in the mountain and river map, and the mountain and river map can also exert the same power.

The landscape of mountains and rivers is a soul domain with great potential.

It has a small magical effect, like this, depicting a part of the map of the surrounding secrets.

Only need to cast several times, he will outline a complete map to find the midpoint of the secret realm.

"Elder Chijian and Chiqin, you lead your disciples and divide them into teams to clean the surrounding jade spirits, giving priority to finding treasures.

"The jade spirit crystal core can be taken at any time, and the holy artifacts and pill are the most important things. These few things that have been condensed in the secret realm are definitely not trivial."

Soon after, Wei Tianyi asked the other disciples to kill Yuling, while he painted the elders with idiots, trying to depict the key parts as soon as possible.

"Pan Demon Territory Yu Liuyang is in the Zuo family team, he is bound to find the midpoint of the secret realm faster.

"Fantasy elders, thanks for your hard work, you must draw a map as soon as possible."

"Well, the old man will do his best." The elder Chihuahua was a little pale.

The atmosphere of the secret realm is mixed and vast, and his pictures of mountains and rivers blend in the secret realm world, and the burden is not small. ?

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