Starting From Supporting Qian Renxue To Plunder the Heavens

v4 Chapter 247: The Holy Dragon is on the battlefield!

In a desert, Long Haochen and Sheng Cai'er were around the fire roasting the meat of the beast they had just brought.


It had been half a day since Long Haochen defeated A Bao in the dark duel field and absorbed all his abilities.


Although with the help of the Bright Sacred Dragon, Long Haochen easily broke through the ninth rank and fused all the Sacred Dragon soul bones, but the fusion of multiple soul bones and tens of thousands of spiritual power at one time made Long Haochen's body There was also some discomfort.


Originally, they planned to go directly to the central province to find the devil's trouble after Abao was resolved, so that Saint Cai'er could also enter the ninth order.


However, it seemed that it might take half a day for Long Haochen to adjust to his own power at ease.


Beside the bonfire, there is also a girl with torn sleeves eating dry food.


She was exactly the moonlight that Long Haochen and Sheng Cai'er had kidnapped from the Moon Devil Palace.


The reason why Yue Ye was able to survive after A Bao's death was not because Long Haochen and Sheng Cai'er suddenly acted kindly, but because Yue Ye gave him the trump card to save his life.


This trump card, if it is of other races, is useless at all, but Long Haochen and Sheng Cai'er are the geniuses of the human race, so they are naturally useful.


That is the branch information of the human slaves in the central province.


As early as I don't know how many years ago, the Moon Demon God had the idea of ​​integrating the demons into humans.


To accomplish this goal, the first thing to resolve is the conflict between the human race and the demon race.


Because of the existence of the Demon Emperor, it was impossible for Agares to plan his goals head on, so he could only let his daughter work hard at this time.


The Moonlight Merchant Group, a free trader where humans and demons coexist, was established for this purpose.


As long as the human race is used to trading with the demon race, then one day, it will be possible for humans and demons to coexist.


Of course, the prerequisite for this is that the demons who like to kill humans disappear.


Therefore, Agares has no intention of dissuading the final holy war that the Demon Emperor wants to initiate.


And over the years, Yueye has collected more than 10,000 human beings in total through the rescue, purchase, and secret planning of the business group. These human beings have been hidden by Yueye in a place that only she knows.


Now, this place has become her life-saving money.


Long Haochen and Sheng Cai'er were extremely shocked when they knew that Yue Ye and the Moon Demon God Agares were actually working hard to integrate the demons into the human race.


However, the Bright Sacred Dragon affirmed Yueye's statement, in front of it, Yueye couldn't lie.


Originally, Guangming Shenglong also wanted to use the soul search method to directly search out the place to house the human race from the soul of Yueye, but Long Haochen and Sheng Caier refused.


If Yueye has never persecuted the human race, and has rescued many humans from the bottom of her heart, then she is not the enemy of the human race.


After all, the so-called bloodline guilt theory is just to better control the subordinates.


"I really can't understand. You are only ten years old, how did you become so strong. Is it possible that you are the reincarnation of the strongest?"


Yue Ye took a small sip of water to moisten her throat. In the past half day, she never regained her senses. She was forced to move all the time, and her body felt a little unwell for a long time.


For her sigh, neither Long Haochen nor Sheng Cai'er answered.


After all, if you tell others about the concern of the God of Creation, I am afraid that few people will really believe it.


Even in the Sanctuary Alliance, few high-level officials knew the real secret of Long Haochen and Sheng Cai'er's power.


Long Haochen stroked the holy dragon of light lying beside him, and he was relieved after learning that the King of Starlight Unicorns had only returned to the holy mountain of knights because of the completion of the contract.


After all, Xing Wang had been with him for more than half a year, and it was really hard to let go of this relationship.


Fortunately, the intimacy between the Bright Sacred Dragon and him is not bad. At least in terms of combat power, Long Haochen is dozens of times stronger than he was half a day ago.


Don't look at the fact that his spiritual power is just entering the ninth order, but with the skills he has mastered, plus the two great artifacts, plus the secret techniques mastered by A Bao, the ninth order peak demons are not necessarily him. opponent.


If he fights side by side with the Holy Dragon of Light, the Demon Emperor will be afraid of three points.


"After we rescue the humans from the demons, let's go to the battlefield of the holy war and completely eliminate the conflict between humans and demons."


To become the master of the world, the first thing to resolve is the conflict between humans and demons.


And if you want to resolve it, you have to either wipe out the demons, or kill the demon emperor, and then let the moon demon go to the top, divide the demons that are close to the human race and the demons that hate the human race, and deal with the latter.


No matter which option you choose, it will take some time.


And what Long Haochen and Sheng Cai'er lacked was time.


After all, it's not far from a year's appointment.


After repairing for a long time, Long Haochen was finally able to completely gather his strength.


He brought Sheng Cai'er to the back of the Bright Sacred Dragon, and Yue Ye was directly caught by the Bright Sacred Dragon.


Except for Long Haochen and Sheng Cai'er that it recognized, no one would think of it on its back.


Its dignity is even heavier than that of a star-studded unicorn.


Under the all-out efforts of the Holy Dragon of Light, they returned from the battlefield to the central province in just five minutes.


Yue Ye knew that Long Haochen and the others had attacked the logistical camp, and the wealth she had saved was wiped out, but she did not resent Long Haochen and Sheng Cai'er. After all, the two sides had different battle lines, so naturally it was impossible to show mercy.


Fortunately, the family in the Moon Demon Palace is still there, but Yue Ye didn't hurt too much.


Under the guidance of Moonlight, Long Haochen and Sheng Cai'er came to a small town less than a hundred miles south of the provincial capital of the Central Bank. This is the territory controlled by the Moon Demon Clan, where thousands of humans are working.


Although it seemed that they were enslaved by the demons to work, Long Haochen and Sheng Cai'er could feel peace and joy from the emotional fluctuations they radiated.


After all, they were basically rescued by Moonlight on the brink of death, so it's good to be alive.


Moreover, it is said that this is the territory of the Moon Demons. In fact, under the arrangement of the moonlight, the Moon Demons stationed here are just a security guard guarding the territory. These humans are also self-sufficient here, but There is no freedom to leave.


"Well, I said I didn't abuse them."


Looking at the human beings who live and work in peace and contentment below, Yue Ye heaved a sigh of relief.


When she was busy with the Moon Night Business Group, she hadn't been here for two years. Fortunately, nothing happened. Otherwise, she might not have been able to save her life.


Long Haochen nodded, Yue Ye was right, the Moon Demon Clan and the Moon Demon God were really working hard for humans and demons to coexist with each other.


It seems that he can choose the second way.

Without disturbing the humans below, Long Haochen and Sheng Cai'er returned to the central province with Yue Ye.


This time, Long Haochen directly let the Holy Dragon of Light unleash its full firepower, instantly defeating the defenses of the Demon Palace and the Star Demon Palace.


Under Yue Ye's plea, Leng You, who stayed in the Demon Palace, was not executed by Long Haochen and Sheng Cai'er. She was Long Haochen's aunt, and she had never persecuted human beings. Helping mankind with his father.


The Heaven-defying Demon Dragon clan was extremely rare, with the exception of Leng You, A Bao, and the Demon God Emperor, the number of races was not even the number of hands. Under Long Haochen's attack, the Demon Palace soon cried out everywhere.


In just half a day's work, the central city, the central provincial capital, has no demons who can resist humans.


After disposing of the race of the fourth demon **** Necromancer Samikina, Saint Cai'er also achieved his wish to break through the ninth order, and realized the most powerful killing move in the reincarnation suit.


Instant prison!


In an instant, launch eighty-one attacks on the enemy, ignoring any defenses, and can stack with boost skills.


Now, even if a ninth-order tortoise demon **** appeared in front of Sheng Cai'er, she was confident that she could kill him in one move.


"Except for my Moon Demon Palace and Leng You, all the families of the fourth Demon God Samikina and the fifth Demon God Malbas were killed by you, and now the Heart City has already existed in name only."


Standing on the top floor of the Demon Palace, watching the beacon fires all over the heart of the city, Yue Ye felt a sense of sadness in her heart, but she quickly suppressed it, and then comforted the panic-stricken Leng You.


Brother died in battle, and his clan was killed. Leng You can only rely on Yueye now. Even if Guangming Shenglong teased that Leng You was Long Haochen's aunt, Leng You would not dare to speak.


"Next, it's the frontline battlefield."


Long Haochen breathed a sigh of relief, he just cleaned the demons in the heart city, and did not collect the property of the demons. After all, this is the wealth that the demons have collected for thousands of years. I am afraid that it will take one or two to count. Month, he doesn't have the time.


After confirming that there were no demons who hated human beings in the central province, Long Haochen took Sheng Caier on a journey back to the Exorcism Pass.


On the other hand, Yue Ye was left in the central province by them to continue to be responsible for coordinating everything.


However, this time, what Yue Ye planned was not the resources to help the front-line demons fight, but the wealth left over after many demons were wiped out.


Since Long Haochen also wants to promote the coexistence of humans and demons, then in the declining situation, if the demons want to satisfy the human race, he may have to bleed a lot.


What Yueye wants is to collect this wave of blood so that the human race can speak.


At the speed of the Bright Sacred Dragon, even if it is thousands of miles away, it is only a matter of sprinkling water.


In just one day, Long Haochen and Sheng Cai'er completed the one-month journey that the King of Star Unicorns had to walk.


If it wasn't for the fact that they stopped in the middle to fight the demons, Long Haochen and the others might only need half a day to reach the exorcism pass.


As the most vanguard battlefield for mankind to resist the demons, Long Haochen heard the waves of the fierce battle in the distance before the exorcism was approaching.


And when he really arrived at the exorcism gate, he found out how much money humans have moved out of in order to cope with this final holy war.


Even teenagers and girls in their teens raised their swords, raised their staffs and joined the battle.


The exorcism gate is bright red, with the blood of the human race and the blood of the demon race!


"Say hello to the demons first."


Long Haochen's face was a little ugly. After all, under such a tragic loss, the human race would not easily want to reconcile with the demon race.


And he was also a little shaken by his own thoughts.


Sheng Cai'er took Long Haochen's hand, and she shook her head at Long Haochen.


The follow-up matters will be discussed by the Temple Alliance. The most important thing now is to end the war first.


As a result, Long Haochen descended from the sky riding a holy dragon of light, and then with an ordinary Sun Slash, he directly slashed the demon **** who was fighting with a ninth-order warrior who didn't look at each other into two halves.


This movement caught the attention of many people.


When the Holy Spirit Heart discovered Long Haochen, he had already raised his hand and issued an order to the Holy Dragon of Light.




The soaring dragon's might instantly overwhelmed the demons who were following one after another under the Exorcism Pass, and then a dazzling golden light fell directly on the demons' camp.


Along with the terrifying explosion shock wave, the huge demon camp was emptied out of an open space of dozens of hectares!


This kind of momentum directly attracted the attention of many demon gods in the demon camp.


At the Exorcism Pass, there are at least twelve demon gods gathered here. Even the Demon God Emperor Fengxiu is in the demon camp behind the Exorcism Pass.


The appearance of the Holy Dragon of Light caught the demons off guard, and the direct losses were as high as tens of thousands. You must know that the total number of demons in the Exorcism Pass is less than 300,000!


"Good boy!"


On the head of Exorcism Guan Cheng, the Holy Spirit Heart saw the Sacred Light Dragon who was killing all directions, and then noticed Long Haochen riding on the back of the Sacred Bright Dragon. He clenched his fists a little excitedly.


My son-in-law is awesome!


In the end, the holy war has been going on for a few days, and the human race and the demon race have suffered great losses, but according to the considerations of the Temple Alliance, if they have to fight until they run out of ammunition and food, the human race can hold on for at least half a year.


Although it sounds a bit But no one on the human side gave up, even a teenager, but the strength of the third and fourth orders dared to form a group to set foot on the city and face the demons. Elite.


These children don't understand where the high-level hopes of the alliance lie, but they know that if they don't resist the demons.


Then, their fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters, as well as neighbors, will become slaves or even food rations for the demons.


Seeing these children sacrifice on the battlefield, the Holy Spirit's heart is not to mention how distressed.


Now, Long Haochen is back.


With the eyes of the Holy Spirit, it is natural to see that Long Haochen has broken through the ninth order.


Although I don't know why he can improve so fast, at least the loss here in the Exorcism Pass will be smaller.


Turning his attention away from Long Haochen, the Holy Spirit anxiously searched for his daughter.


When he found Saint Cai'er, his eyes became even brighter.


I saw a petite figure shuttle back and forth at the back of the demon camp, and every time it travels, it will take away the life of a strong demon.


In the center of the battlefield where Saint Cai'er was located, a terrifying fire giant bear demon was lying miserably on the ground.


The sixth pillar of the demon god, the bear demon **** Hualifu!




