Starting From Supporting Qian Renxue To Plunder the Heavens

v4 Chapter 469: Liberated Dressrosa!

In the lounge in the corner of the arena, Rebecca looked so different among the crowd of gladiators.

The gladiators who come to the arena are basically muscular. She, a girl with a good figure and delicate face, appears here, so she naturally becomes everyone's "thorn in the side"!

As the saying goes, after three years in prison, the inmates are also pretty.

Although these gladiators were not imprisoned, they were also a group of guys whose brains were controlled by the people below.

Now, all the gladiators are thinking about how to bully Rebecca who looks weak and pitiful!

"Go, brothers, let's go and have a look!"

"This little girl with delicate skin and tender flesh looks like she was first-hand!"

"Hahaha, isn't this better? The girl thief who participated in the duel before was dragged to the corner of the warehouse before she got on the stage, and ended up with more than a dozen people, right?"

"Why don't you remember, that guy wanted to take revenge in the arena, but he was hacked to death by that idiot Kadong! I'm really mad!"

"Isn't it? If we hadn't been killed, we could still have fun for a few months!"

"This time, this little girl has the blood of the former princess. Don't mess it up. Even if you spend money outside, it's impossible to get started!"




Not only these obscene-speaking gladiators headed towards Rebecca, but also other gladiators in the waiting room surrounded her knowingly.

Rebecca suddenly felt bad, "What do you want to do!"

Rebecca, who came to participate in the duel for the first time, still didn't understand the terrible vortex she was about to fall into. She subconsciously pulled out her sword and looked at the people around her vigilantly.

"What are you doing? Of course, I want you, the former princess, to repay the debt left by your grandfather!"

"Yes, yes, former princess, do you have money? If you don't have money, the protective gear on your body can also pay off the debt!"

"Speaking of which, you seem to be more valuable, little princess, hahahaha!"


The laughter of the gladiators was no longer concealed, and Rebecca was extremely ashamed by the extremely dirty appearance, and she directly slashed at the strong man beside her with a sword.

However, when Rebecca launched an attack, a strong man on the other side made Rebecca lose her sword with a single knife, so that Rebecca became a defenseless girl!



In the corner of the arena, Nami looked at Rebecca who was surrounded by everyone. She was speechless and angry at the same time.

Originally, she dragged Doflamingo to conduct a public interrogation about King Liku in front of all Dressrosa people, but she suddenly thought that since it was a public interrogation, both parties must Someone needs to be there?

Doflamingo had already been captured by them, and the representatives of the Liku royal family naturally couldn't be left behind.

According to Hermione's perception and calculation, Zoro and Sanji went to invite King Riku and the toy soldiers, and Nami came to the arena to find Rebecca.

Originally, she wanted to see what the subjugated princess was like, but she didn't expect to see the scene where Rebecca was about to be bullied.

Listening to those swear words, Nami could only feel the anger constantly surging.

Like Shirahoshi and herself, Rebecca also had a tragic childhood. She should have grown up happily in the palace and was charged with the crimes of the former royal family. Even so, Rebecca chose to fight against Doflamingo. In order to be self-reliant and self-reliant to participate in the gladiatorial competition, this is enough for Namiko to take a look at her.

Now that Rebecca is about to be bullied, how could Nami watch it!

"Stop! Let go of that girl!"

When Nami roared, the gladiator men surrounding Rebecca turned their heads with question marks on their faces.

Who, it's fine if you don't join them at this time, but you still stop them, you really are not afraid of death.

When they saw that it was a girl who was better than Rebecca in terms of figure and appearance, the eyes of all the gladiators lit up!

"Huhaha, I didn't expect to be so lucky today. It's nothing more than a princess from the former court, but there is even a little girl sent to my door!"

A gladiator smiled and held the knife in his hand and wanted to walk towards Nami. His gaze kept on Nami's body, and the wretched appearance made people feel sick.

Just when he was about to walk towards Nami, the people beside him suddenly showed a look of fear. It was obvious that these gladiators who licked blood from their knife edges all day long recognized Nami's identity!


A terrifying thunderbolt descended from the sky in the room, directly splitting the outspoken gladiator into coke.

At the same time, some gladiators also called out the name that terrified them in despair.

"Ah! It's from the Straw Hat Pirates!"

"That little thief, Nami!"

"Thunder fruit ability user, why did they appear here!"

"Where is King Doflamingo! Isn't this arena opened by the Don Quixote family? Why do people from the Straw Hat Pirates appear here!"

The gladiators trembled, they couldn't imagine what they could do in the face of an enemy whose bounty was comparable to that of the emperor's lieutenant.

"Go to hell."

With a wave of Nami's hand, the endless thunder directly illuminated the entire room extremely brightly.

Rebecca in the corner looked at Nami who looked like a Valkyrie, her eyes were full of admiration, if she also had such powerful power, then she would definitely be able to resist Doflamingo!


Bai Nen's knee fell to the ground in an instant, and Rebecca knelt down to Nami, as if shouting with all her strength, "Please, teach me to become stronger!"

Looking at the girl kneeling on the ground in front of her, Nami seemed to recall herself who was extremely desperate under Aaron's rule, and she was immediately moved.

This was supposed to be a spoiled princess.

But now, in order to get revenge, he not only has to take the risk of participating in the vicious gladiator competition, but also kneels down to strangers without hesitation, just to become stronger.

"You want to become stronger?"

Nami's voice was very calm. Although her strength came from Hermione and she didn't have much to give to Rebecca, this did not prevent Nami from asking Rebecca or even making promises.

After all, just talk to Hermione and ask for a dragon power potion, and Rebecca can be reborn and stand on the upper level of the sea.

Rebecca raised her head and looked up at Nami standing in front of her, "Yes, I want to become stronger!!"

Nami chuckled, and bent down to help Rebecca up, "The purpose, why do you want to become stronger?"

Rebecca gritted her teeth, "I want revenge, I want to kill a bad guy who deceived everyone!"

Even though Doflamingo did something devoid of conscience, Rebecca still couldn't use any unpleasant words when referring to him, which made Nami feel very funny.

"Is it Doflamingo?"

Hearing this name, Rebecca's delicate body suddenly trembled. She didn't say the name because she didn't want to involve the person in front of her.

She didn't know if the girl in front of her had anything to do with Doflamingo. Although she heard other gladiators mention the Straw Hat Pirates, Rebecca, who had been honing her sword skills, really didn't know much about the outside world.

Rebecca, who originally planned to leave a way out, knew that there was no way out now. She took a deep breath, and then shouted out in a loud voice, "Yes, that's the man! He deceived the entire Dressrosa!"

"He killed innocent people in the capital, but he planted the crime on my grandfather's head. He made the little people his slaves, and he also made..."

Nami patted Rebecca's shoulder lightly, "Okay, that's fine, if you just want to make Doflamingo acquit you, then you don't need to become so strong."


Rebecca was confused by Nami's words, she didn't quite understand what Nami meant.

"Because Doflamingo has been arrested by us, and we are going to conduct a national public interrogation. Then, Rebecca, are you willing to attend as a representative of the Riku royal family and as a plaintiff?"

Hearing Nami's words, Rebecca was completely dumbfounded, but after she figured out the meaning of Nami's words, she hurriedly nodded in agreement.

"I do, I do!"

Tears of excitement fell from the corners of Rebecca's eyes. Although she had just met Nami, Rebecca trusted the girl in front of her very much.

In this way, Nami brought Rebecca to the side of the Straw Hat Pirates, and she also brought Violet who rushed to the arena along the way.

If it wasn't for Nami, maybe only Violet, who wanted to see her sister's first wrestling on a whim, could save Rebecca.

With the arrival of King Riku, toy soldiers, Violet and Rebecca, the plaintiff, the royal family of Riku, has all arrived.

As for the defendant, Doflamingo looked at the cadres of the Don Quixote family who were instantly defeated by the Straw Hat Pirates, and he was already desperate.

Originally, when Torrebol and others led the team, Doflamingo still had a glimmer of hope. He wanted to take advantage of the turmoil of the battle and escape.

As long as he is given a chance to escape, he has the ability to make a comeback.

But it's a pity that the cadres of the Don Quixote family couldn't even survive a move of domineering in front of Luffy.

With Luffy just slapping him, only a few cadres of Don Quixote were left among the thousands of enemies who attacked, and they were beaten up by Franky and Usopp. tied up.

After defeating the Don Quixote family, the crowd on both sides of the Tulip Avenue suddenly felt something was wrong. Their king and the Don Quixote family were all captured by pirates. Appeared, do you mean to let that cruel king come back on stage?

Many people wanted to resist, but they were dragged back by the elders in the family, who had already thought of a possibility.

After reaching the bottom of King's Heights, Hermione made a huge execution platform with a simple lift, and then Doflamingo and others were hoisted onto the execution platform.

Along with Doflamingo, there were also Don Quixote cadres headed by Torrebol, and beside them was a girl who looked very young.

If Hermione hadn't admitted it herself, no one would have thought that the girl who looked like a child was actually the creator of Dressrosa's current toy capital, the childlike fruit capable person, Granu Tang!

After hanging the Don Quixote family, Usopp, as a notary, began to explain the crimes of the Don Quixote family, including but not limited to deceiving the masses, pushing the murder charges to King Liku, slaves, and letting his men Turn all those who resist into toys...

After hearing that the toys guarding him were all his relatives, many people in Dressrosa broke their defenses.

Because they have already noticed that there should be someone around them, but they have no memory at all. They thought they were insane, but they didn't expect it to be Doflamingo!

After Usopp finished reading Doflamingo's crimes, Nami knocked out Granu with a thunderbolt.

As Granu lost consciousness, Dressrosa's toys also began to change, and the toy soldier standing beside Rebecca also turned into the image of a one-legged warrior.


Rebecca looked at the man in front of her. Her eyes were full of tears. The Mr. Toy Soldier who had been by her side to encourage her and teach her was actually her father.

And she actually completely forgot about her father!

Looking at Rebecca with tears in her eyes, Violet beside UU Reading couldn't help but turned her head and shed tears secretly. Sanji immediately handed over the handkerchief after seeing this scene.

"Now, the death penalty is imposed on Doflamingo and his party who have committed many crimes!"

Usopp roared, and dozens of giant knives appeared above the execution platform transformed by Hermione. As long as these blades fell, Dressrosa's sins would be settled.

"A la la la, although I really don't want to say that, please keep someone under the knife!"

Just as the blade was about to fall, a slab of ice instantly frozen the dozens of blades, and a man in a cloak stood out from the crowd helplessly. He was the governor who came to Dressrosa in advance Aokiji!

Ever since he knew that the Straw Hat Pirates were in Dressrosa, Aokiji knew that something was going to happen to Doflamingo.

But he didn't intend to take care of it, until the world government sent a teleportation fruit capable person to take him directly to Dressrosa, and he reluctantly followed the crowd to the venue to listen to Doflamingo's trial meeting .

Knowing that Doflamingo has committed many crimes, Aokiji also wants to kill Doflamingo, but unfortunately, he does not have the right.

Even, the death order given to Aokiji by the world government is to save Doflamingo at all costs.

Although I don't know what is worth saving about Doflamingo, but Aokiji still can't defy the will of the world government.

So, even if he refused, he still made a move.

