Starting From Supporting Qian Renxue To Plunder the Heavens

v4 Chapter 653: strength

Except for Tony's white beard and Aizen's group, most of the members in the group are between fifteen and thirty years old. After taking the fruit of the spirit tree or even the flat peach, everyone's lifespan can reach the level of ten thousand years.

Moreover, as the strength increases, the life level will also increase, and the life span will also increase with the continuous improvement of the life level. The immortality of the Dog Talisman is really useless.

In the same way, there is the healing power of the Horse Talisman. This ability is not as good as a fairy bean. At most, the Horse Talisman is more useful when facing negative curses and viruses.

Come be my son: "Gula la la~ Kyosuke, are you showing off your youth?"

As an older member of the group, Whitebeard doesn't think he is old. Not to mention that he has regained his youthful body now, but Aizen, Zero and the others are not much older than him.

One is hundreds of years old, the other is tens of thousands of years old!

Dagu: "In terms of age, it is no longer a problem for the members in the group, right?"

As a giant of light, Dagu has no sense of his own lifespan. As long as there is still light, he will not die.

At the same time, he also used the plasma sparks from the Kingdom of Light to transform Lina into light, so that the two of them could live together forever.

And the children they give birth to are naturally also lights. Lifespan is something that ordinary people with money only cherish.

Come be my son: "Among the twelve talismans, the one I admire most is the Ox Talisman!"

As a person with the power of the Shock Fruit, Whitebeard naturally likes big fights, so the Ox Talisman, which symbolizes unlimited power, is the Talisman that Whitebeard admires the most. In his eyes, other Talismans are more or less gaudy. Feel.

kg: "I'm curious, can the power of the Ox Talisman reach the level of Saitama-sensei?"

Both have infinite power, and the description of the infinite growth of Niu Fushu and Saitama is almost exactly the same, except that one is pure power growth, and the other is all growth.

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "That must be impossible, right? Saitama's speed is impossible for a user of the Ox Talisman to keep up with."

Miyano Shiho: "Speaking of speed, Wang Ye Daochang, isn't there a saying in the East that the world's martial arts can only be broken if it is fast? What you want most is probably the Rabbit Talisman. Moreover, I feel that the power of the Sheep Talisman seems to be Just a jack-of-all-trades that doesn’t require talent.”

It gives the user the power of extreme speed, and can even achieve the effect of teleportation. The most terrifying thing is that after the rabbit charm is strengthened, it can even travel through time and space, exceeding the speed of light!

You know, even Kizaru in the One Piece world is known as the fastest esper, the power of the Shining Fruit is not enough to allow him to move at the speed of light!

Let’s not talk about physical endurance, let’s talk about reaction ability. You have no idea what you will bump into while moving!

The Rabbit Talisman seems to have no such restriction. People who hold the Rabbit Talisman can even easily avoid or make sharp turns!

Wang Ye: "The Rabbit Talisman is indeed very powerful, but my Golden Tumulus and Turtle Fly Body are not much different, so I don't want it. As for the Sheep Talisman, both hands have a little more ability than the Sheep Talisman. After all, It protects both life and life. The Sheep Talisman only targets the soul, not the body. It is rather like a combination of Quan Zhen Chu Yang Shen and Lu Jiaming Soul Technique."

[Administrator] Song Shuhang: "It seems that none of you are discussing the tiger talisman, pig talisman and dragon talisman?"

Song Shuhang, who was boringly heading to the original world with Senior Bai, came out to have fun. He felt that the explosion of the Dragon Talisman and the laser of the Pig Talisman looked very cool.

Black Rabbit: "The power of the Pig Talisman and the Dragon Talisman can be easily produced by many people, right? I feel that these two talismans are completely different from the other ten talismans."

[Administrator] Lu Xiaoqian: "That's because you think too little. Explosion, what is explosion? Does planet explosion count, does universe explosion count? It depends on who is using it."

[Administrator] Lu Xiaoqian: "If Whitebeard holds the Dragon Talisman, even if he doesn't join the dimensional chat group, I'm sure that with one strike of his sword and the Shock Fruit, he can directly crush Marin Fanduo completely. On the contrary, if he doesn't join the dimensional chat group, Kyosuke in the chat group has obtained the Dragon Talisman, and at most he can only create artillery shells and missile explosions. Not to mention destroying the island, even a single street may not be destroyed."

The power of a spell is unlimited, but the number of people who can use it is limited.

[Administrator] Song Shuhang: "I took a look. The biggest advantage of the talisman is that it will not harm the user. It will not cause the user to pay a high price because of its excessive power."

In One Piece, you can only eat one Devil Fruit because you are afraid of water and seastones.

It is extremely difficult to improve superpowers in Academy City.

The gifts in the world of Hakoba even require you to participate in the trial of the gods. If you are not careful, you may be targeted by the demon king who destroys the world!

No ability can be controlled without paying a price, but this is not the case with talismans. The talisman can exert as much power as you can withstand. This is something that everyone is excited about.

Aizen Sosuke: "More than what you discussed, I want to know more. The power of the Tiger Talisman is to reconcile yin and yang, but it can also split the personality. Isn't this almost useless?"

There should be no one who would want to have another self with a different personality.

Azusagawa Sakuta: “My idea is that its power may not just be the reconciliation of yin and yang, but the unconditional merging of energy without side effects.

Just like the Devil Fruit, everyone in the world knows not to eat the second one. If senior Lu Xiaoqian had not erased the side effects of the Devil Fruit, the second fruit would explode if eaten rashly.

But if there is a tiger charm, the power of the devil fruit should be able to be reconciled, and people will not explode to death.

Regardless, Devil Fruit does not exist in Tama's world, so she probably didn't notice it.

I do think that the Holy Master might have thought of using the Tiger Talisman to harmonize the demonic energy of other demons and become the truly strongest demon, but he just lost his mind and forgot about it during the endless years of sealing. "

Sakuta expressed his opinion. The power of the tiger charm is indeed a bit confusing, and its performance in the memory copy is indeed as unsatisfactory as that of pigs and dragons.

Accelerator: "If we describe it in terms of devil fruits, is the Rat Talisman an activation fruit or an art fruit? Or maybe it's a soul fruit."

Yusaki Hoshizora: "That Ox Talisman is the enhanced version of the Momo Fruit, right?"

Azusagawa Sakuta: "The Tiger Talisman... I really can't find a corresponding one."

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "Why did you suddenly find this? The Rabbit Talisman is obviously the Sparkling Fruit... Oh, no, if there is a Speed ​​Fruit, it should be the Speed ​​Fruit, right?"

[Administrator] Lu Xiaoqian: "Superman's top devil fruit, the Speed ​​Fruit, can control all speeds, whether it is itself or externally. It can be said to be Kizaru's natural nemesis, but this Devil Fruit is silent in the depths of the sea. It has not appeared for hundreds of years. The Dragon Talisman should correspond to the Explosive Fruit, but it is more powerful."

Come be my son: "Gu la la la~ There really is a speed fruit. The snake charm must be the invisibility fruit. Speaking of which, it is a pity that this powerful fruit was eaten by a weakling. Horse Talisman The corresponding one should be the healing fruit of the little humans.”

Takaba Kyosuke: "I can't find a counterpart to the Sheep Talisman, but the Underworld Fruit has the out-of-body properties of the Sheep Talisman, but I don't know whether it was developed by the skeleton itself or comes with the fruit. Healing Monkey Talisman..." If this spell falls in the world of One Piece, will it create a lot of people with phantom beast abilities?"

Takaba Kyosuke: "After all, being given a transformation doesn't mean it must be an ordinary beast."

kg: "Kyosuke, you have great ideas! It's a pity that most of the members in the group can no longer use the charms!"

kg sighed. If he had just joined the chat group, he would definitely want to get a talisman. This random talisman would definitely be the level of a dragon-level monster!

But now, after practicing Saitama's training method, he can blow up the earth at will. There is no opponent for him in the known civilization, and there is not much use in asking for talismans.

Big Big Wolf: "The chicken talisman is just the fluttering fruit, and the dog really it. Why is the zodiac sign dog instead of wolf? I, the Great Big Wolf, are not convinced!"

The dog charm has no counterpart in the world of One Piece. After all, refusing to die is shocking in the world of One Piece.

Otherwise, the fruit of the surgery would not have been sold for 5 billion Baileys just because of an immortal surgery with no idea whether it would be successful or not!

[Administrator] Lu Xiaoqian: "The last pig talisman is the laser fruit. Although it does not appear in the memory copy, there is indeed such a fruit in the collection of the World Government. It is powerful, but extremely single."

Watching the discussion among the people in the group, Xiaoyu's legs shook faster and faster, and her heart was filled with excitement.

Xiaoyu: "Are Devil Fruits really that powerful?"

Xiaoyu hasn't read the memory copy of One Piece yet, but she can feel the admiration for Devil Fruits from everyone in the group. Compared to spells, Devil Fruits seem to be more fun?

[Administrator] Lu Xiaoqian: "@小玉, for devil fruits, you can ask the identification system of the dimensional chat group, or go to the memory copy One Piece to learn about it. If you can collect all twelve talismans, you can use the talismans to come to me at will." Change it to a Devil Fruit, of course, you can also pay for the Devil Fruit in advance."

Lu Xiaoqian's words caused quite a stir in the group. After all, apart from Ao Bing, Nezha and Chu Zihang, Lu Xiaoqian had not given away Devil Fruit to anyone for a long time.

After all, this kind of power that can be obtained by just eating it can easily make people lose their mind.

But Xiaoyu is different. This girl loves taking risks. If she doesn't have the strength to protect herself, she will easily encounter danger.

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "Lu Xiaoqian, are you going to study the talismans? No new members will join in the future, so I will give you a gift pack of twelve talismans for beginners at the beginning~"

[Administrator] Song Shuhang: "If this is the case, the Holy Lord will probably be angry to death~"

On the street, Xiaoyu walked aimlessly, holding the ice cream bought from the roadside stall and licking it slowly.

"Hmm~ Which devil fruit is the best?"

Xiaoyu sat by the flower bed, watching the pedestrians coming and going, and fell into deep thought.

Before, when the members in the group were still discussing which of the twelve talismans was the strangest and most powerful, Xiaoyu had already started to study various memory copy dramas.

The first thing she watched was naturally the "One Piece" that Lu Xiaoqian had mentioned.

The magnificent plot coupled with the strange devil fruit abilities made Xiaoyu dizzy.

"Burn the fruit? No, no, no. The temperature developed by Ace in the memory copy is simply not high enough. It is nothing compared to the Holy Lord's fire demonic energy."

Xiaoyu took a sip of the ice cream and felt very good for a moment, then an idea came to her mind.

Otherwise, choose frozen fruit?

Judging from the scene where the general Aokiji uses it, the power of the frozen fruit is more powerful than the twelve talismans!

"No, no, no! Such a powerful devil fruit requires physical strength. If I eat it, I'm afraid it will only freeze and make people fall over."

Xiaoyu looked at her body. Although her flexibility and natural sense of movement allowed her to play with some adults who neglected to exercise, after all, she was just a child, and she couldn't use her abilities after taking those powerful Devil Fruits.

Looking at the sky, Xiaoyu suddenly thought that it would be great if there was a Devil Fruit that could become stronger by absorbing sunlight.

Sparkling fruit?

It seems that I don’t have this ability~

After meditating hard for a long time, Xiaoyu decided to go to the group to ask. Of course, she would definitely not want the animal devil fruit.

If you are a good human being, there is absolutely no need to turn into an animal.

Xiaoyu: "@[Administrator] Lu Xiaoqian, senior, I read a copy of One Piece Memory. Although I have the Devil Fruit I want, activating the Devil Fruit requires a lot of physical strength and energy. I won't be able to use it after eating it." Ability, right?"

Xiaoyu's question attracted everyone's attention. They stopped discussing whether the Tiger Talisman Spell could allow an ordinary soul master to achieve a hundred thousand year soul ring operation, and began to answer Xiaoyu's question seriously.

[Administrator] Lu Xiaoqian: "Don't worry ~ ~ The Devil Fruit I sent out has all the inferior factors removed. If you look at it from another direction, it is a fruit-style talisman."

[Administrator] Lu Xiaoqian: "And if you are worried about using it, I can give you a few spirit tree fruits by the way. After you eat them, you will basically have no problem. And in the future, you can also use points to strengthen your various abilities. .”

For Xiaoyu, Lu Xiaoqian decided to give more things.

After all, Xiaoyu's world is quite strange. There are not only demons, but also various magicians, and even bug-level time treasures such as the History of Time. If Xiaoyu is not strong enough, danger will arise if you are not careful. of.

Azusagawa Sakuta: "@小玉, one spirit tree fruit can give you a strong body. If you practice the qi in the Dragon Ball world, one can give you the qi to destroy planets. Of course, after you practice hard Only then can we do it.”



(End of chapter)