Starting My Cultivation With Immortality

Chapter 36: Fishing old man in the sea of ​​clou

"Unfortunately, the speed is too slow."

Yunsu dissipated the clouds and mist, and landed on the roof, laying on the pillow with both hands, looking at the bright moon in the sky, pondering for a moment, and after a little deduction, he discovered the problem here.

Not only are these ordinary clouds and mists terrifyingly slow to fly, but they also show signs of dissipating shortly after the flight, and they need mana to maintain them.

This is absolutely impossible. Who has ever seen a horse on the road, with a piece of grass in front of the whip for the horse to run while eating, and riding a bicycle on the road, while walking and cheering.

In such a way of flying through the clouds and driving the fog, the idea is incomprehensible, and it is absolutely impossible.

However, the idea of ​​​​rising to the clouds and driving the fog is completely feasible, especially for a cultivator like Yunsu, who can run away when he is in a hurry.

For ordinary cultivators, the speed just now is definitely fast enough. As long as there is mana to maintain, this cloud and mist can fly for at least a thousand miles without any problem.

But Yunsu didn't want to let it go.

The legendary Chaos gods don't know whether they have achieved the dream of immortality and never exhaustion, but even so, whoever goes out does not pay attention to pomp.

Living for a long time is not cruel, to live a different, unique style is called beauty.

The appearance of the cloud and the fog seems to be attracting a cloud in the sky, or it can fly when it gathers a cloud of fog. In fact, the cloud in it is playing a role.

Just as the aura is not air, this cloud is not the water vapor that exists widely in clouds and mists, but is more like a kind of essence nurtured by Feng Shui, which ordinary practitioners cannot find.

Looking at the sky intently, I saw that in the countless clouds the size of mountains and mountains, there was such a tiny trace of cloud gas, which condensed the clouds like mountains and seas, and flew lightly at high altitude. When did the cloud gas dissipate, slip away, cloud The group flew slower and slower, became heavier and heavier, and finally fell into rain and snow.

A cultivator in the spiritual realm is like a mountain in heavy times, like a feather in light times, communicates with the five elements of heaven and earth, and with the help of clouds, it is possible to ride the clouds and ride the fog.

"It seems that we need to find a special cloud."

Yunsu looked up at the night sky and saw the sky above the sea of ​​clouds. There were countless cloud qi swimming around. They were not spirits, but possessed a natural spirituality.

Just like the sea of ​​stars, countless fish wandering in it, very interesting.

At such a height, the ordinary cloud and mist just now could no longer take off, so he could only rely on the Heaven Slaying Sword.

As soon as Yunsu thought about it, the Heaven Slaying Sword appeared on his back. He didn't need to step on his hands to support it. His mana moved slightly. In a flash, he flew into the clouds, getting higher and higher.

The speed is so fast that it can be several miles in an instant, but the comfort of flying is a little worse.

The whole person gradually rose, and saw that countless clouds converged into a vast sea of ​​clouds, wider, more shocking, and more beautiful than the sea.

Under the stars and moon, the sea of ​​clouds is like a fairyland, which is very beautiful, and the starry sky is much clearer than when looking up on the ground.

The sea of ​​​​clouds is already extremely high. Yunsu gradually fills up with speed and slowly rises. The temperature around him is dropping sharply, but it cannot affect the realm of spirit transformation.

The more you fly upwards, the fewer clouds full of spirituality, but the spirituality becomes stronger and stronger. If the clouds and mists in the low altitude are as thin as hair, the more they go upwards, the more obvious they are.

However, in Yunsu's eyes, it was hard to hide. The last time I saw the separation of the two qi and the turbid with my own eyes, it was repeatedly deduced. Even if the five elements of the world, the yin and yang, and the six qi are fleeting, they can still be seen clearly.

"Hey, he's quite slippery."

In the process of Yu Jian's ascent, Yun Su also repeatedly encountered wisps of cloud energy that flashed by her side. She reached out to grab it, but it was slippery and difficult to grasp. Like a fish, it slipped away in an instant. Instant, very weird.

This cloud qi is indeed not an ordinary cloud and mist component. It should be much purer. To describe it more accurately, it should be the spiritual cloud qi.

After repeated trials and failures, Yunsu had no choice but to continue flying upwards.

In this way, he slowly ascended for dozens of miles, and then he looked down, his spiritual consciousness was released, his magic eyes opened, and all he saw was the vast sea of ​​clouds. Occasionally, I can see a trace of mountains and rivers through the gaps in the sea of ​​clouds, which is also extremely blurry.

At a height of a hundred miles, you can't actually see a curve like the earth. This world is really different from the earth.

Going a little further up, a gust of wind started to blow, but Yunsu didn't feel the slightest discomfort, knowing that the Heaven Slaying Sword was protecting him.

He stretched out a finger slightly, and the Goulian Divine Sword opened a gap, and in an instant, a gust of wind swept in. Rao was surrounded by mana on his finger, and there was still a pain.

It seems that this is the Gangfeng layer, and it is also a restricted area for cultivators.

Looking down at such a height, the first thing you see is the boundless sea of ​​clouds. There are countless spiritual clouds swimming in it, but the mountains, rivers, rivers and swamps under the sea of ​​​​clouds are hard to see.

Yunsu had already achieved his goal, so he didn't go up any further. The imperial envoy flew with the Heaven Slaying Sword, at least ten times faster than Tengyun and driving the fog. He went straight back to the courtyard, feeling that his mind was clear and his mind was very peaceful.

"There is a way!"

Yunsu recalled all the things he had just seen, and came up with a solution. He went to the warehouse to get the fishing rod and cotton line that he bought a few days ago. He had not used it yet. He also brought a pot of Yuquan Brew. , went straight to the Gangfeng layer just now.

After a while, they arrived at the place, where the sea of ​​clouds and the wind layer meet.

Yunsu first attracted a large cloud of mist, cast a spell to confine and solidify, and made a Diaoyutai, and then sat down comfortably.

Thinking that the spirit of the cloud is very slippery and afraid of mana, he made a knot on the fishing rod with cotton thread and tied the hook.

"Water is coming!"

Yunsu stretched out his hand and grabbed it, arousing the five elements of water between heaven and earth, forming a ball of rootless water the size of a thumb as a bait. After thinking about it, he attracted another group of spiritual energy.

After hanging the bait on the hook, he gently raised his hand and threw out the cotton thread, slowly falling down with the bait.

At this time, the galaxy is gorgeous, the sky is like a mountain ink painting, the sea of ​​clouds is gurgling, the mountains, rivers and the earth are looming. Although the fish has not been caught yet, Yunsu feels very comfortable.

For a time, I was filled with pride, and I felt like the sun, moon, and stars were in my hands.

"When the gate of heaven opens and closes, the nine-day sword comes only for the mountains and rivers; the sun and the moon shine together, and the sea of ​​clouds is willing to play against the stars."

The fish hadn't taken the bait yet, so Yunsu rarely had time to spare. He raised his head and took a sip of wine.

After fishing like this for half an hour, the cloudy energy was often attracted by the rootless water mixed with spiritual energy, but he just gargled the bait with his mouth and didn't eat it at all.

Fishing and fishing, I just lie there halfway, raise the cloud on my head a little higher, and invite the moon to share a drink while enjoying the undiscovered beauty.

Compared with the low-altitude clouds, although there are only a few clouds under the wind, each of them is not simple. It already has a strong enough spirituality, and there is no enlightenment, but it is not much different from a fish when it swims. , like a cloud of fish.

Time gradually passed, and another half an hour, during which there were three good chances, the cloud fish swallowed the bait, but was extremely cunning and broke off the hook.

"I still don't speak much, so I'll give you some more information."

Yunsu watched the sky gradually light up in the distance. After the sun came out, these cloud qi were about to hide, so he lifted the pole and recruited a ball of rootless water, which attracted spiritual qi to pour in, and finally mentioned Yuquan Brewing. I poured some wine on it, and suddenly there was a smell of wine.

Throwing the The bait fell into the sea of ​​clouds.


For a time, the sea of ​​​​clouds was like a frying pan. Countless clouds rushed towards them, grabbing the bait for food in a few strokes. The fish didn't catch, but they tasted them.


The old trick was repeated, this time Yunsu pulled the fishing rod and pulled the bait away from the mouths of countless cloud fish, so as not to be eaten again.

At this moment, with a swoosh, I saw the first rays of light lit up in the sky, and the purple energy rose for a while, and all things awakened. I saw a stream of light flying out of the sky at an extremely fast speed, and even Yunsu did not fully see it. Its trajectory, it feels like the fishing rod is sinking.

Medium and large goods!

In the middle of the fish, the rod is raised, the fish is stabbed, and the line is raised to close the rod.


The more Yunsu lifted the pole and reeled in, the more extraordinary he found.

I don't know what's hanging on the hook. The glow is so bright that people don't dare to look directly at it. Be careful to use force, and slowly rewind the line, but the 'fish' in the glow didn't come off the hook.

What is this?

Yunsu held the end of the fishing line and looked at the guy who was holding on to the bait. His shape was changing, and he was still blooming with a strong glow, exactly the same color as the first ray of glow in the sky just now.

It's completely different from ordinary cloud energy, it's more like a cloud of cloud energy.

Seeing that the fish was about to jump, Yunsu was in a hurry, and he didn't dare to grab it with his hands. Instead, he held it with force. In a hurry, he opened the cork of the wine bottle, and Yunxia's essence swooped into the wine bottle. There was a sound of gurgling drinking, the rays of light bloomed, and even the wine bottle was dyed red.

"Honey, what kind of monster did you catch this time?"

Yunsu was stunned for a while, and he couldn't help this inexplicable drunken madman, so he closed the pole and left. He had a hunch in his heart that he made a mistake this time, and he was afraid that he would gain a lot.