Starting My Cultivation With Immortality

Chapter 6: Refining God

Yuyang County, west of the city.

At the time of Xu, the Temple of the City God was deserted and no one was there, only the snoring of the temple congratulations sounded.

In the City God's Yamen, the statue of the City God sitting high on the head, and the clay statues of civil and military judges and three chief officials on both sides below, all rose up with a spiritual light.

Six officials dressed in brocade robes came down to the ground. They were quite majestic, but their appearance was the same as that of the god.

The first person is dressed in a cyan official uniform with a round neck and large sleeves, a leather belt at the waist, a head, and a pair of black boots with soaphorns. .

Stepping out, standing in front of the temple and looking at Yaoshan Mountain in the distance, I saw a sea of ​​spirits rolling for dozens of miles in mid-air, like a river pouring down and pouring down, with an extremely astonishing momentum.

"What do you think about this vision of heaven and earth?"

The headed person asked in a loud voice, frowning slightly.

A few people exchanged a few words in a low voice, and an officer in gray said:

"My lord, this vision of heaven and earth is too amazing. I have never heard of it, and I have never seen it before, but it is peaceful and peaceful, and it does not look like an evil spirit."

"Yaoshan is also in the territory of Yuyang. I have to go and see it. Go and ask the land master."

Wu Ding led the order to escape into the ground. After a while, the air in front of the City God Temple surged, and a puff of blue smoke appeared. Wu Ding and an old man with a cane appeared.

"Zhao Chenghuang is polite, so I know what happened above that Yaoshan Mountain."

"Jiang Tudi Gong is polite. I was just woken up and I don't know the situation, but Lao Jiang Tudi Gong came with me."

"Go with yourself."

Zhao Chenghuang, the leader, waved his robe sleeves, activating the divine power of incense fire, and he had already appeared above Yaoshan with everyone in the next moment. He was still two or three miles away from the place where the Linghe River poured down. down.

Even if they were two or three miles away, the group of people no longer dared to go forward. They only felt that the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth was like a flood of beasts, and the momentum was terrifying.

"Xu Juing, where is this place?"

"Huicheng God, Lord Tudi, this place is where the Xuanmu Sect is located. The head of the sect, Wang Mu, has outstanding martial arts skills, is loyal and kind, and is a man of good deeds. He hates evil and hates evil. The messenger was brought into the local yin division, but he refused to stay as a messenger, and has already left the county’s gate of **** and disappeared.”

A judge with a yin book and a spirit pen in his hand responded immediately.

"Oh? It's a pity."

Zhao Chenghuang pondered for a while, and said, "This old man has only been a Yuyang City God for a hundred years, but Duke Jiang Tudi has been in charge of the land **** for nearly two hundred years. I don't know what he thinks of the vision in front of him."

"Zhao Chenghuang, seeing this Spirit River pouring backwards, the sky and the earth change color, could it be that there are immortals in the Mysterious Wood Sect who are cultivating?"

Jiang Tudi looked at Zhao Chenghuang with a solemn expression.


This word is too far away for those present, even Zhao Chenghuang has never seen it.

"Has Lord Earth ever seen an immortal and cultivate like this?"

That Jiang Tudi just shook his head and said, "I'm equivalent to a county in the county, and there is no paradise in the territory. Where can I see those immortals, even the people in the immortal sect are rare. It's just speculation."

Everyone saw that the Linghe River was still pouring down that day, and it was extremely fierce. It was obviously aura, but it slammed into the momentum of the big river.

The momentum was huge, but it did not damage the geomantic atmosphere of Yaoshan, nor did it damage the buildings of the Xuanmu School. Even the sound of reading a book could be vaguely heard, and smoke from the roof of the house was rising, so we discussed it and simply did not move. Not too close, just waiting.

Although most of the city gods and the land are virtuous people, the foundation of their practice is also the incense of the people in one place, and the sacrifices of thousands of families. But he's not a fool. If the vision in front of him is a good thing, it's fine. If it's a bad thing, rushing up would be a death sentence.

In such a situation, there is no demonic spirit, so everyone feels a little more at ease.

Now that you are farther away, there is really something unusual. The City God uses the magic of incense and fire, and the land communicates with the mountains and rivers, so he can escape quickly.

Just three hours have passed, it is already the early morning, and it will be dawn in another hour.


Yunsu slowly opened his eyes, unable to hold back the breath in his mouth, and spewed out, only to see light in the dark room, like daytime.

Just now, when the Linghe River was poured back, the Dantian became a sea. It was very smooth at the beginning. With the help of the Xuantong Sutra, Yunsu had already finished refining the pure qi in his body, and then he introduced the qi into the body, refining it into a liquid, and entering the sea of ​​dantian.

There was more and more water in the sea of ​​Dantian, and when it was about to fill up, a huge whale swallowing force came from my mind. At that moment, the sea of ​​Dantian, which Yunsu could communicate with a little bit, lost control in an instant, swish. In a flash, it rushed into my mind and entered the mysterious place where the longevity cloud platform is located.

The mysterious space that was originally empty and vast suddenly became a vast ocean, and UU reading then continued to absorb more majestic spiritual energy into the body.

The Linghe River in the sky poured backwards, and nothing was wasted on the ground. All of it entered Yunsu's body, and after a little twist, he was sucked into the longevity space and turned into the water of the Spiritual Sea.

This time, the speed of absorption and the amount of spiritual energy far exceeded the scale of the dantian spirit sea just now.

For a long time, when Yunsu's consciousness sank into the sea of ​​​​spirits unintentionally, she felt a strange itch coming, and she wanted to reach out and scratch it, only to realize that it was in her mind.

The next moment, with a puff, the group of consciousness that entered the spirit sea suddenly transformed into a human shape, shot out of the spirit sea, and landed on the longevity cloud platform.

The Ling River poured backwards, and the dantian became a sea. In a flash, it was sucked into the sea of ​​consciousness, becoming a vast ocean under the cloud platform of longevity, and a mysterious villain was transformed.

Yunsu focused slightly, and his consciousness merged into the villain. Compared with the previous time when his consciousness turned into an illusory villain and sat on the cloud platform, this time the feeling was more real. It felt like a real person sitting on it with his eyes closed.

This sea of ​​consciousness is ten percent, and the mysterious villain is sitting on the cloud platform. Yunsu feels the unprecedented majestic power. Tongxuanjing says that the dantian is the place to store mana. At this time, it is empty. Rippled, there is a feeling of boundless mana in every gesture,


Yunsu let out a sigh of relief, and saw light in the dark room. This energy rushed to the front gable of the house in front of him. The area of ​​several feet on the wall instantly seemed to be annihilated. The night breeze came, and more blue bricks turned into sand. Powder, an entire wall is almost gone.

At this point, almost only one room in the main hall of the bankrupt Xuanmu Sect remained intact.

Yun Su remembered the last sentence of Tong Xuan chapter.

"Refining Qi and transforming into a **** is the realm of immortals."