Starting with Hundred of Millions of Guardian Spirits

Chapter 128: The confrontation between the myth and t

"Gosh?! Then, what is that?!"

"Oh bought it?! The secret weapon of the Dragon Kingdom?!"

"Stop! Stop! All fleets immediately stop advancing!"

The sphere appeared too suddenly, it was like a UFO in a science fiction movie, and everything was nothing like what human science can create at this stage.

However, if you take a closer look, the soldiers on the foreign fleet that is gradually surrounding them are all stunned.

What a beautiful sight...

The huge azure sphere is like a bubble that is as large as a mountain.

Under the sun, it reflects beautiful colorful colors, a bizarre scene, like a bubble blown by a child, with the most beautiful color waves in the world flowing on it.

"This, what is this?"

The sudden scene was transmitted by the front line to the aircraft carrier behind. In the meeting room, Pearson watched the weird scene on the projection screen, full of doubts.

However, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

At this moment, perhaps it was derived from a wealth of combat experience. Intuition, Pearson's heart suddenly hung high.

Something is wrong! I'm afraid things have changed!


The next moment, he planned to order.

However, the voice had just been exported, and the scene in the picture changed again.

"Shangxian, did Xiaolong go?"

"Go ahead."

After getting Xia Yan's consent, Monkey King released the pinched Ao Guang.

Ao Guang flew out quickly, but he didn't plan to escape, not to mention that his son Ao Bing was still in the hands of others, and Ao Guang knew exactly how terrifying Xia Yan's state was now.

He is about to become an immortal. If you cheat Xia Yan and put eye drops on him at this time, then the consequences will not be able to bear Ao Guang.

Once Xia Yan becomes an immortal, he can easily find the location of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, and the Dragon Palace will eventually be inevitable.

It's still good now, at least Ao Guang discovered that Xia Yan didn't kill him, it seemed that he didn't want to kill him seriously.

This is an extremely important discovery. Maybe if you do things well, you can form a good bond with this human race afterwards.

In this era, his Dragon Palace can be regarded as a great god.

Having lived for thousands of years, the shrewd old Dragon King figured out the stakes in an instant. Therefore, he worked extremely hard.

After flying out, the real dragon body was immediately revealed.

The body of the green dragon, which was originally like a little loach, rose in the wind, and in the blink of an eye it became a huge green dragon of hundreds of meters.

Long Teng nine days, dancing in the sky, hovering in front of the rising crystal palace, a sound of dragon chants resounding through the sky stirred the clouds.

"This, what is this?!"


"Fak squid! This is the dragon in the myth and legend of the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Oh, Sunte!"

The eastern dragon is different from the western dragon. The western dragon is like the big lizard with wings, while the eastern dragon is like a snake.

In today's era, with the circulation and spread of world culture, anyone who has read a few books and studied for a few years is very clear about the image of Dongfanglong.

Just why did the magical creatures of the East appear at this moment? !

The ominous premonition in Pearson's heart grew stronger.

At this moment, he no longer had an absolute chance of winning, and suddenly said loudly: "Launch a nuclear bomb! All ten are shot out, target Xia Yan, target this dragon, and the weird sphere behind it!"

"General...Didn't the President say that the nuclear bomb is not a last resort, don't use..."

"Nonsense, now is the last resort!"

Pearson said urgently.

The ominous premonition in his heart almost turned into substance, making his heart beat like a torrential drum. This is definitely not a good phenomenon. The veteran general who has commanded the army for decades is in his mind at this moment. Hard to Ning.

However, at the moment his voice fell.

The dragon was talking.

"Kill, kill all these barbarians."

As Ao Guang's voice uttered, the bubble-like cover of the huge sphere behind it suddenly disappeared.

A huge palace group with mountains was revealed inside.

There are cornices and cliffs, pavilions and buildings like a dragon hovering on a mountain peak.

The colorful corals, the scallops that can be seen everywhere, and the huge night pearls dotted on the entire mountain, exude a brilliant brilliance.

The Panshan palaces, like a dream and fantasy, seem incompatible with the present era.

People were completely dumbfounded.

At the same time, screams of death resounded in the palace group.

Dense monsters rushed out from it, and the crabs and red-shelled prawns in armor, armed with spears, and steel forks poured into the sea like a flood.

At the same time, the originally calm sea suddenly exploded huge waves everywhere.

Like that giant, hundreds of meters of octopus drilled out of the water, tentacles danced frantically, **** in the blink of an eye, crushing a destroyer.

There was also a giant with a blue body and seaweed all over his skin, jumping out and slamming into the huge fleet.

With a slap in the hand, he could slap a destroyer soaring, shattered, and exploded in the air like a firework.

"Sea monster! There are sea monsters!"


"God, God! Save me!"

"Devil! They are the devil!"

On the originally calm sea, explosions sounded everywhere, black smoke filled the sky, bright light dazzling.

In just a few breaths, with the exception of the three warships of the Dragon Kingdom at the center, all the fleets approaching them suffered.

People are dumbfounded.

The soldiers of the Long Kingdom stopped their movements, as if they were a clay sculpture.

what's going on? ?

Why, why would the monsters in the ocean help us?

"Snap, snap!"

"Oh Mika, this scene will definitely go down in the annals of history!" From Time Magazine, the beautiful reporter Miss Sophie excitedly took the camera and patted.

As she walked around, her graceful posture attracted people to linger, and the white rabbit on her chest jumped.

Xia Yan and Zhang Tianyu had already flown back, with a group of guardian spirits standing behind them. Xia Yan was like a okay person. She sat in a chair in time, opened a bottle of red wine, poured it into a triangle glass, and took a sip. .

Expensive, worth more than 40,000 U.S. dollars a bottle of red wine produced in the ancient Romani Kande winery, casually spit into the glass bowl next to it.

It's a gargle.

Then Xia Yan cut a piece of barbecue on the table and put it in his mouth.

"Um...Miss Zhang, it's a bit cold."

"Oh, I'll go roasting again."

On the ship, only these two people seemed out of place.

Zhang Xiongxiong watched his old sister go to barbecue again, the plump collagen on his face suddenly twitched a few times, his face was unbelievable, and he naturally said to himself: "Mah, my sister is also like Xia Yan. Now, this, when is this, weird, weird, these two people are weird."

Among wine, beauty, and beasts...

The wreckage of the ship hull floated on the azure sea, and there were violent explosions. The modern military system and the ancient mythical creatures had a head-on competition.

On the Dragon Kingdom side, the warriors on the deck of the warship were stunned. The soldiers had nothing to do. They were supposed to be at the center of the vortex. At this moment, they are like bystanders, witnessing the confrontation between mythology and modernity... …