Starting with Hundred of Millions of Guardian Spirits

Chapter 564: Kill one day! Not negotiable

At the moment when the old man in Jinpao was slightly lost by this sudden change, the heavenly body already moved.

Xia Yan would not wait to give a heavenly creature a chance.

The fight between heavenly ranks, as early as when Xia Yan fought against Dao Ancestor, he had a clear understanding.

At this level, whoever takes the lead is likely to take the lead step by step.

It is difficult for the other party to come back.

Cang Tian raised his fist and slammed it down.

Pure physical power.

But this is a heaven!

His full blow can even destroy a world!

If it were on the earth, Xia Yan would never use the heavenly body so recklessly.

But it's different here, everything here disgusts him.

After that fist was hit, it seemed slow, allowing any creature to see clearly, but it was strangely fast. There was no even a moment of time, and the huge mountain-like fist of heaven hit the gold. The body of the old man.


The Qi machine is hundreds of thousands of miles away!

It was terrifying to the heavens, but the air machine spreading out blew the land, mountains and rivers on the head of Huang Tian, ​​all of them burst into pieces!


"This, what's wrong?!"

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"


There is only one sect in this world, Da Luo Jianzong, and they reside on Huang Tian's head all year round.

A former peak-level heavenly creature, even after death, the aura contained in that remnant body is thousands of times richer than on the ground.

However, the sects were built on Huang Tian's head, and these alien creatures who are constantly growing stronger in Huang Tian's body are cultivating them all the time.

This good day will end today!

Xia Yan said, give them three breaths time, and all leave here.

Now that the three breaths have passed, if you insist on not leaving, there is nothing to say.

Xia Yan stopped being merciful.

Many strong swordsmen in the Great Luo Sect were all destroyed by the spirits stirred by the scattered auras on this day.

"Congratulations on getting the repair base of 13837!"

"Congratulations on getting the repair base of 12837!"

"Congratulations on getting the 18283 repair!"

"Congratulations on getting the cultivation base..."

"Increase in power..."

"Agility increased..."

"Mana increased..."

"Shouyuan increased..."

At a certain moment, an old man covered in blood appeared in the sky.

His golden robe is already broken, this is the treasure of the holy realm.

It's a pity that under the absolute power of the heavenly level, the treasure of the holy realm is like that white paper.

"Da Luo Qianjian!"

The old man screamed sorrowfully, and surging sword energy surged all over his body.

He is a sword sage, a sword sage, and he is a swordsman!

Where he is, everything can be transformed into a sword.

There is no sword in his hand, no sword in his heart, and the sword is all around him. The mystery of heaven and earth is the most terrifying place of this heavenly creature.

Seeing Xia Yan's punch was about to blast again.

The old man in Jinpao was millions of miles around, and suddenly there was a dense array of sword lights.

The sword light flew in the sky.

In this magnificent starry sky, formed a terrifying sword formation.

The holy realm beings brought by Xia Yan saw this scene, and it was only at this moment that they understood the terrible sky.

"Not good, God Emperor..."

"Don't worry, Xia Yan will not lose."

"Yes! My sister is too right!"

Zhang Tianyu had confidence in Xia Yan that he didn't know where he came from. Zhang Xiongxiong immediately slapped his old sister's flattery.

In sight, the heavenly body controlled by Xia Yan threw a punch.

It's such a simple boxing.

There is no mystery at all.

But from Dadao to Jane, Tian-level no longer uses those fancy methods.

The most primitive and most direct means of attack and killing is enough to destroy everything, so why bother to fancy?

This simple punch blasted into the sword formation.

The 100,000 li sword light suddenly shattered!

37 million miles of sword light collapsed and disappeared!

48 thousand miles of sword light dissipated into the air!

The old man in the middle of the sword formation spit out a mouthful of black blood with his face like golden paper.

This blood was mixed with some organ fragments, and it was obviously internally injured by a punch!

He is no match for heaven at all!

Once upon a time, those four heavens and four anomalous numbers from the earth, they were the most hopeful hope of overthrowing the terror rule in the Milky Way.

But in these countless years of killing and killing, some people are tired and some are tired.

I want to trade in exchange for peace, and I want to trade rebellion for peace.

Perhaps the original exchange gave them many years of peace, and even in a sense, they all became a ‘free’ day.

But the debt is always payable.

The evil cause planted will surely bear an evil result someday in the future.

The bitter fruit, no matter how difficult it is to swallow, it must be swallowed.

"Do not!"

"I am the ancestor of Da Luo Jianzong!"

"I am the Lord of Heaven and Earth!"

"I am for heaven, how can I die here!"

"I should be invincible!"

The fist is like a broken bamboo, fierce and domineering.

The sword art displayed by the old man in the golden robe was simply unstoppable.

They are not at the same level, even if countless years have passed, they are not at the same level.

The same is the sky, but the sky is also divided into high and low.

Even if only the corpse is left in the sky, it can kill the sky!

"No! It's impossible! Old, I have already improved a lot in these years, how could I lose? I have obviously reached..."

He roared, but his voice stopped abruptly.

389 million miles of sword light!

5 million miles of sword light!

The vast array of swordsmanship that spanned 5 million miles has collapsed!

The mountain-like fist stopped only an inch from the old man in Jinpao.

At this moment, the old man in Jinpao's complexion was pale and bloodless, and he was bleeding from his seven orifices.

"Why did I fail? Obviously in my sense, I am not much weaker than the corpse of the sky. I don't believe it, I don't believe it, it's all fake, fake."

"It was such a terrible defeat, I don't believe it..."

He murmured, he couldn't believe the scene before him.

Xia Yan's voice came from afar.

"Why did you lose?"

"As early as when you colluded with Tian Waitian, you gave up yourself."

"For so many years, your state of mind has stayed in the same day, and what you have cultivated to become stronger is just the accumulation of mana."

"Why do you think the heavens can have lingering power after death?"

"Because he will die."

"Don't use you to compare with the sky, you are not worthy."

Xia Yan's words smashed into the old man's heart like a heavy hammer.

He has long since lost his ambition, forgot his hatred, and gave up resistance.

From the moment he chose to compromise, there will be a second time if he has the first time.

That indomitable courage and perseverance have long since disappeared with the years.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I'm still useful! I can fight again! Never die with the sky!"

At a certain moment, the old man in Jinpao suddenly shouted.

But Xia Yan's eyes were still cold.

Killing this day, there is no room for negotiation.