Starting With One Million Luck Points

Chapter 150: Can you win the prize even if you give a

   "Yueling Fairy is naughty again!"

   "Yes, I still have a charm when speaking. Is it a new charm technique?"

   "This charm is very natural, it seems that Fairy Yueling is doing well in cultivation."

   Soon, many users in the live broadcast room sent messages to discuss.

   Zhou Hao suddenly, it turned out to be a charm technique, no wonder he even reacted.

  Of course, the main reason is that Zhou Hao has not experienced men and women. Otherwise, with his perfect body, he will not be easily affected by the charm technique.

   The platinum user of "I want to be the emperor" is still giving away Yijingdan. There are already more than 400, which is equivalent to more than two million Tiandao coins, enough to open two blind gold boxes!

   Zhou Hao looked at it with emotion. There are many rich in the live broadcast room.


   Suddenly, a clear sound of gold coins came out.

   I saw the live room screen showing: Congratulations, ‘I want to be the emperor’s Yijing Dan and get 1000 times the reward! ’

   "I went, I got hit, it's still a thousand times, it's amazing!"

   "Envy, get 1000 Yijing Dan!"

   "I dare not order Yijing Dan, just order the cheapest energy bar."

   "The artistic conception pill is too expensive, and the energy bar is better, but the energy bar does not help much to improve the strength!"

   Many users chatted on the public screen.

   Yueling Fairy's sweet and pleasing voice also rang: "Congratulations, I am going to be the emperor and win the prize. I will come to the live broadcast room often in the future."

   And Zhou Hao was completely stunned.

   Can you win the prize even if you give a gift in the live broadcast room?

   and it's still a thousand times?

   "Is this one of the ways to play in the live broadcast room?" My heart was shocked.

   After regaining his senses, he couldn't help typing on the public screen and asking: "Excuse me, if the gift sent in the live broadcast room is a prize, is it Tiandao coins or a gift?"

  The main reason for asking this is that the things obtained in the blind box are directly extracted from the backpack, and if the gift in the live broadcast room is the same, then the software is really abnormal.

   After all, from the chats of these users, it can be seen that gifts such as energy bars, exercise fruits, and artistic conceptions seem to be able to enhance their own strength.

   "The boss finally spoke. The gift in the live broadcast room was awarded directly to the backpack."

   "Are you going to start massaging the live broadcast room?"

   "The more expensive the gift, the full-screen display will appear when the prize is won. I can already imagine the scene of the big guy crazy butchering live broadcast room!"

   "Come on, the live broadcast room is different from the blind box, except for luck, there is still a rule to follow. If you want to slaughter the version, you must have a lot of coins!"

   Many users quarreled.

   And Yueling Fairy is quite familiar with the nickname ‘I’m just an ordinary person’ due to its frequent broadcasts. She was surprised: “This is the big guy who opens the blind box and keeps producing rare items?”

   "Haha, Fairy Yueling, don't you hurry up to worship?"

   "Such a big guy will come to your live broadcast, don't you tell me, Fairy Yueling?"

   "Speaking of Fairy Yueling, you have been broadcasting live voice broadcasts. Is it because of a low profile? Now that a big guy is coming in, you have to catch it."

   "This is a lucky boss. Legend has it that there is a treasure of merit. If you catch it, you may develop in the future."

   Many users joked.

   Yueling Fairy said shyly: "What are you talking nonsense, people are big brothers, how can they stay in my live broadcast room?"

   Zhou Hao didn't even listen to the interaction between Yueling Fairy and the users in the live broadcast room. He was very excited at this time. If these gifts can really mention the backpack, then he can not only improve his own strength, but also quickly improve Xu Ling's.

   In this way, Xu Ling is afraid that she can reach the Great Master soon!

   "The energy bar, the blood vein pill, the fruit of the exercise, the comprehension leaf, the physique cup, the artistic conception pill... these gifts have to be figured out as soon as possible!"

   Zhou Hao took a deep breath and suppressed the excitement in his heart. His current account balance is only more than 50,000 coins. Like the Yijingdan of 5,000 coins, only 10 can be given out.

   "The energy bars are said to be rubbish, then I will try this blood pill first!"

  One Blood Vessel Pill requires 200 coins.

   He is going to give out 100 first, to see if they can get it.

   glanced at the lucky value, Zhou Hao gritted his teeth and directly consumed 1 million lucky value.


   As the lucky value was consumed, Zhou Hao's eyes widened when he was about to deliver the bleeding pills, and the gift display screen in the live broadcast room changed.

   There are ever-changing numbers on the right side of the first four gifts.

  The numbers behind the blood vessel pill are 719, 618...

   "Here, what exactly is this number?" Zhou Hao was dumbfounded.