Starting With One Million Luck Points

Chapter 168: Yueling Fairy's Compromise

"If the ranking is less than 100,000, even if the daily minimum gift requirement in the live broadcast room is reached, the broadcast permission will be cancelled. Wait three years before the broadcast can continue. If the permission is cancelled five times, they will be permanently kicked out of Tiandao Software. ."

   Zhou Hao listened, wondering: "Does it have to be broadcast?"

Fairy Yueling nodded, "Yes, once the broadcast is launched, you can't quit, but there are many benefits to opening a live broadcast room. After the average user level reaches the diamond level, it will basically start broadcasting or become the top ten in the live broadcast room list. When you reach the diamond level, the big guy , You will understand."

   Yueling Fairy's remarks revealed a lot of information.

   And Zhou Hao also knows that the higher the level of the software user, the higher the level of the software user, he will definitely have many permissions. For example, he can only see the golden blind box when he is upgraded to the gold level before.

   "How do you see the ranking?" He asked again.

   "Big guy, you can click on my cover avatar, you can see the stream of gifts in the live broadcast room, and the ranking position!" Yueling Fairy replied.

   Zhou Hao subconsciously clicked on the cover avatar in the upper left corner of Yueling Fairy, and immediately saw the gift flow display in the live broadcast room of Yueling Fairy: 17 days-18 billion (current ranking 87190.)

   He couldn't help being surprised.

   There are more than 10 billion gifts flowing in 17 days. On average, there are 1 billion gifts in the live broadcast room every day, which actually ranks more than 80,000. The competition in this live broadcast room is too fierce!

   "Fairy Yueling, it seems that it is not easy for you!" He couldn't help but said with emotion. He originally thought that Fairy Yueling was not low in popularity, but he did not expect the latter to rank so low.

"Yes, you guys, you know, most of the users are cultivators. Although gifts in the live broadcast room can greatly shorten the training time, there are not many lucky guys like you. Many users even give gifts. Most of them are relatively cheap. Only users with diamonds or higher will give expensive gifts when they want to improve their strength."

   Yueling Fairy had a meal, and continued: "My live broadcast room has a relatively low user level, so although the popularity is high, the live broadcast room ranks very low."

   Speaking of this, she bit her lip, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Big brother, I hope you can come to my live broadcast room often. If you have any needs, I will try my best to satisfy it."

   Zhou Hao smiled dumbly.

   "Is it too much?" he said half-jokingly.

   Yueling Fairy did not reply again.

   And Zhou Hao thought he had annoyed Fairy Yueling, but he didn't care, after all, no one owed anyone in the software, and he had no obligation to help Fairy Yueling.

   Close the software, he swiped the phone, before going to bed, he habitually checked the software, and suddenly he saw the message flashing.

   I saw Fairy Yueling replied: "Yes."

   Zhou Hao was stunned, he really didn't expect Fairy Yueling would agree, but the latter's ranking is indeed very low this month, presumably Fairy Yueling is under great pressure.

   "Yueling Fairy, I'm joking, don't take it seriously, I will go to your live broadcast room when I have time." He replied and turned off the Tiandao software.


   Immortal and ethereal, with picturesque floating peaks.

   One of the peaks in the hot spring.

   Yueling Fairy's skin is smooth as jade, her temperament is clean and refined, and her body is full of indescribable fairy rhyme. Her figure is even more like a golden ratio, with unevenness.

   The hot spring water vaporized, soaking her waterfall-like hair.

   "Peak Master, Elder Qingxu came to visit." A maid bowed and said from a hundred meters away from the hot spring.

   "Tell him that I am unwell and it is inconvenient to see guests." The cold voice did not contain a trace of emotion.

   The maid nodded and walked back.

   Yueling Fairy looked at the virtual screen displayed by Tiandao Software and sighed faintly. If it were not for the dual pressure of reality and virtuality, she would not change her attitude.

   "I hope this'I'm just an ordinary person' will not make too much demand." She bit her lip lightly, looking like I was pitiful.


   The message flashes at this time.

   She hurriedly clicked, and when she saw Zhou Hao's return news, a smile appeared on her beautiful and picturesque cheeks, and an uneasy heart slowly fell.

After joining Tiandao Software for nearly two years, she knows how rare it is for a lucky boss like Zhou Hao, whether it is a rare item in a blind box or a precious gift in a live broadcast room, although it will improve the strength of every user. It is huge, but it is very difficult to obtain it.

   Ke Zhou Hao, not only won a lot of rare items in the blind box, even in the live broadcast room, he also won consecutive prizes. Such users are definitely the bigwigs who many anchors have exhausted all they want to win.