Starting With One Million Luck Points

Chapter 354: Can't know

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When Bai Linglong's words fell, everyone was stunned, their expressions changed slightly!

Only then did they understand what Bai Linglong meant!

The human race and the alien race have been in constant wars and stalemate, and even recently the frontline war has been intensified, making all the human races feel a deep crisis.

Their philosophy students are elites cultivated by the human race, and they know many things, so when they heard Bai Linglong's words, there was no objection.

"You have remembered for me that our human race can fight against other races. It is not our human race martial artist who is strong, but our human race is united!"

"There are tens of thousands of alien races. Each race has its own characteristics. They are powerful and fast. Each has inherent advantages. Our human races have always been weak. If we are not united, how can we fight them?"

Bai Linglong snorted coldly. There was nothing wrong with what she said. Even Zhou Hao nodded when she heard it.

This woman, as expected, was not allowed to bear eyebrows, and with such a strong man, even if the human race could not get rid of the alien beast, it would still be peaceful.

Bai Linglong finished talking about them and looked at the six Zhou Hao.

"Although you cooperate perfectly and are very united, you can't carry the same thing. Although one person's combat power cannot affect the battle, all of you are now masters. Will it be easier to kill this hundred strange beasts!" "

"So, don't think that you get a hundred points and you feel proud. To tell you the truth, your hundred points are all given to you by me to educate the other six teams!"

"Among the seven teams, your seventh team has the worst strength. I don’t care whether you practice every day, never slack off, or think of crooked ways. In short, your strength, give me up, otherwise, you are seventh. The team is to support the legs of the entire elite team!"

Bai Linglong is really not bad. After talking about the other six teams and teaching the seventh team, Zhou Hao couldn't help but admire it.

No wonder Zhu Zao sent her to be the instructor of the elite team, Bai Linglong taught the martial artist, there are really some methods!

"Okay, go back to the team camp, tomorrow, continue special training!"

After Bai Linglong said these words, she left, and several teams also returned to their camp.

Zhou Hao and the others hurried back.

To be honest, although they all got a hundred points today, they are very happy, but at the same time, the pressure in their hearts has also increased.

After all, compared with the other six teams, their strength is not the slightest inferiority.

At night, Zhou Hao lay on the bed and clicked on Tiandao Software.

The last time he didn't get "Destroying God", he was a little disappointed, but Zhou Hao also wanted to understand that this technique must be very strange, otherwise, how could it be so difficult?

Especially when he thought of Fairy Yueling!

After she asked if she wanted to destroy the gods, she went offline. This time, Zhou Hao had to ask her carefully.

I clicked on the live broadcast room and found that she was indeed online. Zhou Hao didn't talk nonsense and entered the live broadcast room directly!

In an instant, the water friends in the live broadcast room boiled on the spot!

"Damn, the boss is old! Welcome @I'm just an ordinary person."

"@我 just an ordinary man, do you have to dominate the screen when you come to the live broadcast room today?"

"Boss, if you haven't been online these days, no one will dominate the screen. We really miss you a bit @我 just an ordinary person."

When Zhou Hao saw the water friend in the live broadcast room, he ignored it, but clicked on the private message and sent a message to Fairy Yueling.

"Fairy, you haven't answered me the last time."

Fairy Yueling naturally saw Zhou Hao enter the live broadcast room for the first time, her expression flashed a little panic, but she still recovered.

But at this time, seeing Zhou Hao sending a private message, she took a deep breath, and then replied.

"Big brother, the god-killing technique, I don't think you should know it. Also, since you know the god-killing technique, you must also know the god-killing technique. I also advise you not to practice."

When Zhou Hao saw Fairy Yueling, he was confused on the spot, not knowing why.

"Fairy Yueling, I don't quite understand, can you make it clearer, why can't I cultivate this technique?"

This exercise is really powerful. Zhou Hao felt that the many exercises on his body, such as the wooden spirit art, the seven nether swords, and the golden crow escape technique, were not as good as this heaven-rank exercise!

"There are many things, I can't tell you, but, boss, you have to believe that Yueling will not lie to you."

Fairy Yueling didn't want to tell herself the secrets, and Zhou Hao knew that this must be a big secret!

But this technique is too precious, Zhou Hao still feels a little reluctant.

Fairy Kanyueling didn't want to tell herself, Zhou Hao shook his head, swiped some gifts in the live broadcast room, exploded some rare energy bars, and left the live broadcast room in the pursuit of everyone.

Calculating the time, more than half a month has passed, and the vitality ancestor stone should also be able to get some points.

Thinking of this, Zhou Hao put on his battle armor, and with a move, he appeared in the twelfth crack and came to the guarded place of the Iron Bear King.

"Brother Xiong, I'm here to do business with you again!"

When Zhou Hao came here, he yelled a word. As soon as the words fell, a white light flashed across. Zhou Hao looked intently, his face changed slightly!

The Iron-Bone Bear King didn't know when, and the mane on his body was already whitish. Zhou Hao knew that it was the sign of the Silver-Bone Bear King!

In other words, this Iron-Bone Bear King is probably going to break through the shackles of blood, even to the heavenly rank!

Zhou Hao took a deep breath and was a little nervous. He was really worried that by trading with him, he would help the alien race to create an extra powerhouse.

"Brother human, you are here, but I am looking forward to it day by day and night by night, come, let's stop talking nonsense, and take the ancestral stone."

The Iron-Bone Bear King saw Zhou Hao with great excitement.

During this period of time, after he absorbed all the energy bars, he really made a breakthrough. He believed that he would be able to break through after another ten or eight times!

Not only can you enter the heavenly rank, but you can also become the Silverbone Bear King!

Once he becomes a heavenly rank and his bloodline breaks through, then what Hundred Insect King is not his opponent at all!

A big pinched to death by himself!

"That... Brother Xiong, wait a minute, let's talk first." Zhou Hao stopped it directly.

"Oh? Human brother, what do you want to talk about?" Iron-Bone Bear King was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help saying.

"It's very simple. I want to discuss with the bear king how we should respond if we see you on the battlefield in the future."

As soon as Zhou Hao said this, the Iron-Bone Bear King also became confused.

"See you on the battlefield? Of course, it's their own camps. Why, brother, could it be that during this time of contact, you have become affectionate for me? Can't bear to be an enemy of me?"

"Or, you are afraid that I will break through and can't beat me, so you are worried?"

The Iron Bear King Kete wasn't stupid at all, so he said immediately.

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