Starting With One Million Luck Points

Chapter 355: Ultra-high molecular weight virus

"Global Change: The First Million Lucky Value Novel ( Find the latest chapter!

When Zhou Hao heard the words of the Iron Bear King, he secretly said that this guy is really amazing, and he thought of it all at once.

Originally Zhou Hao thought it was dull, but judging from the two encounters, this Tie Hanhan was really not ordinary shrewd!

"Brother Xiong said so bluntly, then I won't be nonsense. I really think so. The 13th crack alien has already given up. Presumably the other cracks will definitely be struggling to fight. Now if you enter the heavenly ranks , I'm still worried."

Zhou Hao didn't turn around either. The Iron Bear King laughed when he heard it.

"Brother human, you think so far away, do you think our alien race is like your human race? If I become a heavenly rank, I don't want to see it, it's not your human race at all, but our alien race!"

"Okay, I won't tell you more. These are the secrets of foreign races. Just say, you should trade or not trade."

The Iron Bear King waved his hand, not caring at all.

"The deal is fine, but I want to make three chapters with Brother Xiong!"

Zhou Hao thought about it, but still felt that there should be an agreement, so that he could also feel at ease.

"Three chapters about the law? What do you mean?" The Iron Bear King said directly.

"It's very simple. Our transaction can continue, but the condition is that you break through the heavens and within three years you cannot be an enemy of my human race. Otherwise, even if I don't want this vitality ancestor stone, I won't exchange it with you!"

Zhou Hao's thoughts were simple. The frontline was struggling to fight, and suddenly there was a strong celestial rank. It must be dangerous to the frontline. In this way, wouldn't he put pressure on the frontline for no reason?

The Iron Bear King laughed when he heard this.

"Do you think I want to go to the front line? Tell you the truth, human brother, even if our alien portal is opened, your human race is not easy to attack. The reason why we are fighting for human land is because the alien land is barren and most of them are barren. !"

"Furthermore, the frontline is dangerous. I have been practicing for so many years. What if I die? Do you think I'm stupid?"

The Iron-Bone Bear King is straightforward, and Zhou Hao definitely doesn't seem to be a lie. After all, the Bear King is not stupid, on the contrary, he is very clever.

"Well, with your words, I'm relieved."

After Zhou Hao finished speaking, the two went to the depths of the crack again. This time it was fifty Yuanqi Ancestral Stones. After Zhou Hao got it, he immediately returned to the training camp.

The days of the training camp also went smoothly. Although Bai Linglong's assignments became more severe one after another, they all grew up, but they can also pass through safely.

What's more, as Zhou Hao, as the first person of the quasi-celestial rank, if there is an accident, it is enough to keep others safe and sound.

After a full month of such days, the foreign race did not come, but Zhou Hao was a little surprised.

If they didn't come, Zhou Hao was also a little depressed, after all, he couldn't accumulate lucky value.

On this day, Zhou Hao took advantage of the gap, put on his armor, and came to the front line of the twelfth crack.

Crack No. 13 has now become a training base, and Zhu Zao and the others went to the other cracks separately.

And Zhu Zao, who took over the twelfth crack, smiled immediately when he saw Zhou Hao.

"Speaker Zhou, it's been a long time since I saw you."

"Recently, it has been relatively peaceful, but I have taken a lot of free time." Zhou Hao also smiled.


But who knows, Zhu Zao shook his head and sighed.

"Zhu Tianwang, why are you sighing, what's the matter?" Zhou Hao frowned and asked hurriedly.

"Speaker Zhou, you see that it is calm now, but we have received news that this time a powerful mechanical clan has developed a new weapon. Once it is put on the battlefield, it will be very lethal, which makes me very worried!"

The worried look on Zhu Zao's face made Zhou Hao's heart tense.

"What kind of weapon?" Zhou Hao hurriedly asked.

"It is a super-polymer virus. This virus has no effect on foreign races, but it is very harmful to our human race. Once infected, it will destroy the vitality of the body. You know, the power of the blood of our human race monks is fundamental It's no better than an alien."

"Once this weapon is put in, the combat effectiveness of our human race will suddenly drop!"

After Zhu Zao said this, Zhou Hao was also taken aback!

"What, there is such a weapon?"

This kind of thing is simply a disaster for the human race, as long as it is ineffective against foreign races and effective weapons for human race, it is very dangerous for human race!

"Yes, the scientific research of the Mechanical Race is no less than that of our Human Race. During the war, they abducted many of our Human Race soldiers. Day and night research has finally succeeded!"

Zhu Zao took a deep breath, very anxious.

"Zhu Tianwang, is there any way?" Zhou Hao asked immediately.

"The method is being discussed above. Although they have developed the weapon, it is said that it is very complicated and it is a bit laborious to put it into production. What's more, the aliens are inherently scarce of resources and difficult to produce."

"I heard that a radiation tower was produced in the seventh fissure. When this tower is used, it will launch an ultra-high molecular weight virus. The soldiers of the seventh fissure are trying to capture the seventh fissure!"

After Zhu Zao finished speaking, Zhou Hao frowned!

The crack in Earth 7 is the belly of the Earth Star Terran Territory. If there is lost, it will be a real danger for the Terran race!

At that time, the alien race will occupy the seventh fissure, undoubtedly dividing the human race into two, each occupying things. When the time comes, they will divide and cannibalize, and the human race will be over!

"It should not be too late, I will go to the seventh crack now!"

Zhou Hao is about to leave without saying a word, Zhu Zao hurriedly said.

"Speaker Zhou, since you are going, take Bai Linglong with you, her brother, a strong celestial rank, presides over the overall situation in the seventh fissure, you two quasi-celestial ranks will definitely help him!"

Zhu Tianwang said hurriedly.

"Huh? Isn't Miss Bai training the elite team at the 13th Crack Base?" Zhou Hao asked in a daze.

"Yes, so this time, not only Bai Linglong will go, but also seven teams will go!"

"Although Crack No. 13 is the best place to train, Bai Linglong still wants to take them to the front line to experience. It's a moment!"

After Zhu Zao said this, Zhou Hao didn't expect it.

"Bai Linglong will contact you afterwards, will you leave together at that time?" Zhu Zao said again.

"I won't go with her. She took the students with her, she must be very slow."

Zhou Hao also wanted to go with her, but she led the seven teams to go together. She was Zhou Hao and Speaker Zhou again, so she was really incapable of doing it.

"That's fine, the matter is urgent. I have another meeting to be held, so I won't accompany you Speaker Zhou."

Zhu Zao nodded and left after speaking.

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