Starting With One Million Luck Points

Chapter 356: Go to the 7th crack

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When Zhou Hao left the crack on the 12th, he received news from Bai Linglong. The meaning was also very intermittent, just asking him when to leave.

Zhou Hao simply replied a few words and returned to the training camp.

Looking at Zhou Hao's reply, Bai Linglong frowned, and secretly said that this guy is really hiding from herself like a plague god. I really don't know how this man is so courageous!

When I was in the abyss of evil, didn’t I have the courage? I still practiced the double cultivation method with myself. How to come back now, people are like evaporating. If Zhu Zao didn’t give her the contact information of Zhou Hao, she would contact her. Not last week Hao!

Early the next morning, the news that they were going to the seventh crack reached the ears of the various teams.

"The Seventh Fissure is tight. Since you are an elite squad cultivated by the human race, you should go to the scene and hone in advance. The flowers grown in the greenhouse have always been inadequate, but if they experience a little bit of feng shui and rain, they will wither. "

"So, I don't care whether you are afraid or not. This time, I need you. Do you follow me, do you understand?"

Bai Linglong looked at the seven teams and gave orders directly!

At this moment, the people in the seven teams were a little shocked.

Of course, other teams Zhou Hao didn't know what they thought!

It was the seventh team. Hearing this news, I was a little excited!

"Is it finally going to the real frontline to kill the enemy? Great, I can't wait!"

Zhang Yi was the first to speak. This guy has always been full of blood, even if there are difficulties and dangers!

"Hey... The seventh crack must be dangerous..."

But Yuan Cheng was a little worried. Although he was a little timid, he was not the kind of person who dragged his flight away.

"I think we should prepare something to escape. The last time I went to the weapon store, I saw a newest type of propeller, or did we buy it?"

Yuan Cheng thought about it at this time, and said.

"Yuan Cheng, this battle hasn't been fought yet, you even have the idea of ​​running away, but you really laugh at me."

Yun Yan was the first to smile.

However, Fang Yu nodded, "Not only should we prepare things to escape, but also things to kill the enemy, take precautions!"

Zhou Hao nodded, "Yes, this time the Seventh Fissure is a real battlefield, not what we usually do in training, so...we really should do more preparation!"

After discussing them, they split up immediately, Yuan Cheng and Zhang Yi went to buy equipment for escape, Yun Yan and Fang Yu went to buy equipment for killing the enemy, but Zhou Hao and Xu Ling went to relax.

Zhou Hao was so happy that the two had a rare time to get along with each other.

"Xu Ling, you still remember when we were in school, you said every day that I didn't do business properly and didn't want to make progress. Thinking about it now, I really miss that time."

After Zhou Hao finished speaking, Xu Ling laughed, and raised his ears directly, and said with a smile: "Don't think you are better than before. I won't talk about you. The six of us, you are the most slack in cultivation, don't think I am do not know!"

"Yes, yes, I can't hide anything from Xu Nv Xia's eyes, you can let my ears go quickly, can't I know that I'm wrong?"


Xu Ling laughed immediately, but still very quickly, said worriedly.

"Zhou Hao, you said... Will we be in danger this time?"

Xu Ling spoke suddenly, causing Zhou Hao to sigh.

"Of course there is danger, but don't worry, I am by your side, even if there is danger, I will protect you!" Zhou Hao shook Xu Ling's hand with a firm expression.

Xu Ling smiled sweetly, but still said: "Huh, I don't need you to protect me, I am not weaker than you!"

Xu Ling said, she also waved her powder fist.

"A few of us are going shopping, it's good for the two of you, here you and me!"

Yun Yan and his party came back, and when they saw Zhou Hao and Xu Ling, they rolled their eyes and said angrily.

Hearing this, Xu Ling's face turned red, and she was a little embarrassed.

"What did you buy?" Zhou Hao gave a dry cough and hurriedly changed the subject.

When Yun Yan saw Zhou Hao change the subject, she didn't say much.

"Fang Yu and I bought some paralysis grenades, high-energy shot guns, and some range bombs. Although there are not many, they are all good things!"

After Yun Yan finished speaking, Yuan Cheng also hurriedly said: "I bought a propeller with Zhang Yi. In addition, there are smoke bombs that cover up, and they can be used when we run away!"

Seeing that they were well prepared, Zhou Hao also nodded, quite satisfied.

Early the next morning, they started on the road. Seven teams took seven planes and headed towards the seventh crack.

The journey is not very far, but it took a long time to arrive.

They were shocked as soon as they reached the seventh crack!

The seventh crack is devastated. Obviously, it has managed a lot of battles. It is more serious than the thirteenth and twelfth cracks!

Zhou Hao took a deep breath. Seeing this, he knew that there must have been a big battle here, and it was still a big battle!

Not only that, Zhou Hao fortunately saw a tall tower in the depths of the seventh crack!

A line of defense has been established around this tower. Looking from a distance, it is dark and heavy, not much, but also prepared for this by the strange beasts!

"It seems that if this tower is not removed, the crisis cannot be resolved, but I don't know if the aliens have used this thing!"

Zhou Hao was very worried.

After they arrived at the Seventh Rift, Bai Linglong made arrangements. Zhou Hao also took advantage of this opportunity to put on his battle armor and contact Bai Linglong.

Bai Linglong snorted coldly when she saw Zhou Hao's message. This guy was very well informed. He contacted him shortly after he arrived here.

Bai Linglong didn't care, but found Zhou Hao.

"Hmph, you've been mysterious lately, why, I'm afraid that I will kill you when you come out of the abyss of sin?" Bai Linglong couldn't help complaining when she saw Zhou Hao.

After saying this, UU reading www. Zhou Hao was stunned.

What's the matter with this woman, the tone of this speech, why is it a little bit of resentment? Is it possible that she missed herself if she didn't show up for so many days?

"Uh... No, there is something to be dealt with. Let's go see your brother. I don't know much about the seventh crack." Zhou Hao hurriedly changed the subject.

Bai Linglong snorted coldly, and was too lazy to talk nonsense, and led him directly to the military camp of the Seventh Fissure.

Bai Zhenhai is the commander-in-chief of the Seventh Fissure. He has a heavenly cultivation base and is extremely tough. This person is not as good as Bai Linglong, and he is handsome, but he has a sturdy and burly feeling.

After Bai Zhenhai saw Zhou Hao, he burst out laughing.

"Speaker Zhou, like Lei Guaner, Senior Zhu has mentioned you many times to me, this time I saw it, it was really extraordinary!"

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