Starting With One Million Luck Points

Chapter 617: Squid King

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"Father, this is a difficult character to deal with, we must not take it lightly!"

The Squid Ice King recalled the fear of being dominated by Ji Yaoyue, and he was timid, and immediately did not dare to take a step forward.

This is the deterrent power of God of War. Even if he didn't fight immediately, he was still on the aura and had a crushing advantage!

The Squid Ice King looked at Ji Yaoyue with fear, and his mung bean-sized eyes were filled with hesitation and struggle!

If you really do it with Ji Yaoyue, you won't have any chance of winning!

I still have to rely on my father!

"Death or alive, you choose for yourself!"

Ji Yaoyue shook her long spear tightly, and wherever the spear head passed, a large expanse of fire was ejected, and it blasted out in mid-air, painting a series of spears, leaving a striking flame mark on the ground!

The Squid Ice King originally relied on his father as a backer, but when he saw this flame mark, his body trembled violently, and his eyes were full of struggling!

"Son don't have to be afraid, just a human being, you can beat them to pieces with a punch for your father!"

The Squid Ice King burst out with a roar, and countless muscle-like pieces burst out of the naked-eye body!

Seeing this scene, Ji Yaoyue glared fiercely, and then sneered coldly; "Squid King, since you were my defeated player back then, do you think you can beat me now?"

"I was able to kill you back then, but this time I can still kill you!"

A short sentence fell, and in the next moment, a huge change occurred suddenly!

Only a loud bang was heard, and a burst of fierce pressure broke out around him, blowing away the countless sand and rubble in the surrounding area!

A bloodthirsty look flashed in the eyes of the squid king!

He immediately waved his giant claws and bombarded towards the place where Ji Yaoyue was, and with his huge movements, the entire island was constantly trembling!

Ji Yaoyue had a gloomy face, she didn't expect this squid emperor to be so cunning that she took the opportunity to attack herself!

"Well, if you want to die, then I will do it for you!"

Ji Yaoyue's eyes were sharp, and seeing the huge tentacles of the squid emperor, she had already bombarded her position heavily!

She even smelled the smell of the sea that is unique to the squid king!

Ji Yaoyue immediately calmed her mind, and the pendant she was wearing on her chest quickly spread, forming an extremely hard armor under her body, protecting his body!

Soon, the whole body of the armor was full of blazing flames, and Ji Yaoyue was instantly protected!


The tentacles of the squid king smashed down in an instant, and large swaths of dust were lifted around!

The Squid King looked at the billowing smoke, his face was full of sneers.

He smiled slightly, then spoke slowly, and said with a light smile: "Hehe, you are far behind me."

I don't know that before the Squid King's smile fell, he saw a figure slowly coming out in the thick smoke.

It's Ji Yaoyue!

The Squid Emperor's expression was shocked, and he immediately opened his mouth in the blood basin, and swiftly bit at the location where Ji Yaoyue was located!

Ji Yaoyue immediately stretched out her hand and swung the spear in her hand suddenly!

Only a roar was heard, like an explosion, it rang!

Not only did the Squid Emperor fail to bite Ji Yaoyue's body in two in one bite, on the contrary, the heat wave swayed by Ji Yaoyue shocked his hot complexion, and his eyes were full of panic!

You know, it has full confidence in its own strength and speed!

Since being defeated by Ji Yaoyue, the squid king has been hiding here, practicing with great concentration!

Now that I have finally seen my enemy, it is natural to destroy this person severely and solve this threat!

However, the Squid Emperor did not expect that Ji Yaoyue's ability seemed to have improved a lot while it was devoted to cultivation!

His expression suddenly became fierce, and then his eyes were full of gloomy colors, and he uttered an unwilling roar into the sky!

This time!

In any case, it will burst out of its strongest ability, and instantly wipe out this Ji Yaoyue!

Accompanied by the constant tremor of the ground, a terrifying force suddenly swept around!

Immediately after that, the entire ground seemed to be trembling constantly, and Zhou Hao, who was protected in the flame protection cover, almost fell directly to the ground because of his unsteady standing!


Suddenly a strong hurricane erupted in the air. Ji Yaoyue suddenly raised her head and looked at the past. She saw the huge tentacles of the Squid Emperor, swept toward this side!

"Are you looking for death!"

Seeing countless trees, under the bombardment of the huge tentacles, all of them were cut off by the waist, and the killing intent screamed!

Ji Yaoyue jumped and jumped directly from the ground!

The spear in her hand shook suddenly in the air, and a wall of fire was raised instantly!

However, the Squid King was not so easy to deal with. Its size was too huge. Even if the spear in Ji Yaoyue's hand was powerful, it still failed to cut off its tentacles. Instead, it only cut a two-meter-deep gap. .

This little injury and pain is nothing to the Squid King!

They themselves have extremely strong regenerative ability. Now that they have been cut off, the wound is still growing rapidly and continuously at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Hehe, Ji Yaoyue, you have also seen the strength of my father."

The Squid Ice King sneered. Under the sturdy combat power of the old, he also had a lot of confidence in his heart!

It took one step, but before it could walk over, Ji Yaoyue, who was extremely fast, grabbed the rope tied to it!

"Oops... Oops, the rope forgot to untie it!"

The squid ice king's face stiffened, and this thought just emerged in his mind, and then he felt his body lighten, and the whole squid was instantly pulled up!


The Squid Ice King was dragged directly under the huge tentacles of the Squid Emperor by Ji Yaoyue's sturdy power!

If this palm hits it down, it will soon become squid pancake!

"Let...Let me go! Uhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

The squid Ice King's face became stiff, and then his eyes were full of panic and despair!

If he doesn't escape as soon as possible, he will be beaten to death!

In desperation, the Squid Ice King suddenly became cruel, and suddenly cut off his tied tentacles directly!


The screams pierced the lungs, and the Squid Ice King forced himself to endure his severe pain, and slammed his body abruptly, only then barely avoided the big claws of the old man!

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