Starting With One Million Luck Points

Chapter 67: Retrieve actual combat screen

   Brush brush.

   Not only President Zheng, Instructor Shen and others looked over.

   Other students also watched.

Fang Yu’s pretty face was full of ugliness. She gritted her teeth and said: "Instructor, Xu Ling is only a student with three qi and blood, and Zhou Hao is only one qi and blood. How could they break the record for newcomers and even surpassed us? !"

   "It must be cheating!"

   Lei Jinpeng also reacted and hurriedly said: "Yes, two students who are not even warriors can hardly cope with demon soldiers, and if virtual combat exceeds 1 hour, high-level demon soldiers, even demon generals, will appear!"

   Yuan Chengyun Yan also frowned.

   They are actually a little skeptical, after all, this is too outrageous.

   You must know that the genius who held the record for the new Yanjing newcomer back then, although his strength was a low-level warrior, he broke the record because he possessed a unique inheritance secret technique, comparable to the high-level warrior, and cooperated with other teams.

   "Yo-yo-yo, this is the Yanjing genius?"

   "Tsk tusk tusk, but the results are not good enough and you start to fight hard?"

   "Hahaha, cheating?"

   The students of Qucheng High School came back to their senses and were all excited. Although they couldn't believe it in their hearts, no matter what, Xu Ling and Zhou Hao were also from Qucheng High School. Their grades suppressed Yanjing's genius and made them feel proud!

   Fang Yu's face is even more ugly.

   Lei Jinpeng also had a dark face.

   was despised and ridiculed by a group of rookies, this is the first time.

   At this moment, instructor Shen stood up and said lightly: "Fang Yu, you should be aware of virtual combat. There has never been a saying of cheating."

   Fang Yu trembled all over, but still gritted his teeth, his face was unwilling: "Instructor, I ask to see the actual scenes of Xu Ling and Zhou Hao!"

   Instructor Shen frowned. He did have the authority to adjust the screen, but he needed the approval of the chief instructor of the Yanjing training camp, and then several other instructors had to discuss and confirm before applying to the system for adjustment.

   After all, every student has his own secret technique and combat skills.

   If you watch it at will, it will reveal a lot of secrets.

   "Okay!" Instructor Shen finally nodded and took a deep look at Fang Yu, "Remember, only this time!"

  Yenjing training camp headquarters.

  In the luxurious living room.

   Chief instructor Cheng frowned. A couple of newcomers from Qucheng High School broke the record for the duration of virtual combat. Many instructors learned about it in a short period of time. After all, the virtual cabin notice is for everyone who uses the virtual cabin.

   But like all instructors, he also believes that instructor Shen deliberately set the danger to the entry level adaptation level, so that Qucheng High School can show the limelight, in order to show his deeds in Qucheng High School.

   The general difficulty of getting used to getting started is not included in the time period.

   But Shen Jing, as an instructor, has this authority. As long as a set of commands is added, the duration can be counted, but basically no one in the world would do this, because once discovered, it would be very embarrassing.

   Therefore, for the self-deception behavior of instructor Shen.

   Chief Instructor Cheng was both angry and disappointed.


   Suddenly he saw an application for adjusting the picture sent by the Qucheng branch.

   "What the **** is this little Shen doing!" Instructor Cheng wanted to call Shen Jing immediately and scold the other party, but he took out his mobile phone, and he hesitated.

   Shen Jing was taught by him alone, if he hits like this, there is no doubt that he will not give him the slightest face.

   "Forget it, just adjust the screen. If the system detects abnormal data by then, it can only use some authority to hide it for him!" Instructor Cheng sighed and sent a message to the other instructors.


   Qucheng High School Virtual Training Room.

   Instructor Shen looked at the electronic screen nervously. He knew the record of the newcomer here, and the chief instructor must have known it.

   This matter is too outrageous, and it will inevitably cause some controversy.


   Suddenly the permission application was approved.

   Instructor Shen had a warm feeling in his heart, and the chief instructor was using his life to protect himself.

   "Well, whoever wants to see it, you can come over." He took a deep breath and reopened the actual scene of Zhou Hao and Xu Ling. Principal Zheng, the dean of education and other students rushed over.

   Yuan Chengyunyan and other Yanjing geniuses are also impatient.

   Everyone wants to know how Zhou Hao and Xu Ling survived in the wilderness!

   Fang Yulei Jinpeng stared at the screen.


  With a wave of fluctuations.

   The picture gradually became clear, I saw Zhou Hao and Xu Ling walking in the gloomy ancient wood jungle at this moment.

   Everyone's complexion changed involuntarily, and everyone knew the danger of the ancient wood jungle.

   But as the screen pulled in, they were dumbfounded.

   Zhou Hao and Xu Ling look like two young couples walking in love. How can they be in danger of being in a wilderness area?

   "No, it's a demon-level golden snake and ape!"

   Some students have sharp eyes, seeing a golden shadow hidden in the prosperous branches and leaves of the ancient trees, and they suddenly exclaimed.

   Even if they can't understand Zhou Hao, many students can't help but become nervous for the two of them.

   Fang Yu sneered, she wanted to see how these two guys, who were not even warriors, dealt with the attack of the golden snake and ape!

   Yuan Chengyun, Lei Jinpeng and other geniuses stared unblinkingly.

   Instructor Shen, Principal Zheng and others also looked at the screen.

   Everyone held their breath.

   Golden snake and ape attack, even advanced warriors may not be able to react.

   With Zhou Hao and Xu Ling's strength, it is impossible to avoid it.

   "Don't come near!"

   "Run away!"

   Seeing Zhou Hao and Xu Ling getting closer and closer to the hidden golden snake and ape, many students couldn't help shouting.

   Instructor Shen narrowed his eyes. Unlike the others, he focused all his attention on Zhou Hao, wanting to see if Zhou Hao was the hidden genius!