Starting With One Million Luck Points

Chapter 822: Start of assessment

"Global Change: The First Million Lucky Value Novel ( Find the latest chapter!

This voice is extremely magnificent, and when it appears, it directly falls into the sound system of everyone's battleship, connecting everyone.

And on their computer screen, the figure of the old man also appeared directly.

"This time in the mercenary selection, we only enrolled the first 1,000 people, and a total of 12,000 people participated. That is to say, at least one of the twelve people will be eliminated."

"The assessment is divided into three levels. After the three levels, those with scores before the top 1,000 will enter the mercenary group training base. Now, please follow their names and come to the designated area."

After the old man said this, outside the vast star, five huge wormholes suddenly appeared, just like black holes.

In the air, densely packed text appeared, on which were the names of the contestants.

Zhou Hao and Ji Yaoyue also looked over.

"Zhou Hao, Area C."

Zhou Hao saw his name, and also saw the huge wormhole with C area written on it.

"I'm Zone B."

Ling Tian also found his name.

"Um... I am in Area A..."

Ji Yaoyue frowned, and the three of them were assigned to different areas. This is a bit dangerous!

After all, they have never been to this kind of assessment, and they can help each other together. Now the three people are divided into three districts, and they can't see each other. How can they help each other!

"What can I do?" Ling Tian said suddenly.

Zhou Hao looked at the name and took a deep breath: "Perhaps, this is what the mercenary group did deliberately, but everything related to it has been assigned to other areas. It would be fair to do so, otherwise, if Isn't it invincible to have a small group of hundreds of people?"

Zhou Hao's analysis is very reasonable, and the mercenary training base thinks that way. If they are allowed to group together, it will completely lose fairness.

In this way, they can only rely on themselves, this kind of gold content is the highest!

"There is no way, I have to go."

Zhou Hao and Ji Yaoyue looked at each other and saw each other's helplessness, but was there any way.

"Everyone, your spacecraft will stop at the space ferry station and enter their respective areas."

After the old man said this sentence, there were waves of fluctuations in the five major areas, and many warriors directly plunged in, disappeared in an instant, and were teleported to other places.

"The assessment location is not here yet, forget it, let's ask for our own blessings! Come on!"

Ling Tian smiled, there is no way for this kind of thing, they can only hope that the last three of them will pass the assessment.

The three separated and entered their respective areas, and Zhou Hao also plunged into Area C!

As soon as he entered, Zhou Hao's eyes suddenly opened up, and he saw a huge platform with densely packed warriors, all of whom were selected to come to Area C.

"What is this going to do, melee?"

Zhou Hao was a little puzzled, but he still stood by and looked at it.

So many people are all alone, and there is a safe enough distance between each other, but after a long time, some people still can't help but strike up a conversation with the people around them.

For example, at this moment, Zhou Hao's little tall, purple-skinned alien men approached Zhou Hao.

"Brother, where did it come from?"

He laughed, a familiar face.

They are all equipped with language converters, so what they say can be translated.

"The Barrens, ashamed to say it, where are you from?"

Zhou Hao didn't want to say that he came from the Milky Way.

The alien does not recommend it either.

"My name is Kuta, and I come from Zimo Star, brother, so many people. If there really is a chaos for a while, how about our teamwork?"

Kuta looked at Zhou Hao and said directly.

Zhou Hao could feel that this person's cultivation was the same as his own, the third rank of Saint-Rank, if it was really an alliance, there would be nothing bad.

However, Zhou Hao was still curious and asked, "Do you think it's a melee?"

Kuta nodded, "I guess it is, but if it is, how about we unite?"

Zhou Hao thought for a while and nodded.


Soon, people are almost there, and at this time, a man in armor fell from the sky. He wears five stars, that is, a five-star mercenary.

His cultivation base is also in the Dao realm, extremely terrifying. He appeared at this moment, and the cultivation base was condensed on this platform, making everyone couldn't help being dignified.

"Welcome to Area C, I am your chief examiner, the five-star mercenary Mercalon, you can take me as the leader of the ink."

Mercalon looked at everyone, his voice was low and heavy, after saying this, he said lightly.

"You have also heard the rules just now. There are three levels in total. You can join the mercenary training base if you have the top 1,000 points."

"Assessment will become more and more difficult, and it will also be life-threatening. It is even dangerous. I can tell you a statistic. For every examinee who participates in the assessment of the mercenary training base, a full 3,000 people will die. I’m not scaring you. This is our real and valid data. So, it’s still too late to withdraw. You may want to withdraw."

Mercalon spoke lightly, and stopped talking after saying this, but waited quietly.

"My God, there is still life-threatening. I didn't know before I came here. It's just an assessment. How can life be in danger!"

Kuta's face changed drastically at this time, and he said nervously.

In this regard, Zhou Hao had long been taken offense, and it was unrealistic to assess the undead.

"No, if I die, what will my parents do, what about my wives, no... I can't participate!"

"But... if I don't participate, how can I improve my cultivation level and identity? They are all staring at me. If I don't become strong, how can I be a good Patriarch?"

At this moment, Kuta was like a rattle, and began to analyze it for himself.

Zhou Hao glanced at him and shook his head secretly. This guy is really interesting.

After hearing about life-threatening things so many contestants, many of them looked a little worried.

Without exception, they are all people who are uneasy about their own cultivation. In other words, they are all people who are greedy for life and fear of death.

To become a mercenary, you should first put your life and death aside, otherwise, as if you can perform so many dangerous tasks?

So this Mercalon's words are to persuade many people!

And his words also worked, and dozens of people stood up.

"I quit! I won't play anymore, it's life-threatening to say so soon!"

"Yes, I came to be a mercenary just to play. I have to go back and inherit the family business. How can I die here?"

"That's right, I want to quit and risk my life to participate in an assessment, I'm not so stupid!"

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