Starting With One Million Luck Points

Chapter 925: Absolutely loyal

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After all, they now have a deep-rooted belief in their hearts that Zhou Hao is their boss, and that they must be loyal to Zhou Hao throughout their lives, and there will never be any betrayal.

Seeing the gray-haired man so strong Amway himself wanted to cooperate with the Kogasai, Zhou Hao nodded after hesitating for a moment, and agreed to the matter.

After all, what the gray-haired man said is reasonable. Now that so many people want to enter the forbidden place, everyone must use their 18 martial arts and want to wipe out all the enemies as soon as possible.

Cooperation is indeed an inevitable choice.

Now that there are conditions and opportunities for cooperation, it's okay to try it yourself.

So Zhou Hao immediately took the transforming device that the gray-haired man had handed him, and put it on his hand.

In the next instant, he felt a change in his body.

His arms suddenly became thicker, his body became taller and bigger, and his skin turned light blue, giving him a feeling of ‘maverick’ at first glance.

Zhou Hao glanced in the mirror and couldn't help but smile: "No wonder you can tell at a glance what a Kogase looks like. This appearance clearly tells others that I am a Kogase."

"Yeah, boss."

The gray-haired man smiled slightly, and then said triumphantly: "I didn't expect this thing like me to be useful."

"The Kogase people will not cooperate with people on other planets. They will only look for people on their own planet because they fear that they will be deceived by people on other planets."

"Well, I'll go find them now."

Zhou Hao was about to get up, but was suddenly stopped by the gray-haired man.

He smiled, and took out a deformer, carried it in his hand and said, "Boss, how can you do this kind of thing yourself, let me go."

"How many deformers do you have?"

After seeing the gray-haired man taking out another deformer, Zhou Hao couldn't help but frowned and asked.

"I have two, each of them has one, enough to use the boss."

The gray-haired man quickly transformed into a Kogasse, and then walked out.

An hour later, the gray-haired man came back. He smiled and made a'ye' gesture, and said to Zhou Hao: "Boss, we've made a deal. They asked us to be at the pavilion at the foot of the mountain at six o'clock in the evening. gather."


Zhou Hao was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that the talks were actually settled. It seems that these people are not informed one by one, so they planned to join forces and enter the forbidden land together.

When he thought of this, Zhou Hao immediately agreed, and he planned to wait until the time was up to see how they planned to cooperate this time.

With the passing of time every minute and every second, it soon arrived at six o'clock in the evening.

Zhou Hao immediately rushed towards the agreed place.

At this moment, the night was getting very late, and the surroundings fell into a faint silence. Most of the people stationed near the forbidden area returned to their tents or spacecraft to rest, rarely alone. Action person.

Under such conditions of group activities, it is actually very dangerous to come out at night alone.

Because they will also worry that if they go out alone, it will be miserable if they are conspired by chance.

But Zhou Hao didn't care about all this.

The person who can defeat him hasn't appeared yet, so what's the fear?

It's just that there are large swaths of thick white fog surrounding it, making people a little unclear about the night and environment around it. I didn't expect that there would be such a strange scene around the Forbidden Land.

But this is also a good opportunity for many people to secretly kill their companions.

After all, thick fog can interfere with people's sight, and it would be a bit difficult to act.

Zhou Hao walked through the thick fog and walked towards the foot of the mountain. Soon, he saw a very spacious place.

There are weeds everywhere here, whizzing and shaking when the wind blows.

Countless delicate flowers, clumped together, looked extremely lush and coquettish.

As everyone knows, the more beautiful and gorgeous flowers are, the more poisonous they are, and the same seems to be true of these flowers.

After walking forward for about ten minutes, Zhou Hao came to the small pavilion.

He saw the three people sitting cross-legged in the pavilion at a glance, and found that their skin, like himself, was also light blue, and there was a distinctive temperament permeating his body, which looked like ordinary people.

Zhou Hao didn't walk over immediately, but stood still, carefully observing these three people.

Among the three people, there are two beautiful women. Although the skin on her whole body is blue, they are very beautiful, with three-dimensional and delicate facial features. They look like porcelain dolls, making people unable to remove their eyes. .

There is also a young man with a handsome face and a starry eyebrow. He is wearing a combat costume and is frowning while checking the electronic communicator in his hand. He seems to be studying something.

Zhou Hao held his breath and looked at their cultivation base carefully, and found that their cultivation base had reached the realm of the Ninth Stage Saint Grade.

Zhou Hao's expression was shocked when he saw these people.

I didn't expect the strength of the Kogasse to be so powerful, which is really shocking.

One of the beautiful women with long curly hair frowned and looked at the opposite woman with a look of and asked coldly: "I think the combination of our three is already Enough, why do you have to promise another one?"

"There are three of us, but it's just a small taboo place. What is there to be afraid of? The more people participate, the more danger there will be. Don't you know this truth?"

Hearing the woman's attitude was full of dissatisfaction, the man who was checking the communicator suddenly put away the communicator in his hand.

He glanced at the woman in front of him faintly, and then said with a chuckle: "Don't worry, the other two will be here soon. After all, this time, we are not going to an ordinary place, if we can't be more cautious. , There will be a lot of trouble."

"The more people there are, the better it is for us and the greater the opportunities."

At this moment, another woman wearing a half-mask also spoke softly, saying word by word.

After hearing these words, the beautiful woman with long curly hair didn't say anything more, but still sullenly, sitting on the spot, looking at the two people in front of her, without saying a word.

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