Starting With One Million Luck Points

Chapter 927: most important thing

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The woman with long curly hair couldn't help covering her mouth and giggled.

"No matter what, as long as I'm handsome, I don't care about it."

Women with long curly hair have their own amorous temperament, and when they speak, they also come with a bit of ridicule.

Liang Wenyuan couldn't help but secretly glanced at the woman with long curly hair, and then smiled and asked: "By the way, I don't know what this beautiful lady's name is?"

"Just call me Lilia, this handsome guy's name is Thunder, you just call him Lao Lei."

Lilia blinked at Liang Wenyuan, and cast a wink, the smile on her face was about to be concealed.

"But I think, no matter what, since this person is willing to cooperate with us, it is also a good thing. After all, the forbidden place is about to encounter many unknown dangers. One more person will have more strength and one more solution to the problem. Method."

"Since everyone is Kogasai from the same planet, we should unite, right?"

Jonina is a more open-minded woman. After all, she is clear-headed and sensible, knowing what is the most important reason why she is here today.

That is to get the stars of the galaxy, as for the others, it is not important at all.

"Then expect this person's strength to be above us, even if it is not above us, but at least it should be the same as us, at the Ninth Stage realm."

Liang Wenyuan couldn't help but muttered and said softly.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Hao was just stunned for a moment, and then quickly got up, walked towards the place where the three Kogass were.

The closer you are to the location of the three people, the richer the aura that exudes from Zhou Hao's body.

The three of them shook their heads sideways and looked at the place where Zhou Hao was.

Zhou Hao has a handsome eyebrow, a handsome face, a soft smile on his face, and he tried his best to show his kindness.

He smiled slightly, then spoke slowly, and said politely to the three people: "Hello, I am Zhou Hao from Kogasai from the planet Mandala Nina. I am very happy to join you."

Lei Ting's face looked a little wary, she couldn't help but glanced up and down at Zhou Hao in front of her, and then a faint coldness appeared in the corner of her mouth.

Lilia still had a gentle face, got up with a smile, took the initiative to say hello to Zhou Hao, and said with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Zhou, it's nice to meet you!"

After seeing Zhou Hao, Lilia's eyes suddenly brightened, and then she smiled and said: "From the look of your handsome face, we won't hold you accountable for your lateness."

Facing Thunder's vigilance, Lilia's enthusiasm, and Liang Wenyuan's suspicion and scrutiny, only Jonina was still sitting on the spot, looking at herself calmly, her eyes lightened slightly.

Zhou Hao smiled apologetically, and then explained: "I'm really sorry, something was delayed just now, so it was late, I hope you don't mind."

"Hehe, I didn't expect that the person cooperating with us is just a fifth-rank saint-level young man. With such strength, the gap is a bit too big."

Lei Ting's face was full of coldness, looking at Zhou Hao with disdain, couldn't help but speak in a deep voice, humming and saying every word of dissatisfaction.

"Fifth-Rank Saint-level, what a joke, we are all in the Ninth-Rank Saint-level realm anyway."

"We are looking for a partner to fight together in the Forbidden Land. We are not looking for a burden that will only drag us down. What can the Fifth-Rank Saint-level do? Let us go up and fight, and he will lie down to win. This is too ridiculous. Got it."

Liang Wenyuan didn't put Zhou Hao in his own eyes at all, thinking that he was here to lie down and win. For such a person, even if he looked at him more, it would be a waste of time.

"You don't have to say that, Mr. Zhou, maybe Mr. Zhou has some extraordinary skills."

The face of the woman with long curly hair was full of smiles, her eyes were soft and she looked at Zhou Hao, and asked jokingly: "Come on, let's see, how good are you?"

"I also want to know, why this gentleman used the fifth-rank saint-level ability to go to the forbidden place with us who have reached the ninth-rank saint-level realm."

Qonina's face was also full of indifferent colors. After chuckling lightly, she looked at Zhou Hao in front of her and asked slowly.


Liang Wenyuan also cut off the conversation at this time, and said in a very serious tone: "I'm only a fifth-rank saint-level realm. If we walk with such a person, wouldn't others think that we are helping the poor?"


Liang Wenyuan said, he immediately looked at Zhou Hao in front of him on purpose, and then his tone was extremely serious, and he slowly said again and again: "We don't make it difficult for you. If you really have the strength, you might as well show it and let us Take a look."

"As long as your ability is similar to ours, we can take you with you even at the fifth-rank Saint-level realm."

Although Lilia seemed to be sloppy, but now, when it was time for business, his expression suddenly became serious.

Then Lilia glanced lightly at Liang Wenyuan in front of him, and then asked jokingly: "Mr. Zhou, I wonder if you would like to compete with us?"

When Lilia said these words, her expression deliberately looked at Zhou Hao in front of Her face was full of provocative expressions, she walked to Zhou Hao's face step by step, her eyes filled with light. The color of charm asked rhetorically with a chuckle.

"If you are willing to compete with us, if you can beat any of us, we are willing to form an alliance with you until we get the star of the galaxy."

In a short sentence, the woman said with great momentum, as if she was very confident about her own strength.

She smiled lightly, and then seriously said again: "I said that, there is no other meaning, after all, the place we are going is very dangerous."

"Forbidden places are not very people can go in and out at will. If you don't even have the ability to look after the house, then death is waiting for you. It's better to leave a life and come more freely, don't you think?"

After she said something, Lilia had taken the crossbow that she carried with her from the space.

Her eyes were full of amazing colors, staring at Zhou Hao coldly, and a trace of coldness appeared in her eyes. She looked at Zhou Hao lightly, and sneered at him and hooked her finger, seeming to be provocative. .

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