Starting With One Million Luck Points

Chapter 982: Endless troubles

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The gaze of the mutant black bear and alien animal instantly became searing and uneasy.

There was a cold look on its face suddenly, staring at the place where the Void Giant Beast was, and his face was full of serious expressions.

He knows that he has only one chance!

In any case, I have to find the chance to kill with one blow, otherwise, there will be endless troubles!

In the eyes of the mutant black bear, a fierce look suddenly appeared. It saw that the giant void beast didn't seem to continue to move toward its position. When it attacked, the mutant black bear was not in a hurry. Continue to chase it.

It breathed a sigh of relief, and stared at the giant void beast in front of him with scorching eyes. The two giant beasts immediately confronted each other, and even in the air, there was a very anxious breath.

The whole surrounding atmosphere suddenly fell into a very anxious feeling.

Around, there were a lot of mutant people who were still staring at the mutant black bear and alien beasts, one by one, they didn't dare to go any further.

They were also shocked by the mighty power of the Void Giant Beast, and they didn't dare to go any further.

They keenly smelled a hint of crisis, and then quickly became vigilant, because they knew that there was a huge threat to compete with them for the star of the galaxy!

The surroundings suddenly fell into extreme silence, and the silence even began to reveal the slightest weirdness.

All the mutant people around were shocked by the powerful aura of the Void Giant Beast, and they dared not move on.

Their faces were full of vigilant expressions, staring at the huge and incomparable behemoth, but they did not dare to pass.

In an instant, fear overcame their desire for the stars of the galaxy.


Vaguely, you can even hear the sound of mutant people swallowing saliva because of panic.

Not only this group of mutant people was frightened by this powerful aura, but the mutant black bear and alien beasts on the side were also very frightened.

It worked hard to calm its mood, and then in the next second, it suddenly screamed up to the sky, bursting out a heart-piercing roar.

Soon, it once again swiftly moved towards the location of the Void Giant Beast, and swiftly pounced!


Not to be outdone, the Void Giant Beast immediately slammed toward the ground and quickly stepped on its foot. Then in the next second, it rushed toward the location of the mutant black bear alien beast, and suddenly charged. Past.

In the air, suddenly there were several bursting sounds, which exploded quickly.

The stern sound of breaking through the air, quickly exploded, it was the sound of the Void Giant Beast waving its paws into the air!

The claws of the Void Giant Beast rushed into the air like a steel whip, bursting into bursts of sound.

In the next instant, the claws of the Void Giant Beast slapped heavily on the mutated black bear alien beast, and every time it struck, the mutated black bear alien beast's body was slapped with a **** wound.

In the air, there was even a large swath of blood mist, which looked terrifying.


A painful roar suddenly erupted from the mutated black bear alien beast's mouth, and immediately after the next second, he walked behind him in pain, and walked back several steps.

The Void Giant Beast didn't intend to let the mutant black bear alien beast so easily. It was extremely fast, swiftly moving forward, and suddenly chased the past where the mutant black bear alien beast fell.


A loud noise that stunned the heavens and the earth exploded violently, and in the next second, the body of the mutant black bear alien beast was bombarded out like a rag.

Its body showed an arc shape, was quickly knocked into the air, and then hit a position ten meters away, fell to the ground, rolled several times one after another, and then hit a big tree. , And finally stabilized his figure.

At this moment, the body of the mutant black bear and alien beast looked extremely embarrassed.

It was bruised all over and looked extremely painful, and there was no good place all over it.


Suddenly, the mutated black bear alien beast broke out with an extremely painful roar, and then his eyes were full of sullen stares at the Void Giant Beast, as if he was planning to attack it next time!


There were many mutant people around, and their faces appeared extremely frightened and uneasy, especially when they heard the roars erupting from the mouth of the Void Giant Beast, they suddenly became more frightened. .

They squatted on the ground, their eyes were full of fear, and their ears were drooping. They couldn't help but burst out with a burst of heart-piercing low roars, sounding extraordinarily panicked.

They knew that they were not the opponent of the Void Giant Beast at all, and now they saw the Void Giant Beast burst into such a fierce posture, directly hitting the mutant black bear alien beast with scars, and there was no good skin or flesh on the whole body.

If this group of mutant people rushed in front of the Void Giant Beast, 100% would be swallowed directly by the Void Giant Beast.

The breath of the mutant black bear and alien beast suddenly became extremely heavy, and the situation suddenly became extremely dangerous a lot.


Accompanied by a roar of anger, suddenly rang, the mutant black bear alien beast tried to get up from the ground, and then quickly moved towards the location of the void hurriedly!

Just as the mutant black bear alien beast was about to rush towards the Void Giant Beast, in the next second, a burst of thunderbolt and slamming sound burst out in the air.

The complexion of the mutant black bear alien beast suddenly changed drastically, and he had no time to react at all, and immediately after that, the void alien beast grabbed a **** bloodstain on his abdomen.

There was only a sound of ‘pouch’, and immediately after the next second, blood splashed, rushing towards the surroundings quickly.

The mutant black bear alien beast gasped heavily, even with a trace of pain in its breath, blood gurgling out, it looked so miserable.

If it weren't for the realm of the mutant black bear and alien beast, it had already reached the tenth-rank saint level, now it would have died several times a long time ago.

However, the mutant black bear and alien animal still gritted its teeth and stood firm.


At this moment, the roar of the mutant black bear is no longer as sturdy and arrogant as before.

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