Stealing The Heavens

Chapter 1121: Chaotic ruins

The first thousand one hundred and twenty-one chaotic relics

The messy chaotic airflow was opened here with a weirdly twisted gap, like a spiral of black gaps that are thousands of miles wide, but I don’t know how long. From the direction of the head of the crowd, twisting and twisting all the way, this gap does not see the top and bottom, and the twist is beyond the limit of the exploration of the gods.

When everyone saw this gap, they instinctively released the gods to explore his margins. But soon everyone's face is changed. The sacred and sacred spirits are closer to the body of the immortals. Their knowledge is not very powerful. It is impossible to find the margin of this gap, but don't And Xia Xia can't figure out how long this gap is, which is very scary.

Nowadays, the gods of the world can easily cover the entire Pangu world, but he can't find out how long this black lacquer gap is. The faces of Doshi and Xia Xia were a little blue, and they shook their heads. There are endless variety of eccentric natural dangers in chaos, and here is obviously one of the wonders.

In this slowly rotating spiral black gap, some broken bricks floated slowly. There are some blue bricks with exquisite patterns in the size of the heads. There are also a few stone pillars with a few hundred feet and a hundred feet. There are some delicate and exquisite metal components mixed in it. The metal components are cast into beautiful and unusual images of flowers, birds and insects and various humanoid creatures. Each piece is shining, soft light shines around, and the violent chaotic airflow cannot get close to these broken bricks and metals. The components are divided.

Obviously there was a magnificent building here, but I didn't know who or what power destroyed him and left these broken bricks. Looking at this, these broken building wrecks are sinking to the 'below' following a certain trajectory of power, but a strange force is filled in these wrecks, so the hard life creates a splendid spiral in the chaotic airflow. a gap.

Numerous wrecks are slowly rotating, slowly sinking down a constant trajectory. On the top of the crowd, there are countless wrecks floating in the black gaps that do not know how high; at the feet of everyone, there are also countless wrecks floating in the gaps that do not know how deep.

"What is this?" He asked if he did not respect the subconscious. He reached out and grabbed a handful of wreckage in the distance. A statue of a naked woman with a bright golden body and a bright body was caught by the sky. The hands naturally touched the towering chest of the exquisite naked female statue. I didn’t respect it. I grabbed two of them. '桀桀' smiled and said: "Hey, it’s still warm, awkward, a bit soft, with elasticity. !"

When he didn't respect and talked, his face became very strange. The beggars and other people standing beside him were all cocked and squinted, and looked at the naked female statue one by one. It looks like a statue of metal, but it exudes a very light life. This poses a **** statue of a beautiful dance. It seems that the great supernatural powers transform a living beautiful woman with a great mana. Metal statue!

However, the magical power of the great supernatural powers is extremely incomparable. The naked female statue actually maintains a certain life atmosphere. Although it is metal, but with some flesh and blood attributes, her life is not over, but it is banned. In this statue.

Do not subconsciously reach out and touch the statue's arm a few times. As you can't say, the statue has a warm tentacles, and it has a flexible elasticity, which seems to be really touching the flesh and blood of a stunning woman. Not like a metal statue. However, with the exploration of the inside and outside of the gods, this statue is a piece of metal sputum - only her internal organs and meridians and blood vessels, etc., are no different from ordinary living people. Even in her blood vessels, there is a thick and heavy liquid juice like mercury, which flows slowly, even with extremely subtle mental fluctuations in the vicinity of her brain.

"God gods, incredible means!" Do not look at the statue, shook his head.

He didn't swallow his mouth and spit. He stared at the statue with ill-intention and whispered: "Make the body of flesh and blood into metal, hey, you can do it with some evil spells. But still keep it. The elasticity of the skin and the breath of life, this, how big is this magical power?"

Shaking his head, he refused to accept this statue into his own condensed world. He smiled and asked: "Lord, can you say that this girl can still have a baby? I was born with her." Baby, is it the flesh and blood, or the metal body? Hey, her physical strength is very scary. I just tried my best to lick her chest, but I couldn’t leave any traces. If it’s my love. Crystallization can have such a sturdy body... oh!"

Holding a metal statue, where are you working hard?

Do not have a few cold sweats on his forehead, all of them subconsciously stepped away a few steps, cautiously away from the ignorance. This kind of thing can only be done by this **** dragon? The cloth planted the world, he even let the metal statues not let go? Although this is a living metal statue, the plot is so strange, even if you just imagine it in your head, it is creepy.

He laughed a few times, don’t leave it, don’t be too lazy to take care of him, his knowledge quickly swept around, but fortunately there are still several statues like this, but there are no arms and legs, no life. The breath is either a man's statue, but there is no interest in men.

Shaking his head, don't point to the top of the finger, the pedestrian immediately rose up, and the numerous wrecks that slowly fell down the top of the head, quickly flew up. Do not continue to use the magical powers along the way to help everyone speed up the speed of the limp, so that the sky has soared for a long time, a bright light in the front, and a grand building in the light that is slowly disintegrating.

The building is large in size, tall and beautiful, and the style is similar to those of the Temple of the Acropolis. A large building has a length and a width of ten thousand miles, and it is not known how many palaces and palaces are heavy. Just look at the remains of the remains of the present, and look at the exquisite patterns carved on the steps and pillars to see the luxury of the building.

But such a grand piece of building is slowly disintegrating like a sinking sugar in hot water, slowly disintegrating from all sides. The speed at which these buildings disintegrate is very slow. Don't sneak up on it. About a year's time, the building with a wide width can be broken into pieces.

From this point of view, the original size of the building is even more ambitious, but as the years go by, its area is shrinking, and it doesn't matter how long it has existed here, nor how big its original area is. But don't have a bold guess. Perhaps this magnificent temple is the powerful creatures of the past sacred world. After the sacred world was destroyed, this building was in chaos.

The sacred world was shattered, and then there were countless chaos devils in the chaos, and then Pangu opened the earth, and this has passed countless numbers. This piece of relics slowly dissipated in chaos. The mistake is not to let them come here by mistake. It is feared that even if someone is lucky to come here many years later, they will not see this glorious ancient again. Building it.

Sigh a sigh of relief, for the sacred people who once had great tyranny, sighed for the once brilliant civilization of the sacred world, don’t look at the length and width of this tens of millions of miles, and left countless general preservation The remains of the intact temple, carefully raised the heavens, and sacrificed a clear light to cover the past.

The clear light from the refining Tian Ding is hundreds of thousands of miles away from this ruin. A dim light that is hundreds of times thinner than the fine yarn is flashing in the void. Don't just see that there are a few twisted runes in the thin light that flashed a bit. He shouted 'Oops' and saw the clear and recursive rewinding. He slammed into it. Refining the sky.

If the clear light that is not to be smashed out is a small stream, then the clear light that has been rolled back and turned back has become a vast ocean. The boundless clear light roared and slammed into the refining of the heavenly ding, and did not feel that the internal organs and the five internal organs suddenly pumped out, as if the congenital five elements of the internal organs had to be squeezed clean, and his seven scorpions were smashed with colorful blood. The soul of the spirit is even more painful, and almost did not be shaken off the body.

There are dozens of cracks on the refining of the sky, and you don’t have to look at the cracks and want to die.

The former Yuanling old man relied on refining Tianding to create the name of his chaotic demon **** alchemy and the first master of the refiner. Nowadays, the refining Tianding was almost completely destroyed by the anti-phagic clearing. Don't be too busy to take the refining Tianding back into the body, feel the screams of the refining Tianding, don't be afraid to cry. Stealing chicken does not eclipse the rice, this refining Tianding wants to be fully raised, and God knows how much time it takes to spend a lot of effort.

Princess Yule and Xia Xia exclaimed, panic rushed to the side of the beggar, two small hands at the same time pressed in the heart of the heart, constantly losing the huge essence to the donkey.

The murder of the murder was in harmony with the princess and the Xia Xia to ease the pain in the ***. Do not stand up and gnash at the teeth, staring at the remains of the sneer. He whispered: "If you are not careful, you have a big loss. After all, it may be the remains of the sacred world. I am really too big and too arrogant. Hey, we stay here for a while, be careful, See if you can find some benefits from this."

Seeing that you are not trying to collect this ruin, you will be beaten hard, and you will become cautious and cautious. They looked at the huge relics in front of them with vigilance, as if they had seen the wild animals.

Everyone knows that this piece of relic can be many times more powerful than a wild animal.

But this is also a good place to hone, so if a remnant that has collapsed for countless years can't be conquered, what else to say to the preserved sanctuary site of the ancient holy palace?

He took a long breath and didn't take Wu from the refining Tianding and threw him at the site.

Wu often screamed in anger, and quickly flew to the site.