Stealing The Heavens

Chapter 1122: Undead cannon

The first thousand one hundred and twenty-two chapters of undead cannon fodder

With a screaming shout, Wu was often thrown away by hundreds of thousands of miles.

After being imprisoned for so many days in the refining of Tianding, Wu often fainted, but he was also a very human being. After being taken out of the refining Tianding, he immediately found himself in chaos. He is aware of the dangers of the chaotic world. After all, he was once a priest leader of the Terran tribes. He naturally knows a lot of things that have been passed down from ancient times.

Don't take it out, throw it out, and ban all of your cultivation. No matter what you want to do, you are like a stone marble!

Cold sweat spurted out of every pore of Wu Chang. He was thrown out in chaos as a stone marble. What is ahead? Are those who are fierce chaotic creatures? Is it enough to kill Da Luo Jinxian's horror day? Or is there anything else that is enough to make him horrible?

The ignorant fear made Wu Chang screaming, his voice was so ugly, and he couldn’t help but hold his ears.

"Is this guy not claiming to be immortal?" Don't squint at his ear and smile proudly: "Is there anything better than him to be a tool for exploring the road? Anyway, I can't die, so there is no risk, I can eat at most. Suffering. Even if you accidentally died... Hey, die when you die? What is it worth?"

Don't be a man who is deeply impressed by a group of people around him, who has an undead body, you don't make the sacrifice of the path, then who is going? The group did not have the slightest compassion. They laughed and looked at Wu Chang’s screaming and crossed the void, and soon they arrived at the place where the Qingqi, which had just been revived by Tianding, was bounced back.

A very thin and very light halo flashed in the void, and the six twisted runes flashed slightly in the halo. Wu Chang’s body suddenly condensed, and then he quickly flew over to him. If you say that you don't try your best to throw Wu Chang out at a speed, then the speed at which Wu is often bounced back is one hundred, even to the extent of one thousand or even ten thousand.

The terrible speed brought about terrible power. Wu’s body can still be maintained at the beginning, but the moment of one-tenth of a finger, when he is less than a hundred miles away from the beggar, his body Can not withstand the terrible anti-shock force, the entire body collapsed, turned into a finely divided meat sauce blood spray to the people who did not squirt.

Don't rush to greet the Fuyuan Qitian Banner, a large black mist shrouded the crowd, and the black and fog overlapped into a tough and tough barrier in front of the often broken flesh and blood. Just listening to a series of thunderous explosions continued to sound, and Wu’s flesh and blood continued to burst and shattered, gradually breaking into tiny particles that could not be distinguished even by the gods. The black fog that was smashed by the smattering of the sky was also smashed by the majority, almost injuring the body of the squad.

The group of people also marveled at the same time, so terrible anti-seismic forces, the strength of each of the common flesh and blood of Wu Chang is not weaker than the ordinary destructive power of the powerful power, it is enough to thoroughly complete the Pangu world The terrible power of annihilation. The people finally realized that the horrible anti-shock force that had not been subjected to it, that is, the body of the scorpion was strong enough to be outrageous. Otherwise, it would have been the same as the witches of the present.

Fortunately, the mixed-source sky-capped flag blocked the often broken plasma, and the viscous plasma squirmed in the void, and the plasma gradually gathered together and re-condensed into a huge blood cell. The screaming whistling sound came from the blood ball. In a short time, the blood ball began to violently squirm, which was a quarter of an hour. The white-faced witch often reappeared in front of everyone.

Numerous slang words have reached the mouth of Wu Chang, but don't wait for him to open his mouth and grab the throat of Wu Chang. Do not laugh and laugh at Wu Chang said: "The body of immortality is really worthy of the name. Hey, there are many seniors who have been working, and the six runes have been very mysterious. The kid has not yet recorded them all." In the end, what is the role of the rune, you have to rely on the seniors to try a few times!"

"I ~~~" Wu Chang screamed, but Do not have already thrown him out. This time, I don’t want to use a strong demon **** in the purgatory, he throws Wu Chang. The power is greater and the speed is more than doubled.

It was a blink of an eye, and Wu was often stunned by the light curtain. This time, the speed of Wu’s frequent trips has doubled, and the power of anti-shock has doubled. Wu Chang has just been ejected to the body and turned into a large piece of blood and bologna sauce. He did not pay homage to the Fuyuan Qitian Banner and another evil door to the treasure 'Bone Gull Shield'. Two pieces of Hongmengbao also protected everyone. This is to resist the flesh and blood that Wu often reflects back.

The mixed yuan cover the sky flag is still intact, after all, this is not to use the blood and the life of the essence of the honour of the treasure. However, the Shield of the Bone Ghost, which was obtained from the ancestors of the ancestors, suffered a little damage. At least 3,000 white bones on the shield consisting of tens of thousands of small bones were shattered by the flesh and blood of Wu. After all, don't seriously sacred the treasures of these evil gates, just take them out temporarily and use them. The power is naturally better than the mixed yuan.

Looking at the damaged Bone Ghost Shield, everyone could not help but be amazed at the same time. The prohibition in front was really mysterious, and it was able to bring the flesh and blood of the earthquake to the horrible power of destroying Hongmeng. At the same time, they were also amazed at the tyrannical vitality of Wu Chang. This guy actually became a blood ball, which is a quarter of an hour. He once again became a human figure.

This time, instead of holding his neck, Wu often screamed loudly: "Miscellaneous things, rogue children, and so on, dare to insult me, etc...."

Uncleful hands clasped Wu Chang’s neck and made him unable to say a word.敖 敖 敖 敖 无 无 无 乞 乞 乞 乞 乞 乞 乞 乞 乞 乞 乞 乞 乞 乞 乞 乞 乞 乞 乞 乞 乞 感情 感情 感情 感情 感情 感情 感情 感情 感情 感情 感情 感情 感情 感情 感情 感情 感情 感情 感情 感情 感情 感情 感情 感情 感情 感情Throw this out a few times again... Hey, let’s take a look at my grandfather’s means!”

Do not smile, nodded, and took out two evil doors to prepare for the treasure.

I don’t respect the wolf’s neck, it’s like throwing a chain ball and slamming the squad for a few dozen laps until he pulls Wu’s neck about three feet long. This is a “hip-hop”. I lost Wu Chang. The poor witch often gave a sharp, long roar, and the uncontrollable body was thrown away to the prohibition of hundreds of thousands of miles away.

The light flashed, and the six runes flashed again. This time, the other six people were obsessed with the six runes of the memory, remembering the trajectory of the flashing light in the six runes. Wu often screamed, this time he just touched the ban and turned into a pool of blood, followed by a loud noise, a large swath of blood whistling to the crowd, Wu often fleshy Every drop of blood and water is like a thunder rushing, whistling and tearing the void and rushing to the front of the group.

This time, the evil spirits of the two master defenses, the 'Ghost Skin Green Spirit Flag' and the 'Wan Duo Xuan Guang Mask', were all smashed by the reflected plasma, and even the black mist sprayed by the Fuyuan Qitian Banner was shattered. Seventy percent, almost hurt the body of the mixed yuan.

However, everyone also found that the greater the strength to throw Wu Chang, the longer the time when the prohibition appeared, the longer the six runes appeared, and the more vivid the memory of the six runes. The shape and the energy flow inside it.

Waiting for Wu once again to re-agglomerate the body, do not discuss with the public, the group of people laughing and joking into a strange gossip map. This time, no one has thrown a witch, but all the mana of all people have gathered in the map. The mana of all people has been transformed into a huge force by the transformation of the map. Wu Changfei shot it.

This time Wu often carries more than a hundred times more power than the ones who don’t want to throw him alone, and the speed is much faster. The thin ban was flashing violently, and the ban was slowly dissipated in the void for a sustained period of breathing.

Wu Chang was not reflected back this time, because his body was bursting in a mad explosion in the ban, and it was broken into a **** smoke in the blink of an eye. Even the smoke was banned in the rapid flashing light. Being quickly cut and shattered, all the forces are forbidden to deal with Wu Chang, and there is no trace of power to leak out to stop people.

After a period of breathing, I watched a stream of **** smoke gather in the void, and then slowly turned into a thick **** ball. After a while, the ugly witch often formed again. This time, I don’t want to sigh and admire: "It really is the body of immortality, and it really is very powerful. Hey, Wu Chang, you really are the next road to the cannon fodder!"

Wu often stumbles in the void, and he looks at him and waits for him. He suddenly screams like a heartbreaker: "You killed me, beg you to kill me... This is What a **** ban? Why, why..."

Wu Chang’s face was twitching and his eyes were white, and the sticky white foam in his mouth continued to spurt out. It seemed that there was a sign of mental disorder.

Don't be fooled by curiosity. Does the prohibition really make Wu always suffer such a big crime? How did he seem to have been tossed in the 18th Hell for countless years, and the whole person would collapse? Strange and awkward, he was imprisoned for so many years in the heavens, isn’t he always very energetic?

Shaking his head and offering the squad to cover the sky flag will bring Wu Chang back. Don’t smile and say to Wu Chang: "If we can kill you, we will give you a happy, but you see, now is us. There is no way to kill you, the undead, you are!"

敖 敖 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不Is it so boring to test the ban on others? Is it like a dead mother, is it so miserable?"

I laughed a few times, and I didn’t respect Wu’s smile and asked: “Which interested in throwing him away again?”

The sacred spirit is full of smiles, and the witch often picks up the past. He smiles and says to him: "The body of immortality, this is simply a wonderful product. With such a pathfinder, what is the battlefield? Is it rare to live with us? This is baby!"

The crowd laughed in unison, and Wu was often thrown out again.


Have eaten dinner for the fourth chapter. . .

Work hard, work hard, work hard!