Stealing The Heavens

Chapter 403: Defamation

Chapter 404

The group of people was shocked and once again stepped back a lot.

Annihilation, complete annihilation. A twenty-eight-year-old fairy, he was actually beaten by Yuanhua’s ancestors with a seemingly shabby cloth. This kind of power is really scary.

Yuanhua’s ancestors did not say a word and walked forward. As soon as they grasped the hilt of the golden sword, a **** quickly swarmed into the sword. On the fairy sword, a large rune was suddenly lit up, and the soft screams came from the inside of the sword. In the blink of an eye, the ancestors of Yuanhua’s ancestors were close to the core of the complex array in the sword, and the faint contact almost became fragmented. , hidden in the core of the sword, the sleeping spirit.

The group of immortals suddenly awakened, no matter how the Huiling real people were annihilated, no matter what means Yuanhua used to suddenly beat him, but this sword is too eye-opening. More than 18 kinds of Xianjian, although the instrumental spirit has been greatly traumatized, but as long as it takes some time and spirit, the spiritual injury is easy to recover. With this sword, you can lay the foundation of the First Immortal in the Pro-Tian and surrounding days.

Hundreds of immortals shot at the same time, they shouted: "Yuan Hua Xianyou, please let this sword let us see!"

The void around Yuanhua’s ancestors suddenly shattered, and hundreds of fascinating big hands grabbed him. However, these big hands struggled with each other, but they revealed the flaws of the boss. The shadows of Yuanhua’s ancestors flashed, and Yuanhua’s ancestors slid out.

With a long scream, Yuanhua’s ancestors shouted: “Yuanhuamen disciple, go! Chuanxianjun, that brilliant star, but my Yuanhuamen!”

The idiots waved in a big sleeve, and a cloud of smoke rushed into the sky, wrapped up a disciple who did not participate in the gambling, and suddenly turned into an aura to follow Yuanhua's ancestors. The ancestors of Yuanhua were flying in the forefront with the golden fairy sword. Wherever the golden light went, the chaotic airflow was like a smashing snow, and it was just a way to let the disciples chasing after him go smoothly.

However, the chaotic airflow is very different in nature and extremely heavy. Yuanhua’s ancestors held the golden fairy sword in front of the road, and the speed was suddenly reduced by more than 100 times. Although the Yuanhuamen disciple escaped quickly, he was quickly chased up by the immortals in the rear.

In the forefront, it is the ancient river people who have a faint golden light. The string of beads in his left hand suddenly turned into a radiant glow of more than a hundred groups of soft and radiant Buddha light, and the face of the skull was like a storm and smashed toward the people. The people on the ancient river screamed: "Yuan Hua Xianyou, this sword has a relationship with my Buddha, and I also asked the fairy to put down this sword and make a good relationship with my Buddha!"

More than a hundred groups of Buddha light came from the boring singer of the singer, the Yuanhuamen disciple who participated in the gambling, those disciples who only had Yuan Ying repaired only felt the brains tremble, and they turned their eyes and fainted. The laughter and other ten-dimensional **** disciples are constantly squatting, and Rao is the cloud-light protection that the idiots have released. The Yuanshen is still shaken in the body and chaos, and the gods will collapse.

The people on the ancient river were even more slap in the face, and a Buddha's light spurred out and turned into a giant claw shaped like a big penguin and clawed toward the Yuanhua ancestors. The group of immortals have seen that the sword of the hands of Yuanhua’s ancestors has already spurted out a large golden flame. It seems that Yuanhua’s ancestors have already erased the wisdom of the real people who stayed in the sword, and they are about to take their gods. The brand is printed on the serious wounded spirit.

Once Yuan Hua’s ancestors took control of this seriously wounded sword, the repair of the 28th peak of Yuanhua’s ancestors could also suddenly increase the strength several times. Even if several Xianjuns present together, it is definitely not The opponent of Yuanhua's ancestors.

Therefore, it is now necessary to stop Yuanhua's ancestors from cultivating this sword. As long as it can obstruct his quick effort and interrupt his sacrifice to the sword, more than a thousand Tianxian shots at the same time will surely take this sword away. As for who is the last vested in this sword, there is always a lucky one? And all the immortals feel that they are the lucky ones!

When it was late, it was fast, and I didn’t want to scream for a long time. He waved his left hand, and countless dragon scales spurted out of the sky, with a screaming whistling sound greeted by the Buddha’s light of more than 100 groups. The dragon scales were densely touched on the Buddha's light, and the Buddha's light burst into a dull bang. The dragon scales were shattered, but the Buddha's light that fell on the head was also hit by the huge impact of the dragon scales. More than a hundred groups of Buddha light were planted into the chaotic airflow not far away, but they disappeared after a round of turning.

The ancient river was so popular that it did not vomit blood. This string of beads is the treasure that he carried with him when he practiced himself. After his numerous years of Buddha's and mindful blessings, he has already communicated with his mind, and his power is not weaker than the ordinary fairy. However, because of such a blow, the beads were taken away by the chaotic airflow, and even the Taiyi Jinxian could not find such a small string of beads in the chaotic starry sky.

As is known to all, the Buddhist monks have always been suffering. They usually only have two or three pieces of Buddhist treasures. They are the treasures of all the Buddha's strength and mindfulness. They have never paid much attention to other things outside. The people on the Furukawa River are only such a piece of Buddha beads. He has been suffering for so many years, and all his efforts have fallen on this series of beads! The fierce loss is here, and Rao is a man of the ancient river, and he has already had some fires, and he still has a lot of anger.

"Damn junior, but also the treasure of Buddha!" ​​The ancient people on the Fuhe eyebrows upside down, but also too lazy to chase the Yuanhua ancestors, but the right hand waved, flying out of the huge claws shaped like a big pen When the head was caught, it was caught. If this claw is caught and solid, and the strength gap between him and the beggar, it is certain that he will be arrested and broken. At this time, the people on the ancient river were too lazy to pay attention to whether or not they had a relationship with his Buddha.

Coldly screaming, don't be a bite, but also a lot of pain in my heart. The penta-dragon scale shield was just applied, and at least 10,000 pieces of dragon scales were shattered by beads. This is the heavy treasure that he worked hard to find out from the dragon's grave in the ancestral grave of Wanying Laolong, and lost the 10,000-piece dragon scale. The attacking force and the defensive power of the Wutu Dragon scale shield suddenly dropped. 40%.

"Old vulture, you still have my dragon scales!" Do not be angry with the three corpse gods violently jumping, he doubled his eyes, his eyebrows opened his eyes, and the cold electron microscope suddenly ejected more than a hundred glaring purple electric lights. Solidly hit the people on the ancient river. At the same time, don't smash all the emperors that Jiang Yun's ancestors and Bai Xia and Qing Wu's two priests rewarded, and they died as they died.

On the Furukawa people snorted, his muscles under the skin clearly visible muscle strips, his golden body Rohan law body launched, cold light sprayed thunder light on him, blowing his body 'dangle' sound, like After hitting a golden bell, it just shattered the skin of his chest, and there was not even a trace of blood.

However, after all, the cold-electric mirror is a fusion of a group of nine days of Lei Lei essence. After so long efforts to cultivate, the power of the cold-electric mirror has been forced to the ordinary fairy. Although these lightnings failed to inflict heavy damage on the ancient river, they also lost a lot of his vitality. The people on the ancient river swelled for a while, and they were forced to hover in the same place.

Dozens of fairy charms broke out, and did not follow the formal urging means to trigger the fairy magic in the fairy charm, but in the most violent and direct way, dozens of fairy charms were simultaneously detonated. Large clouds of white clouds, water vapor, blue fog, and glare turned into a group of light and shadows. The Dapeng claws of the ancient rivers were suddenly blown up, and the martyrdom opened by Yuanhua’s ancestors was suddenly blown up. .

Was swayed by the fairy, and the chaotic airflow around the inside of the chaos, almost did not involve the ancient river people into the chaotic starry sky, scared him to scream, grabbed the squatting neck of the real person This is barely struggling. The many immortals who came after him were also blocked by the sudden collapse of the gods and sights, and the distance from them was suddenly farther away.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yuanhua's ancestors suddenly changed the direction of the flight, and broke into the chaotic starry sky and flew over. The idiots quickly followed up with the beggars and others, and they did not forget to slap the shoulders of the beggars and shouted: "Don’t be a child, be beautiful!"

Yuanhua ancestors who are busy in front of the road and escaped are also sighing and sighing: "Sure enough, I have done a good job, as long as I have escaped today, this sword is the treasure of my Yuanhuamen town! Wonderful, wonderful, I can't think of Huiling There is such a heavy treasure in hand, which disturbs the situation, otherwise everything is in our calculations."

I don’t want to hear a bitter smile. When they secretly discussed this matter in Qingya Mountain, they did not expect this result.

Everything was properly planned. Don’t wait for 110 disciples to kill the disciples of Lingling and grab the ownership of the Lingshi planet. This is the first step. Then Yuanhua’s ancestors had been sitting in the Qingya Xingshan Gate until the last time Huiling’s real person challenged, and then rushed to the scene through the pre-arranged migration array, and responded to the seriously injured Huiling real person with a good body. This is a stable situation.

As long as Yuanhua's ancestors killed the Huiling real person, this Yuanhuamen won completely. Unexpectedly, the source of Huiling's real people has the courage to raise. It is actually a sword of more than 18 products. This has stirred up the chaos of the situation, and everyone in Yuanhuamen has to flee.

Even, don’t be very curious, if Yuan Hui’s real person owns this sword, Yuan Hua’s ancestors will use his strange little cloth. That small cloth can instantly annihilate Huiling real people, this way, but unusual, look at that look, this cloth should be the means of Yuanhua ancestors at the bottom of the box!

However, although things have changed, the results are always good.

Yuanhuamen’s name was justified and won the Huang Yixing. His own site has not been doubled, and he can monopolize the Lingshi Planet. The future development of the Zongmen is really bright. At the thought of the pride, both Yuanhua's ancestors and idiots, and even the Yuanhuamen disciples, all of them are laughing and laughing, and the laughter is full of pride.

Not only the Huang Yixing and the Lingshi Planet, Yuanhua's ancestors also got such a top-grade sword, and in the future, Yuanhuamen must be sitting big! With a strong teacher to do the backing, what are the future developments of many people?

The pressure from the front suddenly became light, and Yuanhua’s ancestors took the crowd out of the chaotic starry sky.

In the hands of the Xianjian suddenly issued a soft tweet, Yuanhua ancestors have been licking the most debilitating time of the instrument, forcibly entered the gods in the spirit of the brand.

At this moment, a strange light rushed in the oblique thorns, and the real people rushed to the Yuanhua ancestors.

"Yuan Hua, do you dare to kill my strange disciple?" The real person is a thunder and smashed down.