Stealing The Heavens

Chapter 404: Cause and effect

Chapter 404, Causes and Consequences

Time to go back to the point where the sneak sneak into the legacy, the congenital two instruments will be conquered.

On the Qingya Mountain, all injuries were recovered, and it was broken and stood up. With the spirit of Qipin Xiandan, it broke through the bottleneck of the 28th peak and entered the Yuanhua ancestor of the 27th Tianxian. Sitting on the top of the mountain, the martial art of the gods, the warmth of the cloud and the sword in the sea.

Beside him is a moving array of diameters, a space that can be transported by him alone to the void of the beggars and others. Don't be in the spherical space just in the legacy, the moment when everyone is attracted by the remains of the government, throwing a moving array near the entrance to the space, so Yuanhua ancestors can use the fastest speed. Moved to the duel scene by moving the array.

On the chest of Yuanhua's ancestors, carrying a small cyan aphid. This is the son of the mother, and the other mother is brought to the body by the idiot. As long as the gambling on the side of the singer divides the result, once the Huiling real person challenges the challenge, the idiots will use their hands to stimulate the mother worm, and the worm will react here, and the Yuanhua ancestors will arrive in time.

Sitting on the top of the mountain, trying to adjust his own state, Yuanhua ancestors mouth with a hint of smile.

He is very satisfied with Jiang Yun's ancestors and those who don't want to visit these people. He never dreamed that Jiang Yun's ancestors could open up such a large base and be able to teach such a good group of people. This time, the gambling is also good, and the duel is worthwhile. Yuanhuamen is bound to win a complete victory and lay the foundation for the first fairy door in Pro-Land.

Where is there such a good opportunity on weekdays? The control of the heavens of the parties is still very strict. The two great fairy doors have no reason to do anything, and they will be interfered by the Heavenly Emperor. Even if Yuanhuamen’s strength is far beyond the Lingmen, it will not be able to occupy the foundation of the Lingmen.

But Hui Ling real person actually took the initiative to send it to the door?

No matter what card he had, Yuanhua’s ancestors stroked three small pieces of cloth in his sleeve, and his heart was filled with confidence.

When Yuanhua's ancestors were still an ordinary Yuanying monk, his sexual travels, as long as they accumulated some Lingshi, they would move through the various places and sneak around the planets in the Pro-Day to grow their knowledge. In the same year, on a ridiculous planet, Yuanhua’s ancestors met a man who fell from the sky and was covered in blood. Only one head was barely able to maintain a complete immortal.

The immortal is already on the verge of extinction, but Yuanhua’s ancestors are also running from time to time. He is not in the ridiculous bird, but used to make a virtual space to transfer the planet, and found a 'guiyuan sapphire milk'. It is a kind of elixir that can raise the soul of the gods, gather the vitality, and bring back the life, and the one that belongs to the Yuanqingyu milk has a climate of more than a dozen yuan, and the aura of the possession is extremely effective.

Through this elixir, the fascinating Yuanhua ancestors saved the limbs from knowing where they were going, and the internal organs were beaten by the thunderfire. Only one head was barely able to see a humanoid immortal. After the immortal was saved by Yuanhua's ancestors, there was no nonsense. He only pulled down the ancestors of Yuanhua's ancestors and left him with nine strips. It looked like a cold charm and a promise.

Nine pieces of magical symbols have been used in the course of many years of cultivation of Yuanhua's ancestors. Every spell symbolizes a strong enemy of one or a group of Yuanhua ancestors. From the monks of the Yuanshen, the ordinary fairy, to the two twenty-nine magical immortals who conspired to seize the Yuanhuamen foundation before the three meta-conferences, as long as the Yuanhua ancestors sacrificed the charms, no one can avoid the fate of annihilation. .

This is the biggest secret of Yuanhua's ancestors and his greatest reliance.

It is possible to make such an amazingly killing charm with ordinary burlap strips, and the strength of the immortal who was saved by Yuanhua’s ancestors can be imagined. And the promise of the immortal to Yuanhua’s ancestors is that if one day Yuanhua’s ancestors can break through the realm of Jinxian, he will accept Yuanhua’s ancestors as a disciple, and all the gatekeepers of Yuanhua’s ancestors will choose the best. Under the income. If the doorman of Yuanhua's ancestors can break through the realm of Jinxian, then the same person will be the Yuanhua ancestors.

Breaking through the realm of Jinxian, you can be earned by that person!

Yuanhua's ancestors licked their mouths, and they laughed with helplessness. He knew that he had saved a great character, but the conditions of this teacher were too harsh. Only Jin Xian can be his doorman. What is the cultivation of that person?

With a sigh of relief, Yuanhua’s ancestors stopped recalling. He just stroked the three small cloths and charms, and secretly calculated that Huiling’s real people would have to wait for themselves. But no matter what card you have, can't you compare yourself to this charm?

With a sneer, Yuanhua’s ancestors counted the things that were decided on that day and those who did not want to.

Yuanhua's ancestors have the ambition to strengthen Yuanhua Xianmen. Because the foundation is strong, he can also get more cultivation resources, such as Xianshi, a large number of Xianshi, which can also increase the speed of immortal cultivation. Therefore, Yuanhua’s ancestors began to insert dark objects into other fairy doors long ago. Like the thing of the Lingshi Planet, it was originally a clue to the doorman of the Lingmen Gate, but Yuanhua’s ancestors soon got the news. Yuanhua’s ancestors took the lead and instead found it earlier than Qilingmen. The Lingshi Planet has the upper hand in morality.

This time, 鲶蛟 鲶蛟 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The biggest reliance on the snow-covered scorpion to smash the thunderbolt, once it has passed the thunder, it will be transformed into a human being, and the magic power of the magical power will be greatly improved. The reason why Qiqimen endured the grievances of eating people is because the snow-swallowing scorpion can't be dispatched now, and the real people are afraid of being taken by others, so they dare not go out and pursue this matter.

The high-rises of Qiqimen have also made a decision. As long as the snow scorpion swallows the sky and thunders, Qiqimen is looking for this scene.

What makes Yuanhua’s ancestors worry and angry is that Qiqimen has already made a resolution to annex Yulingmen and Yuanhuamen. Qi Lingmen and Yuan Huamen are fighting each other. The gods in Zongmen have hurt a seven-eight-eight-eighth. They don’t have to recover in tens of thousands of years. No matter who wins or loses, the two will lose strength. Greatly compromised.

The gates of the real people, the people who are in the heavens, the relationship between the Qimen and the heavens are more closely related to the other fairy doors of the Pro-Tianjing. Therefore, the real person made a decision. After Yuanhua’s ancestors and Huiling’s real people’s duel, no matter who wins or loses, there will always be one death between the two tigers. Qiqimen will take this opportunity to attack with all strength, and Yuanhuamen and The one that defeated Lingmen was first annexed.

In order to achieve this goal, the real person even found a substitute and turned into his own appearance to watch the duel. And if you are a real person, you will bring more than a dozen immortals in the sect. You will be hiding in the vicinity of the 硗 门 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 慧 慧 慧 慧 慧 慧 慧 慧 慧 慧 慧 慧 慧First broke the foundation of the Lingmen.

The other group of thirteen strangers of Qiqimen also sneaked into Yuanhuamen early, waiting for the key places such as the Lingdan Hall to attack Yuanhuamen. If the person who lost in the duel is Yuanhua's ancestor, once Yuanhua's ancestors died, Yuanhuamen's heart was in chaos, and 13 Tianxian was enough to cause great damage to Yuanhuamen.

The wishful thinking of Qiqimen was shocked, and Yuanhua’s ancestors also cooperated with their wishful thinking, letting them act.

The thirteen strangers of the Qimenmen dressed as a disguised appearance, sneaked into the Qingyaxing star a few months ago, and now live in the Qingya Xianfang, daily in the past, the wine woman's good life. comfortable. But today, it is time to close the network.

This is a plan that is not to be proposed. If you want to reach out, then you will cut off their claws! Excuse me and sacrifice the entire Qingya Xianfang, and also kill the thirteen wonders of the Qimen Gate. As a result, the strength of Qiqimen was greatly reduced, and no longer dared to move to Yuanhuamen.

Even if the Qimen goalkeeper hit the case with the Chuan Xianren, Yuanhuamen still took the reason. For no reason, you have a sneak peek into the Yuanhuamen, and what good things can you do? At that time, as long as all the witnesses are killed, it is said that the 13th Tianxian of the Qimen Gate intentionally attacked the Yuanhua Gate. This black pot is buckled solidly, and you are not afraid of the lawsuit!

Just when Yuanhua’s ancestors recalled and the ones that were not prepared by others, a communication jade around him suddenly moved, and a light tone floated out. These days, the big arrays arranged near the Qingya Square have been launched, and the entire Qingya Xianfang has been trapped. Twenty-three fairy tales of Qiqimen are now attacking the big array of siege.

However, there are also ten people in the Yuanhuamen Tianxian who stayed behind the Qingya Star. They occupied the advantage of the landlord and completely surrounded the immortals of Qiqimen with a large array. Where are the opportunities for them to escape?

After listening to the reports of the disciples left behind, Yuanhua’s ancestors smiled coldly, and the sword went straight to Qingya Xianfang. With the help of the big array, Yuanhua’s ancestors had a fight, and thirteen singularly singularly smashed the celestial scorpion, but he himself suffered a minor injury.

Killing the fairy tale of Qiqimen sneaked into the Qingyaxing, the mother-in-law immediately sent a sharp voice, and Yuanhua’s ancestors did not dare to neglect, and immediately embarked on the move to the duel scene. When he saw that Hui Ling’s real card was actually a top-grade sword, Yuan Hua’s ancestors immediately used a magical symbol to kill Hui Ling’s real person on the spot.

As a result, Xianjian was too seduce, and attracted so many immortals' siege on the scene. Yuanhua's ancestors did not dare to neglect, and they rushed away with many doormen.

I know that Qiqimen’s reaction is also very fast. I really know that the doorman who sneaked into Qingyaxing was killed. I know that when the real person who is exposed to the crime is willing to eat this squandering loss, he immediately rushed over. , blocked the Yuanhua ancestors and his party.

Taking advantage of myself to cultivate a higher than the Yuanhua ancestors, 沄 沄 不管 不管 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 不管 不管 不管 。 。 。 。 。 。.

However, the real person does not know that Yuanhua’s ancestors are no longer the same, and he is already a twenty-seventh fairy!

Looking at the thunder of the head, Yuanhua's ancestors sneered, and the sword in his hand suddenly released a large piece of golden light, turning into a light rainbow.