Stealing The Heavens

Chapter 538: Outland **** iron

The 538th chapter


I don't respect a spit and spit in the lake. A skull soft numb was scared by his dragon, and the fish head screaming in the lake was bright, and suddenly he picked up a sip of mouth and swallowed a large piece of lake water into his stomach. He shook his head and screamed at the end, and said: "The real dragon is on the top, the little demon is daring, and you are so stunned!"

With a sneer, I don’t use two hind paws to hold my body on the shoulders of the donkeys. He swayed his body around the world, and said with arrogance: "But, you guys are also acquainted with the goods. Take a spit and give it to you!"

Yan Hao and his three daughters were dull and looked at the fishy heads with smirk, and then looked at the screaming screaming on the shoulders of the beggars. Suddenly, I realized that this is a pure dragon with a pure bloodline! Only the pure-blooded dragons can be called the real dragon grandfather by these aquatic demons!

Dragons, the king of the world's aquarium, it is no wonder that sneezing and sneezing scared several fish head monsters to fall in the lake; no wonder he spit out and spit out, the head of the fish head rushed to grab the spit. The unspoken saliva is the legendary dragon scorpion. If it is used to water the flowers, it can turn the grass into a ganoderma lucidum. If the ordinary aquatic sorcerer gets a glimpse of the dragon, they can bring a trace of it. A faint dragon atmosphere, there will be a great probability to become a dragon in the future!

敖 敖 敖 敖 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I spit in the garden! I heard that the elixir planted with the dragonfly is ten times more powerful than the same kind of grass. You like to spit, and then spit it out every day!"

The arrogance of the unrespected temper was suddenly reduced. He was dejected on the shoulders of the shackles. He snorted in a short time, but he did not dare to take the blame. Don't scream, under the leadership of Hao Hao, a group of five people landed on the small island in the middle of the lake. Several fish head geeks saw that there was a pure-blooded true dragon to follow, and they dared to approach them. They just nodded and nodded in the vicinity, and pointed out the way to enter the Blackfish Xianfang.

There is a pavilion in the middle of the island. Below the pavilion is a ramp entrance with a few squares. Whether it is the pavilion or the processing of the ramp is rough, the pavilion looks like a thatched shed, and that way, how to see it is a pit that has been dug up by people.

Going down the stairs with a rugged, rugged and rough road, the light on the road is not bad. The top of the head is inlaid with big and small night pearls. The light of the beads shines brightly and brightly. From time to time, in the ramp, you can also see some fish-headed monsters, shrimp heads and other aquatic demon ran straight and ran, and the mouth still whispered from time to time.

Going down a dozen miles, the front suddenly became bright, and a fairy square in the ground appeared in front of the donkey.

This is a huge cave with a length of several tens of miles and a high ceiling. The shape of the cave is crooked and rugged everywhere. On the ceiling of the cave, dozens of large pearls are inlaid, and the monks have arranged a thick and light spell such as 'Mingguang Mantra' in the pearl, which reminds them of the bright and shining eyes like a small sun, so the light in the cave is very Ok, and the position of the pearl is excellent. Under the illumination of the beads in all directions, it has actually played the magical effect of the shadowless lamp.

Curiously stretched out two hands and found that there was no shadow in the palm of his hand. Don’t help but laugh: "It is quite advanced, and the shadowless lights are all made out?"

In the vast caves, there are countless small stalls twisted and twisted, and countless strange monks are struggling between these crowded stalls. There are nearly 10,000 large and small stalls in the vast caves. There is no one-to-one planning. No one manages them. Everyone is free to see which site they are holding up and prop up their own stalls, stalls and stalls. The distance between them can sometimes only accommodate a muddy drill.

As for those stalls, I paid attention to the fact that a large piece of slate was put in and laid on the ground. This is the most exquisite booth that I have seen and seen. The next point is put together with a few trunks, and a piece of animal skin is placed on it. This booth is not bad.

If you don't pay attention to it, draw a circle on the ground, display a small ban to indicate the existence of the circle, and your own items are scattered to the ground. This is also a booth. There are also some monks who are too lazy to get one. They carry seven or eight large and small leather pockets on their bodies. The large pockets are half-opened and half-covered, revealing the various goods inside. They either stand still or As the monks wandered around, the mouth yelled at the rare and rare of their goods.

Among these monks, 70% are evil monks, such as magic repairs, ghost repairs, and demon repairs. These monks have never paid much attention to their clothes and dresses. Some of them have been repaired, and they have been covered with ghosts. In the grave, the white bones and the like are used as ornaments, and some of the carrion is still not clean and is full of odor.

However, this kind of carrion odor is nothing more than a glimpse of these monks. It is found that there are several skunks and monsters made by the monks. After they become monsters, their talents have become more powerful. The smell on the body is enough to make the monk who is not enough to stun. They were huddled with the monks around them, sweating and sweating, the smell of sweat and their natural stench, combined with the smell of carrion, mixed with a more lethal force than the mountains. Weird.

The three women, Lishui, Daiyu and Qiling, stayed together. They rolled their eyes at the same time and rushed to the side to vomit. The taste in the cave is terrible, and they are the monks in the early days of Yuan Ying, and they can't stop the terrible taste.

Hao Hao had long used a small ban to isolate the air around his body. He smiled and said to him: "Predecessors, drowning them, have never been to the Blackfish Fairy. The taste of this place is not so good. But if you want to find something good, you have to come here!"

Do not pout, he shook his head, took out three nine-yellow five-petal lotus from the belly of Jiuyin snake and handed it to the three women in Lishui: "But this baby in your mouth, you can resist the suffocation here. Hey, This ghost place is really good."

The three women in Lishui hurriedly took over the nine-yellow and five-petal lotus, and they were busy with their mouths. A fragrant fragrance flowed through the body, and the silky air was flowing out from every pore of the body. The three women in Lishui only felt the spirit. I can no longer feel the terrible suffocation of the outside world. The three women looked up and looked away, this strange flower that was unheard of, where did he come from? It is worthy of your own master, and a small flower has such a magic effect.

Seeing the three women’s eyes of admiration, don’t help but smile in my heart. When the congenital chaotic spirit was condensed in the belly of the Jiuyin snake, because the aura required was too large, he collected more than 10,000 pieces of nine yin and five-petal lotuses that had been lost by himself by ninety-nine, and now there are dozens of The little flower has been preserved under the care of the unconscious, and it is a little extravagant to use three flowers once a day.

I looked at Hao Hao and I didn’t see the hope of the eyes of Hao Hao. But a big man, the stinky point is stinky, didn't you see so many monks huddled together to enjoy the terrible suffocation? I ignored the poor eyes of Hao Hao, and did not take up my hands and walked toward the crowded booth in front of me.

The three women of Lishui smiled at their father and then hurriedly stayed behind. Hao Hao sighed and hurriedly blessed himself with several small bans that blocked the odor. Then he frowned and went inside.

Do not be surrounded by a faint cloud of smoke, he sneaked into Yuanhuamen, Yuan Wuwei, the way of the heart, the clouds flew out, the feminine potential spread, and his body was in addition to the family. No one can come close, and there is a wide passageway wherever he passes.

Several ruthless demon sorcerers saw that they should not behave in such a way, and could not help but sneak a sigh of relief, deliberately relying on their stout body to smash into it. But let them use them to rush into the shackles. They always can't hit the actual things. They just don't feel that they are in the bounds of a singularity. They are enough to break the huge force that crushes the mountains. Invisible, their bodies also slipped out of the air.

After several times of three times, these demon repairs finally realized how big the gap between themselves and the beggars, and they disappeared into the crowd without any color. The other monks also turned their heads neatly and unwilling to look at them. Take a look.

Don’t smile and walk in front of one booth after another. Although his knowledge can easily cover the entire Dongfu, the goods on these stalls are too much and too complicated. Some goods have the same spirit as the Bohai Xuanjin copper. Shielding the aura or greatly disturbing the effect of the aura, it is impossible to find the real good things with the gods, so he took the family of four into the middle of these booths, using the chaotic gods to look like.

Not bad, there are a lot of Jiu Ling Lingcao, there are several kinds of eight-character grass, eight spirits grass is a good thing that can make the Chinese products Tianxian refine the elixir. For the monks here, the eight-character grass is not the slightest. The role, if they have eaten eight spirits grass, the huge pressure is enough to poison them.

There are also a lot of materials for various refiners, but there are not many better materials. Don’t look at the ordinary goods, so it’s just a walk away.

After hundreds of booths, don't frown, and suddenly grabbed a body with seventeen or eight leather pockets, lazy and yelling at the rabbits that passed by him! This is clearly a monster made by a rabbit. She is a girl's image, but with two long rabbit ears on her head, her mouth is still a three-petal mouth, and the two eyes are also red, although she has roughly the image of the person, carefully Look at the past, still a big rabbit!

The rabbit was so timid that she was caught by a slap, and she immediately yelled: "The seniors are forgiving, what you want, though you took it!"

As he spoke, the tears of the rabbit's tears flowed down, and the two long ears were pulled on his head.

Don't ignore this rabbit blessing, but stretched out a leather pocket hanging from her chest, and took out a fist size, but there are more than 300 kilograms of heavy body in pale silver, which is inlaid Hundreds of stone scorpions shaped like grapes with colorful halo metal cores.

No mistakes, the stars and gold, and the Jinxian equipment of the same class.