Stealing The Heavens

Chapter 543: Situation

The 534th chapter

Luozhou, the state capital of Zhangzhou, is a state town that is less than five hundred years old and is very young in the Pangu mainland. There are more than 30 thousand residents in the city, and there are more than 500,000 inhabitants. There are three thousand regular troops in the city, and there are thousands of criminals in the court. The hidden priests of the priests are not armed.

Walking on the spacious and clean avenue of Luocheng, don't be curious about watching.

This is the first time he officially entered a big state town. It is such a city that controls all the affairs of a state with a billions of miles and masters the killing of all the creatures on this vast land. If the Daxu court, as well as the state-owned animal husbandry of the state-owned Dazhou, which governs Zhangzhou, does not interfere with the government affairs here, Zhangzhou Mu is the supreme king of the country.

The buildings in the city are all in the style of the typical Dagu dynasty. The thick boulders have built a huge house that is stable like a fortress. There are green trees and flowing water as partitions between the houses, wearing black clothes and wearing high crowns. The officials of the Division of the Criminal Court walked with no expression on the street and maintained the peace of Luocheng.

The ordinary people in Luocheng look relaxed and comfortable, and the pedestrians on the street are mostly smiling and full of simple style. Some children are playing on the street, some are ordinary children, and some are already practicing the basic human race. But no matter how big their strengths are, they just play like children, and there is nothing wrong with them.

There were no **** on the streets, and I suddenly thought that he had not seen any **** and refugees when he arrived at Pangu. This is a place where you can afford to fill your stomach as long as you work hard. Moreover, the folk customs here are simple, all the people are honest and straightforward, even if there are natural disasters that have created some displaced people, they will soon be absorbed and digested by the nearby villages and towns.

Don't look at the residents of Luocheng who lived comfortably and smiled. He suddenly found himself in love with Pangu.

Standing on the street, laughing at a group of children holding wooden sticks and bamboo poles together to do a fighting game, so for a full quarter of an hour, do not nod and nodded, striding to the state's state pastor. The official erection of Daxie, which communicated with the moving states of the big state cities, was set up in the square in front of the state pasture.

Before going to the state pastoral office, a ray of light was erupting in the square, and several officials in Tsing Yi were moving out of the line. Several officials from Ganzhou were waiting at the side of the square. They greeted the officials and took a document and a token from the other party. Several people smashed together and a few words, officials in Ganzhou smiled and greeted these foreign officials in a pavilion on the side of the square.

For a moment, I didn’t want to go to the front of the bureaucrats wearing black clothes and wearing jade crowns. He coughed and asked the several bureaucrats: "Several adults, I want to use the move to go to Zhongzhou, I wonder if it is convenient?"

A few of the officials looked at them, and one of them took out a bone mirror and took a photo. A white light was seen on the bone mirror, and it was shining on the body of the beggar. A large piece of purple gas was suddenly ejected from the skin of the beggar. Under the reflection of the bone mirror, the purple gas could be seen with the naked eye. The officially awkward bureaucrat suddenly brought a smile, and the bureaucrat holding the bone mirror smiled and said: "It turned out to be a warrior of my own family. It is naturally convenient... Ha, I thought it was those monks who didn't open their eyes. I was still prepared to be alive. Something."

Don't hold a fist to them, drop a bunch of Lingshi as the cost of using the move, and then stride into the move.

These bureaucrats found that the practice of the Terran was not practiced, and that they had become extremely friendly after having a strong cultivation. I didn't even ask where I was going, what I was going to do, and I helped him to open up the move, letting you find the transmission coordinates of Zhongzhou and launching the move.

Don't be clear in your heart, you deliberately exposed the fact that you are true to the world, which makes those bureaucrats have such a good attitude towards themselves.

In exchange for the people who cultivated the immortals, they want to use the official migration of the Daxie. They must either pay an extremely expensive price, or they will simply evaporate and disappear inexplicably. Unless it is the kind of person who has a strong backing behind him, so that the official of the Daxie does not dare to act rashly, and must be the person who has received the sacred cultivation of the immortal in the official establishment of the Dagu, it is safe and easy to use the move.

Daxie can transfer troops between various states and towns by moving the array, while the people who cultivated the immortals are tied to the states and counties. This also facilitates the official management of the people in the various counties and counties. Repression.

The pressure brought by the move was suddenly light, and he did not shine. He had already arrived at the move in front of the pastoral residence of Zhongning City. The atmosphere of Zhongning City is extremely strange. If you don’t just move out of the move, you will notice the chilling atmosphere here.

On the avenue around the state pasture, the brigade of the brigade brigade is moving around, and the murderous eyes are passing through the body from time to time. Nearly a hundred flying boats were suspended in the sky above the state pasture, and there were dozens of priests in the Sitian Temple in the vicinity of each flying boat. The flying boat and the priests formed a complex array of strong protections of the state pastoral.

Dozens of extremely powerful breaths are hidden in the state pastures, and the sharpness of the sky makes the clouds of the sky fragmented. These breaths and the sky's flying boats and priests joined together to lock the void around the state pasture.

Do not just walk out of the move, a few long swords suddenly stabbed, and the tip of the sword firmly resisted his vitality. Several fine-skinned sergeants surrounded the beggars, one wearing a gold armor, and behind him there was a black giant scorpion soul swaying generals screaming and shouting: "Who, where do you come from, what do you do in Zhongzhou?" ?Say it!"

With the general ‘fast talk’, a few long swords suddenly tried hard, and the tip of the sword quickly penetrated into the skin.

Don't worry about the slightest turn, his face suddenly turned white, and he said slyly: "Poor road... The poor road is a mess, come to Zhongzhou, just to go to a few strong friends of the year. Poor The Dongfu of the Tao was broken by several evils, and the poor road was escaped!"

The golden armor replied: "You are a monk? Unlike, I see you like a warrior of our human race!"

A few long swords are used again, and the tip of the sword is about to pierce the flesh.

Don't rush out and scream, his body twisted, and a white gas rushed out of his eyebrows. A shape like a shackle, surrounded by pieces of water clouds, exudes a pure, clear, authentic Taoist atmosphere of the baby from white The gas flew out. Don't shout: "The poor road is a monk, a monk, not a warrior of the Terran! General, you see, there is a poor child Yuanzheng!"

The general, who looked at Sensen, looked at the Yuan Ying, who was not convinced, and nodded slowly: "It is a monk. Hey, not my warrior, not a monk, hey, but a monk..." Monk, hey!"

The scorpion of the generals of the gold armor flashed in the cold, and he will order that he will not be killed.

Do not worry about a sudden turn, he hurriedly shouted: "General, the poor road to the friends, is the big sun mirror big day wheel Baoguang Yaotian Buddha, Sanliantai six arms down the demon Buddha The poor roads come here at the invitation of them, and they abandon the road like Buddha and convert to the Buddha's door. If you kill me, you can't explain it. This thing, the big day will definitely be investigated!"

The gold armor stayed for a while, and he glanced at him with a sly look. He waved his hand in an angry way: "Roll!"

Even if he didn't check the degree of the donkey, the gold armor generals let go and let him leave.

Don't squint at the golden armor, and smile and turn away, flashing into a remote alley in the square. Don't stand at the mouth of the alley, looking at the movements of the state's pastoral gates, and figure out what happened in Zhongzhou in the past few months. The devils who don’t want to smash, but don’t give him any information about Zhongzhou, can you see that all the news has been blocked?

The moving glare flashed again, and nearly a hundred tall and strong big men came out of the move.

But their luck is obviously not good, they just appeared, a high priest over the state pasture shouted: "Three beasts, kill!"

Around the brigade, the squadrons flocked to the air, and there were countless bans and bones in the air. Nearly the hundred ambassadors had not even figured out what had happened, and they were smashed into the army of the Zhongzhou soldiers. The body was quickly cleared and the plasma was cleaned.

In just one hour, there were more than a dozen batches of people in Zhongzhou’s moving array. Except for a few Taoist people who claimed to have strong men’s support behind them, they only came to the outer immortals who traveled through the ancient continent, so they escaped and the other ten Several groups of people, whether they were human warriors or monks, were all killed by the swarming soldiers.

Looking at the domineering behavior of these Zhongzhou's troops, don't try to figure out some flavors.

Perhaps the wind is not dead in the bottomless abyss of Beibei, it is likely that he also escaped, but his situation should not be very good. More likely, he has already got the news that Baishan Wang is going to deal with himself, so he is so tightly guarded.

"Interesting, interesting. If the wind really escapes from there, what will the White Mountain King and Miaoying Palace do?"

Indulge in a moment, do not know how to shake his head, if the Miao Yinggong really want to deal with the wind, the wind has long been broken. What happened in the end, so that the wind is only here to be strictly guarded, but there is no other move?

Could it be that what happened on the Datun Temple?

"The information is not enough!" Wrinkled his brows. He vaguely smelled the huge risks and profits contained in this matter, but the information was not enough, so he did not dare to rush into the matter.

With a sigh, don't look at the heavily guarded Zhongzhou pastor, and the body shape will be turned into a breeze.