Stealing The Heavens

Chapter 669: Burning the Buddha (third)

Chapter 679 Burns the Buddha (third)

The wrist bone was shaken, not screaming, the wrist turned, and a purple gas was ejected from the muscles, and the broken bones were quickly repaired as before. And don't be surprised to find that the skeleton of the fracture has become more dense after the bone has just healed, and there is still a hint of purple crystal light.

Do not hesitate to think thoughtfully, that is, he is so distracted, the three-handed vajra has been on his left shoulder, back heart and waist. The sound of bone breaks sounds like a fried bean, so you don't have to lose your voice.

Today his body is extremely sturdy, and his bones are ten times harder than steel. It is because his bones are so strong that the pain of his bones breaks more and more. It was so painful that I couldn’t bear it, and it hurt him to black out in front of him, and he almost didn’t faint. Fortunately, his soul is extremely powerful today. He absorbed the soul of more than 100 million evil spirits and absorbed the power of one-third of the souls of the planet. His current soul even surpassed the fairy spirit of some Jinxian.

The mighty spirit of the soul will not faint no matter what pain it will suffer, so he has to bear the unbearable pain of ten percent. The big sweat of the sweat has flowed out. Do not squirt a lot of purple gas in the muscles, bone marrow and blood, and quickly repair the bone fracture. The newly repaired bone is at least 30% tougher than the bone that has just been broken.

It is also a time of breathing. Do not just complete the repair of that part of the bones. A dozen or so scorpions have already whistled with a dull blow. Under the blessing of Buddhism, these cultivators, who are far less than the shackles, have exerted a terrible power comparable to Jinxian. The Buddha power of the entire Buddha State is surging, and they are echoing these leading people. Over ten million 虔 虔 徒 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大

I don’t respect the sigh of the mouth, I hear the sound of broken bones in the body of the body, and I don’t want to show the body and learn the lessons of these leaders. In the view of disobedience, the dragon's secret martial art was abandoned, and the magical power of the Buddha's door was cultivated. This is the deceit of the ancestors, which is the filial piety! Dragons of the Dragons can eat, drink, and gamble. They can kill and set fire. They can plunder the world. You can use the rifle to pass the world. You can go to the graves of the ancestors to dig the corpses and spirits of the ancestors and let them have a red sunset. Let them play the last glimmer of heat for the prosperity of the dragons.

However, instead of practicing the dragon's martial arts, instead of practicing the magical power of the Buddha's vultures, this, these leading people have given up their identity as a dragon! This is something that you can't tolerate and you have to learn. . .工具: I have to kill wherein the pelts are smothered and they have turned the kinsmen around them.

Sensen black light spurted from the body of the sorrow, and he would anger when he was not respectful.

More than a dozen Donkeys were beaten on the body of Bie, and his bones were broken more than a dozen. Several places were smashed bones. However, under the constant nourishment of purple gas, the bones of the beggars are broken and reconnected, crushed and re-agglomerated. The new bones are stronger than the original bones, which is dozens of times faster than his own cultivation. more than. Now that he has reached the bottleneck period, he wants to make the slightest progress, and it takes a lot of effort. With such a convenient way to grow his own strength, how can he let the shackles disappoint?

Re disposed to endure the pain, do not stretch out your hands and arms, facing the multi-treasure Buddha is a pass. From the mother-in-law of Duobao’s self-reliant Buddha, to his grandson and granddaughter, to his master, and not to use all the most vicious words to swear. The wording is vicious, and the words flow down. These defending the Buddha's country, it is difficult for thousands of years to find the leader who went once and it is like a bomb.

It is not entangled in the question of whether there is a teacher in the Buddha. The three hundred leading people are screaming that they will not be surrounded by the center, and that lifting the diamonds is a violent riot. These fascinators angered, and they did not say anything like ‘the bitter sea is turning back to the shore’, and they didn’t say anything about the professional slogan “Buddha has a fate.” They just surrounded it.

Do not rub the finger bones, carpal bone crush, arm bone crush, shoulder blade crush, rib crush, neck bone crush, spine crush, skull bone crush, pelvic crush, thigh bone crush, knee crush, calf bone crush, ankle crush, foot bone Smash, toe bone crushed.

But in his muscles, blood, bone marrow, and meridians, a lot of purple gas rushed out. Under the nourishment of purple gas, his bones needed to be repaired in just one breath, and the hardness and flexibility were obtained. Great improvement.

At the beginning, King Kong was beaten on the body of the beggar, and the sound of the '啪啪' of the steel and tofu was issued, followed by the '砰砰' sound of the steel trunk, followed by the '咚咚' sound of the steel and stone. After an hour, King Kong was smashing on the body, and the sound of steel and steel collided with it.

At the beginning, these leading people tried their best to bombard them, and the body that was not smashed would be hit for more than ten feet, and then they would be thrown away by another Donkey Kong. But as the sound of bone breakage changes, his body flies less and shorter each time it is struck. When the bones of the donkey and the vajra collide collide with the gold and iron roar, don't stand in a lotus flower, stretch your hands and open your legs to let these leaders arbitrarily bombard.

Don't be like a mountain standing there, the three hundred golden gangs brought a glaring golden light on him, but he could only get his body swaying and he would never fly out like he did. Each shot still allowed his bones to crack open countless lines, but he could no longer interrupt his bones and could no longer break his bones.

The million-year-old monk stayed in the distance and became a round array. These monks looked at them in horror, not knowing where this came from. He is so strong, he can withstand the arrogance of the three hundred and eight dragons who guard this party.

Time passed by, and after two hours, the three hundred leading people were already panting and sweating. They finally found out that something was wrong. Every time they hit it, they didn’t move their bodies. Instead, they had a soreness in their own palms, and the vajra smashed on Mars. They were all bounced high, but the body that was not swayed was only gently shaken, and no sound of bone breakage could be heard.

One of the tallest leading people, Yang Tian, ​​made an angry dragon, and he roared: "The magic flame is high, the Dharma is boundless! Play the multi-treasure Buddha, and drop the boundless Buddha to demons and demon! I am compassionate, Purdue You are enchanting!"

With the shouting of the leader, the millions of monks were sitting in the void at the same time. They left the white jade stick and folded their hands together to grow the Buddhist scriptures. Numerous temples in the mountains flew in and flocked to a large number of monks who wore shackles. The mountain suddenly opened tens of thousands of holes, and there were countless devotees dressed in robes.

A total of more than 30 million believers also chanted Buddhist scriptures, and a large number of convictions rose to the sky. Ninety percent of the power of faith was sucked away by the hundred and eight white clouds in the air, and the remaining 10% of the power of faith was shot from the volley, injecting the body of the three hundred leading people. The body of these leading people is gradually compressed, and the skin becomes golden like a solid gold casting. When their bodies were compressed to the height of ordinary people, they waved and shrunk a lot, but the light became more and more dazzling, and the vajra, which had been covered with a light golden flame, rushed over.

Three hundred people were divided into 30 groups of people, like a windmill, around the road, they turned around, and they turned around the body, and the diamonds brought a large piece of bright light to the body. The sound of the steel hitting the wood sounded again, and the bones, muscles, and tendons that were not rubbed were once again broken under the diamonds.

More severe pain came, don't scream and stand still in the same place, his huge chaotic aura quickly turned, quickly assimilated with the purple gas ejected from the muscles, every ten pieces of chaotic aura can be assimilated into one. Purple gas. The thick purple air is full of the whole body, don't giggles and laugh, and the mouth is swallowing up the Buddha power around.

It’s not just the Buddha’s power, it’s not even the ones around us who are robbing the power of faith in the void.

Qi Xuan Sheng Ling specializes in chaotic aura, with the characteristics of chaotic aura, any power, any substantial existence can be swallowed up by the chaotic aura. Do not smash the body into a mustard world, and his absorption and plundering of the aura is more than ten thousand times stronger than the leading people around him? Under the struggle of the blasphemy, the power of Buddhism and faith in the Buddhism gradually became the core of a singularity, and it was turned into a huge golden vortex and quickly injected into the body of the beggar. After the catalysis of the mustard world, it became a pure chaotic reiki. Flows through the body, and then quickly assimilated into a purple gas rushing to the site where the body is not injured.

Crush, repair, smash, and repair.

Don't be so screaming, but it's so cool that he screams. With the cooperation of the 300 leading people, the physical strength of the beggars has once again been greatly improved. Breaking the bottle with brute force, and ignoring the glare that dare not face up, his strength has increased by a certain point, and his eyes have also seen a large ray of light.

Under the leadership of the Xuan Miao Ling 玄 玄 玄 在 在 在 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大

The large piece of bright light in front of the eyes quickly expanded. Do not feel that the whole body was shrouded in the incredible bright light. The glare was shot from inside and outside of him, and it was sprayed through his pores, and a large piece of dead skin from his The body surface fell off, and a large amount of dirty black smoke appeared on the top of his head. In the smoky black smoke, there is a faint scent of scent.

‘Giggle’, a strange smile, don’t suddenly laugh and say: “I really have a relationship with your Buddha!”

In the screaming laughter, the black and white ink burning flames are ejected from the shackles, like two scorpion poisonous dragons vacating, burning in the blink of an eye, burning in the air of this side of the country A large hole with a diameter of more than a thousand miles.

The faint skylight came from the outside world, and the enthusiasm for the advancement of the Buddha’s country’s space barrier was burned out. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to *** (***.***) to vote for the recommended ticket, ***, your support is my biggest motivation.)