Stealing The Heavens

Chapter 700: Sneer

Chapter VII, cynicism

When the beggars were responsible for arranging the squadron and killing the lord of the Wanxian ally, the doorman of the 甠晟 在 在 在 在 在 更改 更改 更改 更改 更改 更改 更改 更改 更改 更改 更改 更改 更改 更改 更改 更改 更改 更改 更改 更改He wants a good thing that is not bad, so that his big line can't make meritorious deeds?

Isn't Yuyu so stupid? Then why did his doorman do something like this in the valley?

The name of the Qiuqiu King is not responsible for the erection of the big battle. It is equivalent to handing over the most important task of killing the Wanxian League to the donkey. This kind of trust is really commendable, but in the eyes of Yuxi, it’s not right. The people in Yumen Academy are too distrustful? It is difficult to say whether Yuxi will do anything strange. After all, he has been operating for a long time in the father of Qiuqiu Wang, and he is not just a new person.

Follow the Tongtian Tower all the way to the outside valley, and don't take care to check it.

In the forged room on the ground floor of the Tongtian Tower, 800 military masters from the Qiuqiu King are using the ground fire from the heart of the fire to forge various flags. These craftsmen are all good forging all kinds of implements. They don’t want to provide the various arrays of flags that are needed in the map of the poisonous squad. They just look at it, just like digital machine tools, they don’t have all the things. The defect was forged.

Don't be ignorant of these craftsmen, they are all working seriously, and no one's expression has any abnormalities.

The soldiers who entered and exited the shipping array and the flag-like equipment did not see the same thing. They arranged a neat team into the forging room, and exuded these faint aura fluctuations according to the amount of the array and the flag indicated on the map. The utensils were carried out and sent to the outsiders who arranged a large array according to the map.

Don't stare at the soldiers who are carrying the flag of the market, they are all performing tasks of the book, and no one is doing anything in the front and the flag.

As for the soldiers who placed the array and the flag, they became more and more careful. After all, the army is very strict, and if they dare to make any mistakes in the formation of the flag, the king of Qiuqiu will not only be their own, but even their people will be connected.

In addition to those who are dressed in white, the disciples who are dressed in white are wandering around, and from time to time, they are not arrogant.

"Yu Yu, you better not to break my good deeds, or Yan Dan will be very happy to come to you to talk about the old?" A glimpse of the chaos in the scorpion flashed, don't take a cold look at these jade sent, The name of the Yumen Xuegong disciple who helped not share the pressure, his hands clenched his fists tightly.

Time is such a day in the past, it is not a day and a half to arrange a large array of powerful immortals who have mastered the power in the heavens and defended them in the realm of Taitai B. According to the estimate of Doshi, all the arrays and flags are properly arranged, and the big array will be fully launched. Even if everything is going well, it will take more than two months. A bad Wanxian ally rushed in before the completion of the big array, and then there was fun.

Therefore, I don’t want to join in the layout of the big array. He knew everything about the catastrophe, and the places where the vitals were everywhere were all arranged by him. With his guidance, after a short period of half a month, the squad has become faint, and gradually grew up in a large valley. There is a murderous gas that goes straight into the sky, but this murderous gas is blocked by some invisible barrier and can only be circling around the valley.

However, in the past two months, I did not know where the hurricane was blowing from. The arranging of a large-scale squad that began to rumor that it was only a smashing scum of the scorpion, was not a little bit of power. Do not know the gods several times in the work of those soldiers to listen to them whispering that the venomous battle can kill the heavens at most, and there is no power for Jinxian, let alone hope to kill the Wanxian League with the venomous .

Others said that it is only a mountain hunter who doesn't know big words. Fortunately, he has gotten some maps of the array. In fact, he doesn't even know the most basic way. This power is good, but because It is a map that is not modified, so this big array becomes worthless.

Some people even sneak a sneak peek at the big squad that was broken when they played in the Bo Yunjun army. It was just that he was lucky. In fact, all the merits were all rumors. If it’s not the singularity of the gods, there is a heavenly power, otherwise it might break that big array? There are still people who have swear by the evidence that Bo Yun has been sealed because of this great merit. The emperor Yingming, the title of the title has his reason, and Bo Yunzhen was sealed, which proves that this large array is indeed the attack of Bo Yun. .

In order to make people convinced that the big squad was broken and there was no relationship between them, there was a vivid description of how the character of Bo Yun’s father, Bo Zhongfu, was obtained from the soldiers, saying that the Burkes were the vassals of the emperor. They are all scholars of knowledge, and the Bo family also has a very deep research on the formation of the immortals, so it is easy to break the fairy tales.

Since the people of the Bo family are so powerful in the image of the immortal, then it is definitely a sneak peek at the squad, and there is no relationship at all. Therefore, the sneak sneak peeks, if this mega-virus squad really can't trap the Wanxian lord, then the squadron of the squadron of the singer of the singer, is not to be defeated?

You can't kill the Wanxian League Lord, but once you lose, it is going to be dead! Who knows the immortal? Their Xianjian and Xianlei are amazingly lethal! They are both high-ranking and high-ranking in the middle of the army. Once they are defeated, they will certainly be able to escape smoothly. But is it not the soldiers in these venomous battles?

The rumors have been repeated, and various statements about the unfavorableness have spread in the military in just two or three days. The so-called three people became tigers. When the soldiers began to discuss these remarks against the beggars, the military hearts of the soldiers were shaken. Their work efficiency plummeted and their work attitude became careless. It was as precise and reliable as the production line. The work of the array has now become like a wild boar with embroidered flowers, and everything has become terrible.

When you don’t know that a few absent-minded soldiers have placed the wrong position on a large fulcrum, the several powerful killing devices placed near the front are also arranged incorrectly. I am angry.

Regardless of the behind-the-scenes instigators of these rumors, at least he is now taking the scorpion of the King of the Qiuqiu, the loyalty of the lover, you should concentrate on the planning of the Qiuqiu King, instead of tearing the back of the back . Like the one who does not regard himself as a member of the Qiuqiu King, he is ready to help the Qiuqiu King to build great power in a thoughtful arrangement. How can you make such a thing as the confidant of the Qiuqiu King? ?

An impetuous beggar stood on a high mountain and overlooked the entire valley. He carefully calculated for a full hour, and suddenly several magic shadows flashed past his feet. With a hint of sullen smile, don't whisper: "To play, we will play well!"

The shadows carry a lot of material and the singer rushes in all directions and begins to be arranged inside and outside the valley.

The only jade inside and outside the valley that might peek into these devils and smashing movements is nervously suppressing the poisonous soup of the jar. The others, whether they are the soldiers led by the Qiuqiu brothers or the priests in the Tongtian Tower, are impossible to see. Destroy the action of the demon **** who has stolen the congenital law. Therefore, don't be reluctant to let them move freely in the valley, and fine-tune the one-inch inch.

You have to smash the eggs, then you are good, don't let your heart know that these people are called real masters!

You are not jealous of saying that he is ignorant of the road? When you look at it, don’t worry about how to smoke your face!

Time is running out in the stressful work. The rumors about the blasphemy in the valley became more and more unbearable, and the soldiers saw that they did not react to the previous rumors. They spread the rumors faster and faster, and the rumors became more and more The bolder, the more and more unscrupulous.

Do not want to set up a large array in front of a small mountain, separated by a few dozen feet away from the peak, a group of soldiers lined up on the ground to grind the ocean, while the heated discussion is not to be their own eighteen The wife was all dedicated to the warmth of the Qiuqiu Wang, and the King of the Qiuqiu was happy, and this purpose was to transfer the beggars to the side as a guardian general. This time, I also don’t want to dedicate my mother and grandmother to the father of the Qiuqiu King, Yangshan Wang. Yangshan Wang is very satisfied with the mother and grandmother of the beggar, so that he is responsible for this big fight. The important task of the Xianmeng master.

In addition to this rumor of direct personal attacks, there are some more ridiculous rumors that flow out, such as saying that it is simply a small white face, and that Qiuqiu Wang looks at his beauty and then supports him. Others say that the male color is not outstanding, and the true brothers who are not stunned are born with enchanting beauty and let Qiuqiu Wang look at each other. This is such a concern for their big brother.

Yang Tian sighed, and did not kill the people who spread the rumors.

No matter who it is, wait for this time, naturally you have a good look!

Jade? Or someone else? Who cares for him, even if he kills the wrong person, since he insults his loved ones, then wait for the sickle!

In the sneer of the slap in the face, the arrangement of the mega-virus array was finally completed. With the completion of the jar of scorpion scorpion soup, don't start smearing this jar of venom on the scorpion killer. At the same time, Yuxi also put countless poisonous venomous beasts and poisonous flowers and poisonous grasses stored in his Tongtian Tower into a large array, which made a good end of the valley become a poisonous place.

Especially in the Yutian Tongtian Tower, in the secret room that did not plunder the king of the hill, the medicinal juice in the pond was placed in the valley by the jade. The small pool of medicinal juice turned into a valley full of water, and the colorful poisonous moss was born on the ground. A few inches thick moss covers the entire valley. These mosses squirm like worms, and it looks like a horrible horror.

Do not stand at the top of the mountain, listen to the whispers of the whispers of the soldiers in all directions, and see the valley that instantly turned into a poisonous place, nodded with satisfaction. The old guy's family is better than the ones he imagined. He has stolen thousands of kinds of poisons that have been recorded in the world. Yuxi actually collected 1,092 species.

The power of this mega-virus is really not weak.

Wan Xian, the Lord, where are you?

After the 10,000-year-old squadron was laid out, another tower of the Tongtian Tower smashed the void and sent the King of Qiuqiu and a group of squadmen he summoned.

The Tongtian Tower turned around the poisonous valley, and Shiran ran away. It seemed that he was not interested in the King of the Qiuqiu.

The king of Qiuqiu arrived with all the confidants, and everything was only waiting for the arrival of the Wanxian League. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to *** (***.***) to vote for the recommended ticket, ***, your support is my biggest motivation.)