Stealing The Heavens

Chapter 968: Difficult to Buddha (second more)

The ninth and sixty-eighth chapters of the Buddha (the second more)

Yesterday was the birthday of the second day, he actually said that he is pure! ! !


East China Sea border, an unknown town.

The small towns in the area around Sanli are also close to the villages and towns of more than 100,000 people. This is the most remote and unrivaled state in the vicinity of several big states. The population of a large nine-country state is only ten million. The garrison is only a hundred people up and down.

Such a small city, naturally can not talk about what a strong city defense prohibition and other things, the 100-strong garrison is the entire army of the state of 10%, standing on the head of the city, the hundred defenders are screaming and siege The nine thousand spirits of the dynasty died.

It seems that this game can win a relaxed and happy life. The generals of the dynasty brought a few guards and generals, stood in a place where the city wall was less than three miles away, and chatted with the confidants around them. In the big camp behind him, the army of the millions of spirits was enjoying themselves leisurely and leisurely. Some camps had a sharp tragic sound. The big woman who was plundered along the way was being smothered by the officers and men of the spiritual dynasty.

War, no matter what name the war was launched, after the crowning signboards, it was dark and bloody, full of countless innocent people's blood and shame. Whether it is the place where the spiritual dynasty has passed, or the dynasty city that was captured by the East China Sea army, all the sins are generally the same. This is something that cannot be controlled by others.

Do not stand on a hill outside the city, Princess Yule stood on her left, squinting and sneering. The little girl, Xia Xia, is standing on the right hand side of her hand, holding her arms in her hands, twisting her body like a caterpillar, screaming at the songs with careless eyes, looking at the flesh and blood of the city.

Seven days ago, he did not visit the front line to supervise the war. During the seven days and seven nights, he crossed the entire East China Sea defense line from the south to the north, destroying nearly 100 troops of the spirit of a million people. The other hundreds of thousands of troops were over a thousand, tens of thousands. There are countless people in the size of the people. The unnamed small town in front of the East China Sea is the most remote and weakest city in the north of the East China Sea. The south of the small city has stopped moving westward and is slowly panicking and retreating.

Raise your hand and don't let your palms release a chaotic light.

A shrill sound of a screaming, screaming sound of wildness, a slogan screaming at the slogan of "The Emperor's Sorrow" rushed out of the chaotic light. The height of the Baizhang body is full of countless sharp bones. The ghosts are smashed with the fine armor that he forged for him. He wears two crescent moon knives on his wrist, which is like a crazy rush.

Behind the ghosts of this day, there are tens of millions of people who are full of murderous bodies. They are like the tides that flood the earth and quickly fill the empty space around the small town. The millions of troops of the Ling Dynasty were instantly overwhelmed by more than ten times the superior strength of the ghosts. These fierce and sinister ghosts screamed and launched a storm-like attack on the spirits.

The sharp claws tore the body of the spiritual dynasty, the sharp teeth madly chewed their visceral flesh, and the madness of the madness swallowed the soul of these spiritual soldiers. Tens of days, the ghosts and the army passed through the grass, and the spirit of the millions of troops resisted for a quarter of an hour, and they were cleaned up by the ghosts who launched the three-dimensional attack from all sides, from the sky and from the ground.

For the ghosts who can freely shuttle the void, any defensive prohibition and array is not a problem. They will fight the camp of the army of the spirits like a sieve, and the army of millions will instantly become a ghost.

On the head of the city, more than a hundred people in the East China Sea squadron were staring at the raging army of ghosts. When they saw that the Heavenly Ghost Army was just enjoying the martial arts camp, they did not commit to the city’s own city. They could not help but raise their weapons and scream at the same time.

The ghosts of the gods killed the soldiers of the dynasty, and they raised their claws and yelled ‘the sage of the emperor’s sorrow!’

The power of a huge faith has poured into the body, gradually being absorbed by the huge royal power of the body. Originally, don't be in the infinite world of the body, and the country's anger is pure purple. However, he suddenly wondered a few days ago, and in the body of the nourishing and nourishing family, he also established the name of a country as 'Yellow Spring'. As a result, his purple emperor's gas suddenly changed into a purple color, mixed in purple. The rich blood and suffocation, the original dignified and solemn spirit of the emperor, mutated into a purple-red hegemony, majesty, evil, and gloomy royality.

Don't be confused about what this thing should be called, but this breath is more powerful than his emperor's temperament, so he is too lazy to separate these **** breaths. Moreover, the total amount of this breath is several times stronger than the original human spirit, and he is even more reluctant to separate the blood. After all, the speed of the growth of the ghosts is several times that of human beings. In the past few years, the ghosts and the human races are all vigorously proliferating. The total population of the ghosts is more than 30 times that of human beings. The power of blasphemy is too powerful.

In the cheers of the tragic hills of the heavens and the mountains, the spiritual generals who have reached the peak of the ancient Yuan Dynasty are lost, and are repaired to be equal to him, but the devil who is not afraid of death will open an arm and a thigh. At the cost of breaking, he cut his head. The head of the general darling flew up to the sky with a trace of sorrow, and then fell heavily to the ground, and was robbed by the ghosts of those days.

Don't step forward and stand on the edge of a mountain cliff. The sun shines on the body, and the black robes are covered with a layer of gold. Tens of thousands of ghosts and squadrons fell to the ground neatly, worshipping the beggars, and the humming sounds were like thunder and roaring, and the earth shook.

At the beginning of the hand, a chaotic aura swept through the audience, and all the ghosts of the heavens disappeared into the chaotic aura. Do not look at the small town that survived the rest of the robbery, and turned into a blue light to fly to the south. Princess Yule and Xia Xia followed and did not fly behind. Xia Xia’s hand had a group of crystal-clear blood-colored orbs. She held the group of Baozhu and gestured to Princess Yule. Princess Yan Le smiled and shook her head. Xia Xia can't wait to swallow this treasure.

The essence of the most sacred spirits of the millions of spirits is condensed into a mass of human heads. After being purified by the colorful magic flames, it is turned into the most pure and impurity-free magic Yuan Lingjing. . Swallowing this group of magic Yuan Ling Jing, Xia Xia's breath suddenly increased.

Together with the magic Yuan Lingjing, who has been purified from the spirits of the pilgrimage to the north, the repair of Xia Xia has already recovered to the strength of the four peaks. To talk about rapid growth and cultivation, there are no more creatures in the chaotic world that are faster than the invisible demons.

Even if you don't want to do it, you can't do it without the slightest psychological burden. From the self-killing soldiers, you can refine the magic Yuan Lingjing. Only the invisible demons can do nothing without psychological pressure. Everything depends on instinct.

Wrong non-Xia Xia has already told his life that he will not be embarrassed, and according to the magic law of the invisible demon in the outer domain and the curse of the same life, he has an unclear feeling of unclearness. Do not dare to bring Xia Xia around? There is no need to use all means to suppress her to have ghosts. In the first two days, I was really afraid that I would get up in the morning, and all the people in the East China Sea were swallowed up by Xia Xia.

Because of the relationship between the means of Thunder and Thunder, the front line of the East China Sea quickly advanced to the east for tens of thousands of miles, and the originally abandoned town of Dongdong returned to the hands of the East China Sea.

Don't wait for the trio to return to Donghai City. Just sit down and haven't had time to talk to the high-level officials of the East China Sea about the whereabouts of these days. I heard the sound of the dragons screaming in the east, the sound of the drums screaming, and the angry roar of Zhang Tengyun shook the town of Dongcheng. The walls of the city are trembled.

With the East China Sea high-rise walking up the east gate of the town, you can see thousands of miles away from the sky. Thousands of clouds and clouds are floating in the air. On the foremost of the gimbal stands a magnificent and unusual palace. Zhang Tengyun stood on the high jade steps in front of the palace surrounded by countless spiritual literary martial arts. He was overlooking the direction of Zhendong City.

Seeing the emergence of the donkey, Zhang Tengyun immediately screamed through the distance of a hundred miles: "Donghai Wang, how shameless you are!"

Do not know that it is the case, the East China Sea suddenly annihilated the spirits of hundreds of roads, so that the Ling Dynasty lost countless soldiers, and even every time they were killed, leaving no one to return to report the soldiers, so Zhang Tengyun thinks that Donghai, who is not like this, has personally shot it. Only the powerful shots of the realm of Taiyi can make it easy for the entire army to be so powerful.

Therefore, Zhang Tengyun came to look for it, and according to the agreement between him and the donkey, once the East China Sea had a big shot, this would be the loss of the East China Sea. According to the agreement, the entire East China Sea Territory and Princess Yule are Zhang Tengyun. The spoils of the.

Don't sneer, he screamed: "Nonsense, the king swears to the sky, this time I have no people in the East China Sea than the realm of Taiyi!"

Zhang Tengyun screamed: "Is it ridiculous, if it is said, my army is a sturdy dog. In just seven days, you have all the troops on the front line. If you have such a military force in the East China Sea, why did you have a few days ago?" Was it lost by my spirit, and lost 20,000 miles to lose the city?"

Don't scream, I'm about to let go of the infinite endlessness of the body, and the spirits and the spirits see a high and low level. Xia Xia suddenly smiles charmingly. She gently applauds: "Wang Ye, this person is so rude, let the ancestors make a good meal." He!"

Stretching his hand to the void, a crack of thousands of miles appeared in the sky above the army of the spirits, and the endless stream of the yellow springs accompanied by the screams of countless ghosts screamed down, and the water of the yellow spring fell on those who died. On the body, they burned their white smoke and smoked. In a short time, a large number of spiritual soldiers were burnt and separated, and eventually they were melted into sewage.

The horrible water of the Yellow Springs rolled down, and the Bodhisattva and Luo Han, the six Buddhas of Pudu and other Buddhas, floated out.

The glory of the twins in the Xiaxia twinkling, the six roads of Pudu with a lot of Bodhisattva Luohan unanimously formed a six-horse of Huangquan, swaying a large Buddha light to kill the army of the spirit. The small six-way reincarnation wheel whirls in the void, and the Sancheng spirit sergeant immediately flies away and is forcibly inhaled into the reincarnation.

Pudu Liudao is even more powerful. He has no enthusiasm for rolling around the whole body. He grabbed a general who was standing next to Zhang Tengyun and repaired Dahong Mengpan Ancient Heaven. He hardly pulled his head down.

Shouting and killing the sound, the Bodhisattva and the Luohan who led by Pudu Liu resumed the phantom body of the lacquer lacquer, which is like a evil spirit. The innumerable Huangquan Yaksha was followed by the rushing out, which caused the most terrible blow to the Ling Chao army.

Zhang Tengyun was stunned and was stunned.