Stealing The Heavens

Chapter 978: Emperor's ambition (third)

The ninth seventy-eighth chapter emperor ambition (third more)

There is no war in the East China Sea.

The spirits of the dynasty retracted all the forces that attacked the East China Sea. Princess Yule was naturally too lazy to take the initiative to provoke disputes and waste. Every day she is busy constraining the hustle and bustle, not letting her go everywhere to make trouble. The instinct of the invisible demon is to kill the more goods, to make waves, and the days of the wife are not suitable for the existence of the demon ancestor.

The wrong Princess is also able to manage the Xia Xia, fearing that she has already hit the murderer and the murderer, and ran to the scourge.

Now Princess Yule is in a tight position, and Xia Xia has no place to toss. She can only put all her energy into the scourge of the East China Sea. She incarnates hundreds of millions, trains these soldiers with the most brutal means, and then tortures and kills these soldiers in her dreams, and toss the latest batch of trained soldiers in the East China Sea like a neurotic, but their fighting power It is indeed 50% stronger than the normal soldiers who are equally cultivated. This makes Princess Yule have nothing to say.

The sequelae caused by the training of new recruits by Xia Xia is that the recruits in the East China Sea have caused 67 "battalion" accidents in just one month. In the chaos, there are tens of thousands of soldiers who are seriously injured. The number of minor injuries is countless and mad. The sergeant almost ruined half of the East China Sea. That's all, this is the price of the 50% increase in the strength of the soldiers trained by Xia Xia.

As for the sudden haunting of the East China Sea, some people in the daytime lost their hearts and madness, and the clothes rushed around the city, or other strange things emerged endlessly. These are naturally small means of boring and boring. The invisible demon is such a bad temper, how can you do that? Princess Yule can only be busy all day to save the fire, it is really hard and unbearable.

Just when the princess was busy and unbearable, the mountains of the East China Sea, the palace of the Qin Emperor, the six kings of the monarchs were sitting around a round table, each with a small sheet of gold in front of them. A lacquer plate with a delicate jug of wine and a few discs of fine wine dishes.

These dishes are beautifully crafted, and the raw materials come from the most rare and delicious materials on the mountain monsters. For example, it is a kind of cold squid, which is a millennial squid. It has been made into the squid of the Yuan Ying. It is not only crisp and refreshing, but also has the effect of strengthening the body and strengthening the body. Wrong than the East China Sea, there are a large number of aquatic demons into the army. Where do ordinary people have such a good fortune?

Qi Zheng, Qu Ping, Yan Dan, Wei Wu Ji, Tian Wen, Zhao Sheng, the six kings of the Lord to drink, through the open floor tones to see the Taohua forest like Yunjin. The government chose a good place to build the palace. The climate of this peach forest is at least 10,000 years old. The trunk is like a dragon. The branches are just as hard as steel. The few leaves are lined with large red petals. The peach blossom of the green core, the peach blossom of a tree and a tree is like a fire, and a mountain peak is dyed red.

The sea breeze blows, the petals fall with the wind, turning into a red tornado that goes straight into the sky, and the words of the scenery can't be described. Only when you are in the realm, you know the kind of heart-warming charm. But the six people sitting in the temple are all determined and even can be regarded as the Lord of the cold and indifferent, they just quietly look at this boundless beauty, no one even boos.

‘哧溜’, the government dumped the jug, sucked the last drop of wine from the jug, into the mouth, and then slammed the jug with no dripping. He put down the jug, and the finger flicked the round table. He suddenly sighed: "The beautiful scenery, the wine and the food, if life is like this, it is like raising a pig. You and I are all beasts!"

Qu Ping’s brow picked it up. Yan Dan turned a blind eye. Tian Wen and Zhao Sheng were undecided. The most rigid and aggressive Wei Weiji smiled and sneered at the sneer: “Is it, what do you say? You are willing to be a beast, but don't pull them up!"

Zheng Zheng squinted at Wei Wuji, he sneered: "Hey, are you still angry?"

Wei Wuji proudly said: "Why am I not angry?"

Zheng Zheng shook his head and sighed: "He thought that all of you have been raised into a fat pig by this comfortable life in the East China Sea! Hey, hey, hey!" After a while, Xiaozheng’s fingers bounced gently. The round table sighed in the sky: "There are more than 100 million soldiers and countless people. Do you still remember your identity? We are the monarchs of the six countries, we are the heroes of the Warring States!"

If there is no exquisite breath, spread out from Yan Dan and others. In the East China Sea, some people just looked at the mountains here. They suddenly found that from the top of the mountain, the peach blossoms in the mountains and fields gradually withered and withered. The original red mountain suddenly became a dead gray of a mountain. The mountainous peach trees are extinct, and even the grass under the trees is dead.

Yan Dan sighed: "Gang Ge Tie Ma, since entering the East China Sea, really comfortable."

Looking coldly at the government, Yan Dan sighed: "I still remember that when I sent Jing Jing to my brother, I couldn’t kill my brother. It was a resentment!"

The government slowly nodded. He glanced at the people on the round table and sighed: "In the past, Daqin unified the six countries, and politics could not personally kill you one by one. It is also a pity of life." When the plate fell to the ground, the government said with a smile: "It’s just that today, the government really has no intention to start with you, but!"

Zhao Sheng slowly straightened his waist. He smiled lightly: "I am Zhao Zhaotie, I am ready to go! With the resources of the East China Sea in these years, I have a lot of people, and I have already had trillions of people. Billion, it is a heavy dress."

Wei Wuji smiled and said: "Why did Wei Wei died slightly weaker than your Zhao?"

Tian Wen said faintly: "I am already ready to go."

Qu Ping squinted and his hands squatted in his sleeves. He suddenly shouted: "To come to the ancient continent, if you are under the wings of the East China Sea for life, it is a good life! Qu Ping certainly likes the wind, but he is more willing to lead me. Chuxiong soldiers fight the world!"

Yan Dan just grabbed the jug and gave himself alcohol, but the jug suddenly turned into a blue smoke in his palm.

Hezheng laughed and laughed. He chuckled: "So very good. What kind of character is that Tengyun? In the eyes of politics, it is nothing but a good thing to lick the pigs and dogs. Actually, I dare to glimpse the position of the emperor. Let us take a look at the ancient continent with a six-horse horse!"

Excited and eager to stand up, he screamed: "The people are vying, you are in the political, the real hero is also, can't you fight? Those who are like a hawk dog dare to compete for the emperor, I wait Why don't you dare? Your Majesty, the strength of the six countries in the past was weak, and I had no choice but to take shelter in the East China Sea. Today, I have already been strong and strong, and I have already played many games for the East China Sea. I have already returned him."

The government looked like a fire, staring at Yan Dan: "Yan Dan, you said, how do we do?"

Yan Dan stood up in his chest. He said proudly: "Now you and I are afraid that you can't die with each other. Then, use the group of pigs and dogs to divide a high. Who can take down the spirit, calm At the head of the emperor, even if he won this game, what do you think?"

Qu Pingfeng smiled lightly, and he whispered: "It is better to say how much the scores of the first level of the emperor and the emperor of the dynasty, and the number of their first ranks, the first of their ordinary soldiers. What is the value of the class, plus the immortals of the heavens, the monks of Buddhism, their repairs are not equal to the value of the points, we count the total number, and then gather again, and see who our total score is high How is this one?"

Wei Wuji sighed and praised: "It’s wonderful to say, do it like this. If anyone has the highest total score, other people will wholeheartedly help him to be the emperor, and he will dominate the ancient continent. How do you think that this idea is unscrupulous?"

The six people laughed and applauded in unison, and they had to swear to make this appointment.

The fierceness of the round table flashed, and the sudden appearance of the hustle and bustle appeared in front of the six people. She turned her eyes and stared at the six people. Suddenly, she smiled and said: "So such a fun thing, why is there no place for the Xia Mojun? Hey, how about the East China Sea? If it is the last Dongxia of the Xiaxia Monarch Now, you will be willing to be his emperor, how?"

In the eyes of Xia Xia, there was a very fun but extremely dangerous light. The six people looked at each other and suddenly laughed and said: "So good, best. But Miss Xia Xi said so, we still have What do you say?"

Xia Xia ‘嘎嘎’ smiled, she sat at the round table with great interest, and discussed the details of the specific gambling with the six monarchs.

The problem of the Six Kingdoms’ terracotta warriors and horses leaving the East China Sea is extremely complicated. It involves the division of the East China Sea soldiers and the migration of the people. It also needs to supplement the six countries with various ordnance, military squads, grain and other countless materials.

If the original six countries did this, they were very suspicious of the dismantling of Donghaitai. But now the six kings are considered to be the old man of the shackles. Even the literary generals of the six countries are 100% savvy. If you want to lead the soldiers and horses to leave the East China Sea, there is nothing to argue about.

Xia Xia on behalf of the Beggar and the Six Kingdoms, made a gamble. They calculated in detail how many points the top-down people of Ling, Jing, Tianting, Buddhism and other Terran countries valued. Points, oysters count as many points, and then vowed separately will never be faked in this. After the gambling contract was concluded, the six countries left the East China Sea to re-establish the portal.

Princess Yule is also happy to see her. She has generously split the huge army of the East China Sea into a considerable number of seven, giving each of the six countries one-seventh of the troops. Moreover, Princess Yule also promised that as long as the six countries have a need, the recruits trained in the East China Sea can also be given priority to the six countries.

Other military machinery and grass, etc., Princess Yule has been given to countless six countries, even Xiang Yu and Hu Hai, the two majors who are not focused on training, have also returned to the countries.

After a busy day, the six countries left the territory of the East China Sea without a word.

Three months later, in the northern part of Datun, the flags of the six countries were also illuminated.

I was shocked but not doing the same thing. Daqin, Dachu, Dayan, Da Zhao, Daqi, Dawei, God knows where this is from the small country of the Terran? Daxie has to worry about more things now, and does not care about the disputes in such small countries.

Yangshan Wang is a black front, almost no longer fainted.

Yangshan Wang knows that the good people don't come, the comers are not good, and the six countries have publicly displayed the banner, which proves that their strength can not be underestimated.