Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

~: 12. Invitation

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The tribal collective hunting is carried out every other day. Today, there is no need for body hunting. The patriarch of Xionghe began to deal with some things in the tribe.

For example, redistributing caves.

Some people live together, their extra caves can be let out to others, and some people are adult, they need to be assigned new caves.

In recent years, the population of the Big Bear Tribe has been growing. Although they will drill holes every year, they still don't have enough to live. In this case, those who cannot participate in hunting must not occupy the cave.

And this person who can't participate in hunting is talking about Zhou Sil.

After the death of Zhou’s mother, due to sympathy, Xionghe has not recovered the cave, but now it has passed two months!

If you can't participate in hunting like Zhou You, you should go to the collective cave.

The people of the Big Bear tribe slept early and woke up early, so the sky was just bright, and Xionghe came to Zhou to say this.

Zhou Silence: "..." He did not know that there was still this rule in the tribe!

"We are still silent, do you understand what I said?" Xiong He asked Zhou silence.

Although the language of this tribe was not completely learned, the words of Xionghe were understood.

After so many years of hard work in the last days, after he came to this world, he did not want to move, so his performance has been very positive.

As for killing dinosaurs. ! Well, the dinosaurs are not cute. He is simply cutting down the zombies and not wanting to follow hands.

But he did not expect that he would lose his hole because of this.

"You will go to live below, someone will take care of you." Xiong He said again. The caves of the old, weak and sick in the tribe are just below the cave of Zhou Sil.

Zhou Silent thought about it and nodded.

It is impossible for him to live with others. He has been killing in the last days, and he is very alert. Someone around him can't sleep at all.

However, he can go to the place where the firewood is placed in the tribe, and then he can't go to sleep.

Seeing that the week nodded, Xionghe let some children help the week to move things.

There are quite a lot of things in Zhou’s caves, which were left to me by Zhou’s mother. These things were moved out of the cave in the same way and placed on the ground of the mountains.

"These are all silent, don't mess!" Xionghe drank a child who turned over the things of the week, a little worried - there was a lot of things in Zhou, and he stayed in the collective cave. After that, will it be taken away?

Although the tribe prohibits the robbing of other people's things, such regulations cannot control everyone.

When Xionghe was worried, other people in the tribe were envious: "A lot of hides!"

"There are weapons!"

"The mother of Zhou’s mother left him a lot of things!"


The ordinary tribes in the tribe are full of envy, and Yang Ying and Yang speed need not be said.

When Yang Ying came to the tribe, there was nothing in it. In the past few years, although there was a little something left, there were very few, at least not many skins were used together. The skin of most dinosaurs could not be used at all. .

At this moment, Yang Ying's eyes are very red, and the speed of the sheep's face is even more difficult to see.

It was at this time that Kumano got up.

Kumano is used to getting up early, but today he sleeps late.

The meat that was given to him last week was very delicious. It was the taste he had never eaten. So, he had already eaten twenty pounds of meat in the night, and he still ate the meat.

Then probably because of the fullness of eating, he slept very well, and even fell asleep.

Out of his own cave, Kumano saw the silence of standing in the middle of a pile of things.

The animal skin on Zhou’s body is still worn tightly, his hair is shortened, and his body is especially clean...

Before Kumano did not pay much attention to Zhou’s silence, this time in the morning light, I found that Zhou’s silence is very beautiful, even better than the lion. The lion is not white!

He is still tall and tall... It is not surprising that Zhou’s mother is so good to him, he is never hungry, he can grow tall.

Before he was always lazy, he often sat, and Kumano didn't pay much attention to him, and he didn't notice this.

However, Kumano’s attention quickly moved away from Zhou’s body – he saw the lion.

The lion and the wolf sound stand together, and there is a smell of wolf sound.

Before Kumano’s heart was eager for the lion, he still had some hope. After discovering this, his heart was sinking to the end.

Kumano noticed the lion, but the lion did not notice Kumano.

He was not happy at the moment because he suddenly learned last night that the wolf sound had already been with others.

The wolf sound did not feel that there was any problem, but the lion was a little unhappy.

The wolf voice said that he liked him. In fact, he had already been with others. What is this?

Also, with the wolf sound, it is not as happy as he thought, and he was so excited that he was not so excited when he was with him for the first time.

This evening, I was not happy with the lion. As a result, he got up early in the morning and he came across Zhou’s move.

The lion is slightly wrinkled.

He was still impressed with the things of his life today. At that time, he felt that there were so many things envied in Zhou Sil, and he said to Kumano, and then Kumano said that they must have so many things...

At that time, he was envious of Zhou’s silence. However, only two days of hard work, Zhou’s silence was “taken” by people.

Then Zhou Lun was probably bullied, not willing to live in the cave where the collective lived, but instead lived in the shed where the tribe used to put firewood.

The shed was piled up with firewood that had just come back from the outside. These firewoods were not dried yet, very humid, so the place was very uncomfortable to live in, but Zhou still lived in, stayed for two months until he The father came to him.

The powerful Beastmaster found that his son lived in such a run-down place, and he was on fire on the spot, or was stopped by Zhou, and the next day, Zhou’s father left with his father.

Zhou’s father’s strength is very strong. He is similar to him before his death, but he died very early. He took away Zhou’s silence and died two years later. Because of this, the original lion was not looking at him.

But after two days of careful thinking, Shi Li felt that his previous thoughts were wrong.

Zhou’s father, even if he will die in the future, is still a beastmaster, and he is always useful to him.

The lion went to Zhou’s silence: “We are still thinking about where you want to live?”

"What is the lion's request? Zhou Mou certainly lives in the collective cave!" Xiong He Dao.

"Would you feel so lonely?" The lion asked Zhou Zhou.

"I don't want to live in a collective cave." Zhou is silent.

"You don't want to live in a collective cave. Would you like me to build a house for you?" The lion asked: "You can use wood to build a house." There are sheds in the village, but there are no houses, but in other tribes, there are already houses. Although the lion has not covered it, he has seen it.

When Zhou heard the words of the lion, there were some doubts.

Yang speed does not like him very much, and the lion is fierce... I have always ignored him. Now how suddenly I am willing to build a house for him?

Zhou Silan is very confused, more doubtful than Zhou Sil, but it is Xiong Ye.

The lion has always been impatient to do something, how can he suddenly give people a house?

What does he want to do?

Kumano came out of his cave and went to the foothills. Then he noticed that the lion looked at Zhou’s gaze and was a bit eager.

Kumano knows very well about the lion. He knows that the lion is interested in Zhou Sil.

Where can Zhou Ling be able to make Lions interested?

Kumano’s gaze fell on the face of Zhou’s silence.

Zhou’s death is really good, and it’s not the same as the people in the tribe. His skin is even whiter than the wolf sound, and it’s even more delicate.

The lion is savvy... Look at last week's silence?

If you put it in the past, Xiong Ye will not guess the lion in any way. He firmly believes that the lion is not such a person, but now, the taste of the lion and the wolf has been entangled.

Kumano looked at Zhou Silence: "We are still waiting for me to live with me?"

"Xiono? Is it inconvenient?" Xiong He asked.

Some single men in the tribe will live together because the caves are not enough, but this is actually very inconvenient.

"I'm fine, my cave is very big." Kumano said, looking at Zhou still: "Would you like to live with me?"

Zhou did not expect that Kumano would invite himself to live with him. He was surprised to see Kumano. After thinking about it, he nodded and agreed: "Good."

He feels that he is too ignorant of the world. It is best to get in touch with people and find out if the world is better.

And Kumano is a very suitable contact object - Kumano knows a lot of things, he can understand the world through Kumano.

As for when he was asleep, he was not used to being around. There were so many people around him that he was not used to it. Only one person could accept it. What's more, he had a way to let Xiongye not bother him.

In addition, he also felt that the lion was a bit strange and didn't want to have any contact with the lion.

Of course, he will agree, the most important thing, is that he does not want his ability to be exposed to others.

But Xiongye is not the same... When the people in the tribe don't go hunting, when they don't collect plants, Xiongye will run out. He is alone in the cave, doing everything.