Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

~: 28|Animal shape

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The action of Xiong Ye's avoidance made Xiong Qi somewhat puzzled. The original excitement looked like a lot of things - did he do something wrong?

Kumano is also a little embarrassed, but still said: "I have a partner, keep a distance from people!"

Xiong Qi nodded and put down his hands and admired: "This is what you should, you are a good man who hurts your partner!" Kumano, who is single-minded to his partner, is rare and hard to come by.

Kumano said: "What happened to you today?" Xiong Qi is a teenager older than him. He had little contact with him before. He has never been so enthusiastic about him...

Xiong Qidao: "Xionye, ​​my wounds are much better. I feel very good now! Thank you for helping me!" Kumano's medical skills should be better than the priests. Kumano is really amazing!

After Xiong Qi lost to the lion, he was desperate.

He lost to a person who was a teenager younger than him, and his face was thrown away. This is no problem. He is in aggravated and he is not standing.

The priest gave him some medicine to let him rest, but he had no way to rest at that time - the injured place was too painful.

He felt that he should be better.

Originally, he was a soldier in the tribe after Xionghe, a respected existence, but now? The people in the tribe went hunting, but he could only lie in his own cave and endure a while of pain.

Even... he may never be able to hunt.

It is really humiliating for him to let him a powerful warrior to collect the team.

He even thought of death at that time.

As a result, just when he was desperate, all this turned out to be a peak!

The scene in which the lion fought against Kumano and was defeated by Kumano did not see it, or the person who came to see him later told him.

The strongman of the younger generation in the tribe has grown up... He is strong enough to come out of the cave and intends to thank Xiongye.

He really didn't like the lion, and Kumano defeated the lion. He was very happy.

After that, Kumano said that he would help him see the wound... Although he thought it should be useless, he still agreed.

He is like this, what does it matter to let Xiongye look at it?

As for Xiong Ye, let him eat herbs...

He is like this, it doesn't matter if you eat some herbs.

Even if the grass is poisonous, it would be good for him to poison him.

Xiong Qi was so, did not hesitate to take the medicine, and then went back to sleep.

He thought he would not sleep like a few days ago, and he actually slept very well!

Not only that, but when he slept, he found himself standing up straight!

Although the wound is still a little painful, it is really much better than before. He is like this now... Should he raise it for a few days?

Xiong Qi is really grateful to Kumano, so he will wait for Kumano early in the morning. When he sees Kumano, he wants to give Xiongye a hug.

"How much better?" Kumano looked at Xiong Qi with surprise.

"Yes, I am much better. After a few days, I should be able to go hunting." Xiong Qi said that he couldn't help but choked: "These herbs work very well, they must be precious... Thank you. you."

"Don't thank... Would you like me to give you something more?" Kumano said. Yesterday, Zhou Zhi’s herbal medicine for Xiongqi was eaten by him. The herbal medicine that Zhou Qi gave to Xiongqi was used by him. These two herbs seem to be nothing surprising. How to use Xiongqi The effect is so good?

Maybe Xiong Qi is going to be good, will it be useful?

"No, so precious herbs, you don't have to give it to me." Xiong Qidao, I think that Kumano is too big, so the magical herbs are even willing to give him.

"Nothing, wait a minute, I will be back soon." Kumano quickly returned to the cave.

"How come you are back?" asked Zhou.

Kumano said: "Weekly, are the herbs that you gave to Xiongqi yesterday are precious?"

"No." Zhou still said: "What is it?"

"Can you give Xiongqi a little more? He feels good." Kumano said.

Zhou has no opinion, now Xiongye does not need to eat the herbal medicine of the gods, it will give Xiongqi a good... Zhou Quiet took out the herbal medicines of the soothing to Kumano: "Give these to him, let him divide into six times, and Eat with meat and sleep when you eat."

For the orc with amazing resilience, it is good to eat well and sleep well!

Kumano responded with a handful of herbs and gave the herbs to Xiong Qi.

Xiong Qi is even more grateful: "Thank you!" Xiong Ye is really a good person. He didn't even know how to contact with Kumano before!

Xiong Qi made up his mind and must repay Xiongye in the future.

Xiong Qi was one of the best in the hunting team. Although he was injured and could not participate in the hunting, the meat that Xionghe gave him was still a little more than the collection team. He had saved some meat before.

Now that Kumano let him eat meat and eat herbs and go to sleep, he did not hesitate to do it.

So, when the hunting team was hunting this day, Xiong Qi was asleep at home.

After Kumano gave the herbs to Xiongqi, he entered the hunting team and waited to hunt.

When Xionghe came to see people, he asked: "Is people coming together?"

"The lion has not come yet." Someone said.

"You call it." Xiong He Dao.

The man went to call and soon came with the lion.

I lost my face the night before. Yesterday, the lion did not go out and practiced in the cave. Even today, he did not want to go out. If the food is not enough, he can go hunting alone, without having to follow the hunting team.

But when someone called him, he suddenly remembered one thing.

Obviously capable but not participating in collective hunting, not doing things for the tribe, will be driven out of the tribe!

The world outside the tribe is not beautiful. In the past, their entire tribe was driven out of the mountains. When they were wandering outside, it was really very hard. Not to mention eating meat. It is difficult to eat and eat.

At that time, there were many people in the tribe. Because they were too hungry, they would die if they ate something they should not eat.

In that kind of life, Shi Li later went back to think about it, and did not know how he persisted, and now he does not want to live like that at all.

In the end, the lion went out of the cave and joined the hunting team.

The day before and the lion fight, Xiong Ye was injured, but he had a week of care, the injury on his body had already been good.

Lion Li did not have such treatment.

The injury on the lion's body was originally heavier than that of Kumano, and he was not treated. At this time, he looked very serious, and the face that was fanned by the bear's palm was swollen.

Xionghe looked at the lion and looked at the team. When he was divided into teams, he asked Xiongye to go hunting with the team that the original lion had brought, and the lion followed him to hunt.

This is a multi-faceted consideration. One is that the lion is now injured, and may not bring the team badly. The second is to train Xiongye.

And in this way, you can separate the lion and his daughter.

The people in the tribe did not feel that there was a problem with this distribution, but Shi Li felt a bit humiliating.

He used to have feelings for the people in the tribe, but this time... He suddenly felt that the tribe was destroyed in the aftermath of the catastrophe, and it was quite good that all those who saw him wolf-like were dead. .

He will never remind these people!

The lion squinted down and followed the Bear River.

Kumano also took his team and went out happily.

After the hunting team's people left, the people who collected the team would have to leave.

The people who collected the team before, have never been in charge of the silence of the week, and no one waited for the silence of the week, but in the past few days, the silence of the week has made a limelight, attracting attention, but someone called him: "Weekly, want Go collecting it!"

"I am not going today." Zhou lonely.

"If you don't go, wait until you don't give it to you!" The person in charge of the collection team was a little unhappy.

In the past, Zhou’s “negative absenteeism”, he would not be out of sympathy, but now Zhou’s silence no longer sympathizes with him, but instead makes him jealous.

"Yes." Zhou is silent.

"Hey!" The people who collected the team looked at Zhou’s silence dissatisfiedly, and felt that Zhou’s silence was not saved.

Got Xiongye, he didn't even do the simplest collection tasks? Such people will finish sooner or later!

The person in charge of the collection team has decided to wait for Xionghe to complain.

Zhou Silo does not care about this. He has two things to do today.

One of the things is to look at your own animal shape and find out what you are in the end – he can't get married anymore, still don't know his race, cough!

The other thing is to find a plant with powerful energy to give Xiongye a wedding gift.

When I got married, Xiong Ye went out of the house... No, the cave, the furniture, and the hard work of hunting and raising the family, he is always not good.

But he does not want to hunt.

I have been fighting and killing for so many years in my life. I don’t know how many zombies I killed. He doesn’t want to kill any more.

And... if he does, there may be some bad things happening.

Since he can't support his family, he can only try to raise the bear field a little better.

It has been two months since he passed through. He often comes out during the day and sometimes comes out at night. In addition to determining the richness of the world, two things have been identified.

The first thing is that in this world, some plants contain more energy than other plants, and even some plants contain very powerful energy, which is equivalent to the heavenly treasure.

The second thing is that in this world, some animals are more powerful than other animals, and they should be mutated because of what they have eaten.

The plants that Zhou Mou saw near the tribe did not contain much energy, but there may be other places... he is going to look for it.

Zhou Mou went to the opposite direction to the collection team.

At first he walked slowly, gradually, but began to speed up.

As a plant abilities, the forest is his home, not to mention that he still has a strong spiritual power.

The speed of Zhou’s progress is faster than that of Kumano’s full speed.

An hour later, he left the hunting area of ​​the Big Bear Tribe.

The Big Bear Tribe is in a forest, and Zhou Mou has already arrived at the periphery of the forest. There is a grassland here.

His spiritual strength is released, and you can see that there are many dinosaurs living on this grassland, and many of them are huge.

In this world, there are quite a lot of animals in terms of weight, even in their tribes... the animal shape of the patriarch Xionghe is about one ton.

It is said that Kumano can achieve such weight in a few years.

The size of his partner is really big.

Zhou Silence sighed at the big man of Kumano and began to study how to become an animal.

The people in the tribe want to change the shape of the animal, almost every minute, very quickly, but he has never done this, and some do not know what to do.

Zhou Sil is pondering this matter and suddenly feels his body swell.

This is a very wonderful feeling, not painful, not uncomfortable, except for the fact that when the clothes are cracked, they are slightly pulled out, and there is no other feeling.

But he has become another thing between the electric and the flint.

This world is really amazing.

Even more amazing is... Zhou Silent looks at the tree around him.

Just now he was studying under the tree. At the time, he thought that the tree was quite big, but now... this tree is so small!

What did he become?

Zhou Silent had an ominous premonition. He wanted to raise his hand, but in the end he just took a step forward. Not only that, but the earth under his feet was still slightly shaken.

He clearly saw that some animals that did not take him seriously, and leisurely foraging around him, were rushing to death.

Zhou still wants to touch his nose, and the result... a long nose appears in his sight.

This is... his nose.

No, not just the nose, in front of him, there are two particularly extra long teeth, and the two long curved teeth look particularly awkward.

Ok, the truth is white, he becomes an elephant.

But... Is the elephant so big?