Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

~: 93|大鲵

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Ma Xiao listened to these people swearing, although he maintained his expression, but his face was laughing.

Their giant tiger tribe is so powerful that it has been like this by people...

He must kill these people!

However, he thought so in his heart, but he had to deal with these people.

Xiong Ye lay on the haystack and looked at this scene and felt a little funny.

He didn't interject, and most of the people in the tribe didn't interject. Even in order to avoid the stuffing, some people present didn't know that Ma Xiao came from the giant tiger tribe. The priests only explained them and could not let others know the big bear. The tribe is very rich.

They also don't want people to know that the Big Bear tribe is very rich.

It will soon be greeted by the cold, lack of food in winter. Many tribes are very sad in winter. If those people know that the big bear tribe is so rich, maybe they will join the big bear tribe, then they will have to take their food. !

They don't want their food to be separated!

These people all said nothing, silently listening to the priests and others.

Kneeling, it was time to eat dinner, Xionghe began to dinner.

He specially found someone to find out those small eggs, which are the ones. In addition, there are some collected plants.

"Our tribes are hunting once every other day. Today is not a day of hunting, so..." Xionghe was embarrassed to look at Ma Xiao, and then gave him some eggs that had been broken, and they were stinky. The bacon gave them.

This bacon is his.

Before the tribe lacked salt, when he salted the bacon, he put less salt, and the bacon was stinky. If it was stinky, he would eat it, but then Zhou Lian took out the method of making bacon. There are still a lot of flesh in the tribe.

He sun-dried the stinky bacon, and then hung it in the shed where the firewood was placed. He planned to eat the food afterwards. The taste of the bacon was really unpleasant, and he couldn’t stand it at home.

This put, he forgot the meat, and remembered it today.

Ma Xiao took the smelly bacon and pumped his mouth. This kind of thing, he has not eaten for many years!

But now he played, it was a hapless man who came out to change the salt and was also taken away by the goods... Ma Xiao could only bite his teeth and eat it.

For a moment, he even suspected that the Big Bear tribe saw what was coming and deliberately tossed them, but soon he did not doubt it.

Because he saw that a large basket of grass was taken that week, and he gave it to Kumano.

That Xiongye is said to be the most powerful warrior in the tribe, and he can only eat grass...

Some of these grasses have not been seen by him, but some of them have been seen by him, and even there are those he has eaten... Anyway, they are not good, or they are not good to watch.

Seeing that Xiongye grazes, he can see that he certainly does not like to eat these, but he still ate...

The Big Bear tribe is definitely poor.

Of course, the more poor the tribes, the more they like to store food, the more they look at the big bear tribe... The food they store should not be stinky bacon?

Ma Xiao felt a bit disgusting.

He was thinking so, he saw that Kumano looked over and smiled at him.

Ma Xiao quickly returned a smile, and then saw that Xiong Ye went to graze again.

Kumano is very depressed. After all, the taste of these grasses is really bad, but it contains energy, which can make you stronger... He eats seriously, eats and eats, and he suddenly thinks of something: "Weekly, you Do you want to eat too?" He said, and took a strain of the grass that was relatively good, and sent it to Zhou’s mouth.

"I also eat it when I eat it." Zhou Zhidao, took out some other grass to eat - these grasses are much more delicious than Xiongye.

Kumano didn't know that there was still a difference in taste. He saw that the grass that contains energy was given to him. He was a little moved - Zhou is very good to him!

However, how does Zhou Sil know that these grasses have energy? Is the beast **** telling him?

Kumano was a little confused for a while, and let go.

He found that Zhou Zhe particularly liked all kinds of plants, and was also good at distinguishing various plants. This should be a gift from the beast.

Thinking about it, Kumano slowly finished eating his basket of grass, and then he harvested the priest and Xionghe admiration.

The priest and Xionghe: Kumano is really too hard, in order to let the people of the Giant Tiger tribe think that they are very weak, even grazing! Still raw!

When Ma Xiao came to the Giant Tiger Tribe, it was not too late. When everyone had eaten, the day was dark.

The three horses were arranged in the cave before the pig fight and the house where they lived. As for the pig wars and others...they were not strong enough to return to the tribe today, and they were arranged in the place where the pottery was fired. Living.

The priests also gave them a task to patrol them at night. Don't be found by the giant tiger tribes to burn pottery, and where to grow.

If their tribes are very rich, the giant tiger tribe may attack them because of their eyes, but they may not dare to attack them because they are afraid.

But if they are very weak... The Giant Tigers will definitely come, and they should not take them seriously!

So at night, the pig war had to take people outside to watch the night.

Kumano and Zhou Silan don't need to do anything. After eating the "grass", they went back to their houses. They knew that Xiong Ye would not have enough to eat. He found a large piece of bacon and cooked it for him. have eaten.

Xiong Ye was injured and was raising his body, but he could not eat less.

After one night, Kumano felt that his body was much better and the energy in his body was full.

Sleeping is really a great way to restore your strength!

That is... obviously I was full last night, he was hungry today, and he was very hungry...

"Eating." Zhou lonely.

When Kumano came out, he saw that Zhou Wei had made wheat fried.

Zhou Mou this time to make wheat fried, in addition to the chopped vegetables in the batter, but also put the chopped bacon, so fried fried wheat because of the addition of a little more, so a bit broken, but eat It is especially delicious.

Kumano once again felt that this was the best thing he had ever eaten.

After three or two, he finished eating the wheat that was given to him by Zhou Wei, and then remembered something: "Our meat is not enough?"

He had to build a house a few days ago, and he was still looking for a fight between pigs and other people. When the time was not enough, he would not hunt for hunting outside the collective hunting. He only used things like peppers that were not lacking in the week. The fish gave it to the week.

As a result, they can't save anything.

Now that they have moved home and settled down, they should prepare more food for the winter--the empty room, which can be used for food.

"Not too bad, no." Zhou still said that they still have a lot of barley eggs, but the meat has already been eaten.

In the past few days, I moved first, and then Xiong Ye was injured and wanted to eat more. I immediately finished eating things.

"I am going hunting today!" Kumano said.

Zhou Silence: "..." are injured, and what kind of hunting are you going to catch?

Zhou Sil didn't want to let Kumano go hunting, but Kumano insisted: "There are priests and bear rivers in the tribe. I don't need me, my injury is not serious..."

"I am going with you." Zhou lonely.

Kumano is like this, it is ok to get out of the door. If you hunt, you can catch a little prey.

But he may be in danger.

In this case, he is better to follow. When it is time to be in danger, he can run with Xiongye.

"I am injured and may not protect you." Xiong Ye was in a hurry.

"Then go to call a few people." Zhou lonely.

Zhou’s eyes are firm and obviously he is not willing to change his mind. Xiong Ye can only say: “Okay...”

Kumano originally wanted to call the pigs, but on the way to go, Zhou suddenly said: "Only we are not good? Must we call someone else?"

In Kumano's private heart, he also wanted to go alone with Zhou and Lian, and listened to Zhou Mou, saying that he immediately gave up and called, and then went to the river near the tribe with Zhou Sil.

Just two people, he and Zhou, must not go to the dinosaurs to fight, it is better to grab some fish and shrimp and go back to eat, this is quite safe...

There are people coming from the river near the tribe. It tastes very strong. There are no dinosaurs to drink water here, but the fish and shrimp in the river are still there.

Fish and shrimp are not smart, even if they catch a lot, there are always some who will swim from other places, not to mention the fact that in addition to Kumano, the other people of the Big Bear tribe generally do not want to fish and shrimp when the food is sufficient.

Kumano intends to catch the fish in the water, but was stopped by Zhou Silan: "If you catch the fish, you can't make up the fish you have eaten."

This is the truth... The people in the tribe like to lie down and not go hunting in winter. It is because they go out to hunt hard and catch the prey. After they have eaten the prey, they may not be able to make up their strengths for hunting. In this case, What kind of hunting?

For the current Kumano, it is not enough to catch a few fish, and what are you arresting?

Zhou Silent said: "Let's go further?"

Kumano nodded and walked forward with Zhou Sil.

While walking quietly, he pays attention to the surroundings with his mental strength, seeing if there is danger, and whether he can eat anything.

This concern, he really found something to eat.

At the bottom of the river, there is a big squat.

Dalat is an amphibious animal on earth. It has a long history of living on earth, so that it is called a living fossil. Zhou will remember it because there is a time when someone near his home ran to eat oysters. Caught...

This is to protect animals!

At that time, he had a special understanding of the big cockroaches, and now he naturally recognized it.

Zhou Lian discovered the big bang, but Xiong Ye did not find anything, and he was ready to return without success.

He and Zhou quietly walked slowly, without hiding his body shape, so the prey ran early, and occasionally there was such a wit frog would jump out of the grass next to him.

But this thing is not enough for him to sew...

Just when Kumano was worried, Zhou suddenly stopped and pointed to the river: "There seems to be something in the river."

"Is there a fish?" Kumano looked over but didn't see anything.

"No, there is a big guy at the bottom of the river... I saw it moving." Zhou Qiandao said.

Before Xiongye did not see anything, now when I heard Zhou’s silence, I went to see it carefully, only to find a black stone in the bottom of the river, a big guy he had never seen before.

He doesn't know what it is, but he can try to catch it...

"I am going to get a wooden stick." Kumano said as he walked away, and gave himself a long wooden stick from a tree, and then he came to the river again.

The big guy is still motionless... Kumano stood by the river and observed for a while, then tied down with a wooden stick.

Kumano is very experienced in catching fish, and this is just tied to the big guy, directly pierced the back of the big guy.

Then, the big guy struggled, but the prey that was in hand, Kumano didn't let it run away... He tied the stick to the bottom of the river and pressed hard until the big guy struggled. Only the prey that was penetrated by the wooden stick was brought up from the bottom of the river.

This is a round head with a long tail and black body. It looks like a lizard but a very smooth creature. Kumano has never seen it before: "I don't know what it is, can I eat it."

"It should be able to eat." Zhou Zhidao smiled and looked at Xiongye: "Xionye, ​​you are amazing."

Kumano likes to be praised, and then smiles, then quickly handles the prey in his hand and cramps it.

This prey is about two meters long, seventy or eighty pounds of meat, enough for him and Zhou to eat a meal!

Kumano was in a good mood. He didn't pay attention to the wound, and then he was immersed in a wound on the wound: "Be careful when you move."

"I will!" Kumano said, picking up the big cockroach: "Let's go back."

Zhou nodded quietly.

After the two returned to their residences, Zhou Mou left the cockroaches halfway, and then the remaining half made a sauerkraut.

Even the visceral viscera, he was wasted a little, and after Xiongye washed it, he chopped it and fry it with peppers and a kind of beans. The cockroaches have no taste, even the internal organs, he also not against.

When cooking, Zhou Mou was stuffing some eggs into the stove, and he used his mental strength to look at it. When it was taken out, it was all baked.

Baked egg with sauerkraut and pepper fried fish intestines, he and Kumano have eaten a belly round.

After eating and drinking, they went to the foothills together and then learned that Ma Xiao had left.

Xiong Qi smiled and said: "We are very broken in the tribe, there is nothing to eat, and they have been jealous of them... they can't stand it!"

Xiong Bai followed closely: "They are not waiting, maybe they want to go back to find someone early, and then come to deal with us!"

The tiger month that doesn't talk is saying: "I am waiting for them, I must let them come back!"

This spring, when Tiger wants a child, he finds the right man in the tribe, and the result has not been found.

Recently, she came together with a giant pig tribe, but she still has no children.

"Have they found anything?" Zhou asked the priest.

"No, I have been looking for someone to stare at them." The priest said, and then said what happened this morning.

After the horse laughed this morning, I continued to inquire about the things in their tribe and asked them how they hunted the heavy dragons - they put the bones of the dragon in the mountains.

Then they told Ma Xiao that a group of dinosaurs ran to their tribes not long ago, including terrible carnivorous dinosaurs. As a result, those carnivorous dinosaurs didn’t know what was going on. They didn’t look at the road when they ran, but they even planted one. In the pond, followed by the two heavy dragons, and then the few carnivorous dinosaurs were crushed to death!

This is no problem, one of the two heavy dragons, still sick, and later died of illness...

At that time, Xionghe was also very proud to say that when He was sick, he was next to him and went to bite a few mouthfuls. He said that because of these harvests, the tribes should be able to survive this winter safely.

Xionghe and the priests revealed the weakness of their tribe to Ma Xiao, and told Ma Xiao that they had a lot of meat... Zhou Zhi knew that the Giant Tigers would definitely attack them.

This is a hard battle for the Big Bears, but it is good to play a dozen, which will make them stronger.

It is... such a battle, it is best to use the brain, not just relying on force.

Zhou is too lazy to teach others to use their brains. He brought Xiongye back to his place of residence and then taught him to come.

Before he taught some tactics of Xiongye, this time he changed to teach Xiongye how to train.

Zhou Silan does not know how to train. The understanding of training is from novels, film and television dramas, and military training. There are not many things that can be told by Xiong Ye at this time. Only one point is emphasized - we must let the students learn to obey.

Sometimes, there are a few disobedient in the team, and it is likely to bring the whole team.

Kumano nodded seriously, letting Zhou Silen write down this thing and write it on the bamboo slip.

Zhou Silo did it, and then I understood the ancient Chinese classical text, why is it so concise?

The lettering on the bamboo slip is really too much trouble, of course it is impossible to engrave the vernacular!

Speaking of it... When Qin Shihuang read the memorial, if you read the vernacular text, it is estimated that his memorial will not be completed with a few cars, and hundreds of cars will be pulled.

Zhou Silang now only hates his own classical Chinese and does not learn well.

After engraving two words, Zhou is not engraved, saying: "I am going to cook, wait until I get this." He still waited for Xiongye to be absent, and he used his mental power to engrave it.

Thinking about it, Zhou Zhi turned and went into the kitchen.

The rest of the big cockroaches... just boiled!

The so-called boiled oysters, in fact, is similar to the sauerkraut, that is, the sauerkraut in the soup is replaced with another side dish - he does not have much spices on his hands, and can't make too many tricks.

Even so, he became the best cook in the Big Bear tribe, and provoked worship from countless people.

In this regard, Zhou is also very helpless.

Zhou Mou is eating with Kumano on the other side. On the other side, Ma Xiao has found a cat fire and coldly said: "How did you check the news last time? The information found is completely different from the real situation. Different!"

"The last time I went to the Big Bear tribe was someone else. I didn't go there." The cat fire was awkward.

"You don't know anything about the Big Bears." Ma Xiao said what he saw and heard.

"No wonder the Big Bear tribe ate a big loss in our hands, but there was no reaction at all. It turned out that it was because there was no rebellion!" Cat Fire Road, and then annoyed at the original "cheat" of his weasel.

This guy has always been timid, and he ran back to tell him at the time, I am afraid it is all nonsense!

"No matter what they are, let's go back early," Ma said. "We are ready to take off the Big Bear tribe. Then, if we deduct the priest, we can let the people in this tribe sell for us."

This way, the Giant Tiger tribe met a tribe with a priest.

The priests in those tribes have nothing to do with the priests of the Big Bear tribe, but they are also loved by the tribes like the priests of the Big Bear tribe. Basically, as long as the priests are in their hands, those people do not let them hurt the priests. Willing to give them a life.

The giant tiger tribes rushed in and hurried away.

The people in the Big Bear tribe immediately went to take a shower, and then they got a hearty dinner. After the pig wars and others joined, now they are really not lacking in meat.

Not only that, but the dinosaurs they raise are also big.

After Zhou’s proposal to raise dinosaurs, many tribes were raised in the tribe, but many of them died later. The last remaining dinosaurs were seventy. The dinosaurs were detained according to different races. In different fences.

They eat a lot of plants every day. There are a few dinosaurs, which are too big. If they grow longer, they may hit the fence.

Those big dinosaurs, this is not suitable for breeding. In the view of Zhou Lian, the dinosaurs weighing less than 500 kilograms after adulthood are suitable for domestication. In this case, Zhou Mou decided to take a big dinosaur every other day. Come eat it.

By the way, before the Giant Tigers attacked them, they raised the people in the tribe.

Zhou’s decision is very beneficial to Kumano because he has been particularly able to eat recently.

After becoming an intermediate beast warrior, the animal shape will become much larger. At this time, it is natural to replenish energy and eat more food.

Kumano is going to eat three meals a day, and it takes almost no effort to finish eating the eggs and barley that existed in the week.

Even the pumpkins are not missed.

Zhou Silence can only silently scatter the barley seeds in his yard.

Barley is relatively cold-resistant, and now it can grow and grow, not to mention that he still has power...

So delicious and delicious, but five days before and after, Kumano's injury is completely good.

He looked at the pig fight and was eager to try.

Pig war: "..." this metamorphosis! Even as soon as he was a young adult, he became an intermediate beast warrior. He is like this, and he may become a beastmaster in the future!

If this is to live in a big tribe, I am afraid that it will be served as a treasure, but unfortunately living in a small tribe...

The pig war thought so, and looked away with a blank expression.

When Kumano is still a low-level beast warrior, he can deal with it, but now Xiongye has become an intermediate beast warrior... He suspects that if he is against Xiongye, he may be like his own, very embarrassed after being exhausted. Kumano defeated.

He must not fight!

Kumano does not know that the pig war has already made up his mind and should not fight.

He does not actually intend to challenge the pig fight now.

He is now very interested in the patriarchs of the Giant Tiger tribe. After all, according to the news they got, the patriarch of the Giant Tiger tribe should be an intermediate beast warrior.

The pig war has said a lot of outside things. Kumano knows that in the orc continent, the intermediate beast warrior is not worth much, but in the abandoned forest, it is very rare and very powerful.

He is looking for Tiger Day to try his own skills and try the tactics that Zhou Zhijiao gave him!

Before that, I was worried that the Giant Tigers would attack their Kumano. Now they have adjusted themselves and waited for the Giant Tiger tribe to come!