Stratholme God

v1 Chapter 130: To borrow or not to borrow (one more)

   Chapter 130 To borrow or not to borrow (one more)

   As almost the northernmost point of the Eastern Kingdom, the weather at the end of February was still bitterly cold.

   The entire Kul Tiras 3rd Fleet was standing idle here.

  There is no way, since the first naval battle, the orcs have shrunk and stopped sending their so-called warships and transport ships to die. After all, the orcs still have the stable land passage of the Sador Bridge, so there is no need to force the food to the Alliance.

   Derek complained more than once that his father beat the orcs so badly that he could not earn a single bonus.

   As a result, since the war, the expanded Kul Tiras fleet has been reduced to the captain of the transport brigade, floating at sea all winter, enjoying an extremely bad 'hibernation'.

   It’s not that there is no rotation, it’s just boring and waiting.

  Inland wars, no sailors.

   There are no enemies and no work.

   Listening to all kinds of bad news from the griffins flying from the shore, the worst plan is to even prepare to pick up the family of the king of Lordaeron who may fall...

   In this state, it is normal for sailors to become lazy and tired.

   In fact, this night, each boat still has a lookout.

   It's just that in the cold and windy night, looking at the coastline that seems to be forever unchanged and undulating, it is easy for people to become numb. This is not a night scene of a big city. There is no light on the shore. In the light snow, the blurred scenery is really not worth watching.

   It was in this situation that the death knight came across.

   They ignored the icy cold water, walked on the bottom, and then hooked the ship's side with the first [Death Grip], and rushed to the surface like a torpedo.

  [Death Grip] in reality does not have as many restrictions as in the game. As the power to 'control all things', the only thing the death knight worries about is that when he uses the negative energy of the death system, he will be discovered by priests such as the priest of the light on the ship.

   Apparently, they were lucky. After getting on the ship, they found that there was no one on the deck, and the sailors hid in the cabin to sleep.

   A signal, a large number of orcs began to carry the pre-made sampans into the water.

  To be reasonable, according to the generally poor water quality of these orcs who just came from Draenor, it is not uncommon for half of them to drown in a mere 200-meter waterway.

  Orgrim has the "Treading Ice Crossing the Sea True Monarch", these Alterac snow monsters easily breathe ice, connecting several ships with ice blocks to form huge pieces of ice floes.

  The death knight threw the iron hook attached to the rope with the amazing arm strength that mortals could not imagine, and pulled the ice floes over.

   When the orcs succeeded in turning sea battles into land battles, it was all over.

   The Kul Tirans who were raided in their sleep were hurriedly confronted, but unfortunately, as long as they were boarded, the fate was the same.

   A sailor with thin clothes and no protection can be an opponent of orc warriors and death knights.

   In the entire fleet, almost half of the ships were involved in the first wave of raids. Later, because of too much panic and unresponsiveness, the warships that were too late to lift anchor and run away were raided by the second wave.

  In the end, only less than 40 large and small warships in the outermost area escaped, and 173 warships of various types fell into the control of the orcs, including Derek Proudmoore, the great prince of Kul Tiras.

Different from the previous practice of stuffing the corpses of human generals into shadow warlocks, this time Gul'dan directly forced him to submit with soul punishment. important general.

   The fleet that fled, just happened to have no griffins and no mages. At this time, the Tirisfal Territory was almost entirely controlled by the orcs. It was already the fifth day when the remnant ships traveled westward and found Daelin's First Fleet, which was located in the west of Tirisfal Woodland facing the open sea, and the news came out.

   "Are you sure you can't see the battle flags of the core clans such as Blackrock, Warsong, Broken Palm, etc. on the battlefield?" MacDonald asked the Griffin Knight who passed the message.

   "Yes, but we cannot determine the movement of the main force of the orcs. Your Majesty suspects that this is a trap." The messenger replied.

   "Whether it's a trap or not, tell Mograine to train. Remember not to let the soldiers kill more than five miles from the city wall."


   McDonald wrote his judgment on the parchment, stamped it with a lacquer seal, and handed it over to the messenger.

  After a little tangled, McDonald's recruited two special guest troops.

Not long after   , the beautiful elf sisters came to McDonald's at the fortress headquarters.

   Beginning with the Rivendell Legion defending the Wall of Thoradin, the Windrunner sisters and their rangers have been fighting with Rivendell, fighting and retreating all the way to Alterac, and finally retreating back to Thordoril Fortress.

   Although McDonald's had a personal relationship with them, on the battlefield everyone was still official, strictly following the alliance's approach.

   With a sullen face, he handed Alleria the latest battle report.

   The two sisters didn't react at first, but as McDonald's fingers moved on the military map, the Windrunner sisters' faces suddenly became extremely pale.

  On the map of the Eastern Kingdom, especially the Northland, if there is any area that has not been affected by the war, then only Quel'Thalas is left.

MacDonald's finger drew an arc from west to east from the north shore of Tirisfal, where the Third Fleet was attacked. Al'Danas Island...and a place that the two sisters couldn't be more familiar with - the Windrunner's Tower in the southwest of Silvermoon City!

   "No—" Veresa collapsed a little on the spot, and cried out: "God! Father, mother, and Liras are all there!"

  Lyras is the younger brother of the three sisters and the only male of this generation of Windrunners. It can be said that, except for the second sister Sylvanas who served in Silvermoon City, the entire Windrunner family is there.

   McDonald's was silent.

   It's not that he doesn't know history, and he's also wronged. The ghost knows that the orcs are so smart. After he blocked the Stratholme Territory, he grabbed the boat by himself, or went north.

   In an instant, thousands of thoughts flowed in Alleria's mind, sadness, despair, and pain, but in the end, everything turned into a responsibility, her responsibility as the windrunner's patriarch.

Stepping forward, Alleria bowed deeply to McDonald, and when she raised her head, her beautiful eyes were full of determination and grief: "I know our next request is too much, but For the sake of the fact that we fought side by side, please lend us the Griffin..."

   After a pause, she emphasized: "All the griffins in Stratholme!"

  After the tragic air battle in Hillsbrad, the Griffin became a scarce resource for the entire Alliance. It is generally believed that the Wildhammer dwarves also have a gryphon group of two hundred griffins.

   Not many people know that a certain local tyrant has left hundreds of millions of hands.

   This is a base update for today's 5th.



   (end of this chapter)