Stratholme God

v1 Chapter 209: The vassal delivered to the door (1 more

   Chapter 209 The vassal sent to the door (1 more)

   Alleria almost laughed.

   The young man in front of him is too confusing. His series of miraculous strategies and tactics have defeated millions of orcs.

   No damage without comparison, and he's just too good compared to Quel'Thalas' series of honeydew moves.

  's overly sophisticated military art makes almost everyone ignore his age. He is only 17 years old this year!

   replaced by high elves, this is directly a baby.

  McDonald's suddenly used his age to make fun of him, and Alleria really couldn't do anything about it. After all, even if a human noble is considered an adult at the age of 22 and can inherit the nobility, he is still a child.

  Fortunately, this did not trouble Alleria.

   Her always dignified and prudent temperament suddenly changed, and her intellectual face had a playful expression: "Then, esteemed lord, do you want me to add a [small] word in front of your title?"

   Turn the offensive!


   The siren sounded in my heart!

  Man is said to be small, cute or something, unless it is a real wife, or it will be a loss!

   Quickly exaggerate him!

   Please don't get me wrong, children always want to grow up quickly.

   This is human nature!

  McDonald's cheek muscles twitched, trying to put on a vicious expression, winked for a few seconds, and finally gave up.

"Oh! I'm not kidding. Orcs can't be killed in a year or a half! Sylvanas is still too persistent. Too much pursuit of revenge will easily lead to evil. If she is mine Enemy, no matter how strong she is, I can set up a trap to kill her. The orcs already have death knights. If she becomes undead after being killed, who else will remember her as a high elf and for the Alliance Contribution!?"

   Heart-to-heart words are the most moving.

   It is completely conceivable that her compatriots who love beauty will despise her who has become an undead.

  Sylvanas outside the door trembled as if struck by lightning.

   That is the breath of fate!

   is also a warning for the future!

   She is indeed arrogant, but she is never a fool.

   Although she hated the orcs who killed her parents, when McDonald's woke up a little, she immediately realized that she had to cherish the time she spent with her sister and brother more.

   Without hesitation, Sylvanas gently pushed the door open and entered, bowed deeply to McDonald, and said sincerely, "My lord, my thoughts are too extreme."

Seeing Queen Xi's clear eyes, McDonald smiled lightly and nodded: "I used to be young and frivolous, and only when I lose my relatives can I truly understand what loneliness is. While my family is still there, cherish the sight in front of me. people."

   turned slightly, McDonald put his hands on his back and looked out the window a little trance.

  The Windrunner sisters immediately felt how much McDonald's missed their parents. They suddenly remembered a rumor that the old Duke and Duchess of Stratholme had died very strangely.

  Since McDonald wouldn’t say anything, they wouldn’t be able to ask.

   But the empathy in their hearts narrowed the distance between them and the young master.

  In the middle of the night on the third day, Angerfang Fortress was attacked once.

   As the mastermind behind the flooding of half the wetland, Kilroger prepared a batch of landing craft in advance. This type of paddling punt in typical orc style is best suited for this calm lake.

   Even if the water level is falling day by day, Kilrogg firmly believes that he can catch humans by surprise.

  Unfortunately, since McDonald can prevent him from flooding, he naturally guards against his plot.

   Originally, the terrain of the Anger Fang camp was relatively high. After it was converted into a fortress, even the lowest city gate was 80 meters above sea level.

   Unless Kilrogg can make the water level of the entire endless sea rise so much, otherwise, with the amount of water in Lock Lake, there is no way that McDonald's will be submerged.

  A large number of landing craft that looked a bit like cockroaches, before they got close to the fortress, were stuck by those things that read [antlers] and read [underwater dark piles] in the middle of the mountain.

  McDonald's early in the morning sent people from the road below to the gate of the fortress, and this thing was installed on both sides of the road on each steep slope.

   The orcs came to make trouble in the dark. Who knew that they were trying to get to the shore at full speed and come to a 'beach landing', but the boat was stuck less than ten meters away from the shore.

   A boat of No. 40 orc infantry, the draught of the landing craft is two or three meters.

   Not going forward or backward, not going up or down, thief embarrassed.

   The bottom of the boat was also knocked out of the big hole of N by the sharpened wooden stakes, and the water went crazy.

   The tragic state of the orcs was clearly seen by the elf ranger who was in charge of the sentry.

   A few flares went into the sky, and the human mortars and ballistas became powerful.

   That night, the orcs left more than 5,000 corpses and ran away in despair.

   This was Kilroger's last attack.

The water of   Lake Lake is not infinite. When the water pouring down the cliff and the amount of water flowing out of the wetland to the sea remain constant, the water level tends to be stable.

   After confirming that Rivendell was finished blocking the bridge, McDonald was ready to evacuate with people.

   The Dalaran Infantry Regiment led by Kaizi happened to be the one who took over to guard Ragingfang Fortress.

   This is a very interesting arrangement.

   Both Kaizi and Dalaran need to brush their faces.

  The Kirin Tor Council also knows that with the population of Dalaran, it is a bit unrealistic to compete with the orc army.

   As an academic free magic city-state, Dalaran is limited in what it can do. Those who joined the Dalaran Infantry were most likely former Mage's guards or Hillsbrad peasants around Dalaran who were protected by Dalaran.

  At the moment when Dalaran has not fallen, their willingness to fight is not necessarily very strong.

   On the other hand, the people of Lordaeron, Alterac and Stromgarde, who had been copied by the orcs, all screamed, and almost a man signed up to join the army to restore the Arathi Highlands.

  In the case of the orcs stuck in the Dan Orgaz scorpion, the main force of McDonald's will definitely not waste time here.

   Just before he left, McDonald met a somewhat unexpected person.

   "Your Excellency Duke Barov, what a rare visitor."

   "I'm ashamed to be too ashamed, the sinner Barov and his little daughter Ilushia pay a courtesy visit to the Duke of Stratholme!" As he spoke, he bowed deeply with the black-haired beauty behind him.

  There is a difference between a duke and a duke.

   Duke Barov keeps his attitude low and it is normal. As a member of the contract of human rape, no matter whether he is active or passive, the Barov family will inevitably be liquidated after the war.

After the    Alterac annihilation incident, the Barov family spent all their wealth to support the alliance, and they were squeezed out in order to avoid further losses as much as possible.

   It is certain that the fiefs will be cut off. What their family is most worried about is that even the titles will be cut off.

   This is not impossible.

   A crime against humanity is enough for all nations to agree to demote the entire Barov family to civilians and punish them all in exile.

  South Sea Town, Tarren Mill, Lake Keldaron, such a rich Barov territory, isn't it fragrant?

   Now the battle is getting clearer and the orcs are retreating.

   If it is said that Duke Barov did not stand in line before, firstly, he could not see clearly, and secondly, he was afraid of standing in line ahead of time and pressing the wrong treasure, angering those who should not have angered, but now it is easy to see clearly.

   It should be said that if you don’t stand in line, you will have no chance.

   "The Barov family is willing to be a vassal of the Stratholme family from generation to generation."

   (end of this chapter)