Stratholme God

v1 Chapter 221: Liberate Dun Morogh (2 more)

   Chapter 221 Liberation of Dun Morogh (2 more)

   Thinking of the pictures of the skulls at the gates of the city, the gate of Ironforge was simply renamed [Ghost Gate], and Ironforge was renamed [Fengducheng].

   Hate the orcs and hate them, and the dwarf's aesthetics cannot be desecrated.

  No metal, no hammer, talk about a hammer! ?

   shook his head to get the bad picture out of his head, and the three brothers thought of something else.

   McDonald's kindness, the three Bronzebeard brothers felt it a long time ago.

   The smell was wrong before the war, and a large amount of Thorium ingots were dumped at a low price in advance, which can barely be said to be a commercial behavior.

After the    orcs blocked the door of Ironforge, they still sent a large number of griffins to deliver the scarce supplies, and they were half-sold and half-delivered, and those sold could still be sold on credit.

   Just ask a little and know that most of the countries are poor, and half of the alliance's military spending is paid by McDonald's.

After    joined the alliance, the military intelligence reports they received regularly made the three brothers understand how awesome McDonald's was.

  Andorhal's recovery battle, the siege of Lordaeron, Yangfan Harbor and Silvermoon City annihilation battle, plus the recent wetland landing, the number of orcs who died directly or indirectly at the hands of the Stratholme army, how many millions?

  At a time when Dalaran and the Barov family had no choice but to swipe their faces to grab their exploits, McDonald's had already made a name for himself. Even if he didn't do anything since last month, there would be no second person in the league who could surpass his exploits.

   McDonald is not willing to kill orcs, but instead overflows with a kind of transcendental... atmosphere!

Heroes like    are the best friends of dwarves worthy of a lifetime!

"Hahaha!" Magni laughed: "I'm not hypocritical anymore! Our brothers will go and kill the orcs all over Dun Morogh. McDonnell, you will stay in Ironforge and wait for our news. Come on! The fine wine in my house, you can do as you like—"

   After saying that, Magni threw a golden key to McDonald's.

   McDonald received a look, my dear, this thing is still a magic key.

   The dwarf gave you the key to his wine cellar, proving that he really regarded you as a brother, the kind who could dig out his heart and lungs for you and put a knife in both sides.

  McDonald smiled: "Don't blame me for drinking up your shit!"

   "It doesn't matter if you take all my wine and take a bath!" The three brothers shouted and led people out.

   At this time, the sound of killing was loud outside, and Haas' cavalry had already arrived.

  Has, who had blood on half of his helmet and a green finger on his shoulder armor, had an undisguised excitement on his face. He and the horse under his crotch were panting heavily: "My lord, please instruct!"

   McDonald's Kenyon raised his hand: "Just follow the predetermined plan."

The first step of the    counteroffensive plan was to rush down the mountain from Ironforge in the north of Dun Morogh, occupying the small town of Kalanos in the center of the entire region.

  Haas's cavalry regiment cooperated with the dwarf's steam tank troop and goat cavalry regiment to kill as fast as possible to the east, first to take the frozen stone farm as a forward base, and then to control the most critical North Gate Trail and South Gate Trail.

The   North Gate Trail is another giant tunnel that cuts through the entire mountain, leading straight to Orgaz Post in Loch Modan. At this time, Kilrogg should lead the main force of the blood cave to guard against the allied forces led by the three Windrunner sisters. If they can win here, the army of the alliance will continue to enter the Loch Modan area through normal channels.

The South Gate Trail leads to the Valley of Kings in the southwest of Loch Modan. This is another key point, because the Stone Dam Trail through the mountain tunnel just south of the Valley of the Kings leads all the way to the Searing Canyon area in the south, and the Searing Canyon is further south. Burning Plains, there is a road that leads all the way to the Redridge Mountains, and enters the old territory of the fallen Stormwind Kingdom.

   On the contrary, if the orcs blocked the north and south paths, the dwarf troops would be blocked by the icy Dun Morogh, unable to move.

   This is a race against time!

   "Understood!" Haas greeted and roared away with his men. This is a good chance to prove the Alterac knights!

   The mixed army of Stormwind soldiers and dwarves who came from far away divided the troops into three groups and went to various places to free the trapped dwarves.

   McDonald's waited for his own Stratholme family guard cavalry brigade, and 200 cavalry went slowly to Kalanos at the foot of Ironforge Mountain.

   I have to say that MacDonald doesn’t feel the shortness’s architectural taste, and the quality of the construction is absolutely unbearable.

   All town buildings are made of solid stone, and the orcs will at most collapse when they hit them with a hammer for a long time. Unless all orcs are equipped with steel warhammers, it is impossible to easily demolish Dwarf's city.

  Karanos is like that, even though the orcs have built a lot of ugly buildings in the city full of hides and horns, the dwarf's tank rushes over, and it will be demolished for you with a gas pedal.

When Bolvar arrived with the infantry regiment, following the beautiful harp sound of "ding ding dong dong", he easily found the roof of a house surrounded by knights in Karanos, basking in the warm winter sun. 'The McDonald's.

   Looking at Liadrin, who was wearing a priest's robe and was elegant and serene, playing a man-high gold harp, and then looking at McDonald's drinking warm wine, Bolvar was a little messy.

   Of course, this honest man will not forget that Mai, besides the Stratholme God of War, is another elf-controlled dog owner!

   But you act so aggressive on the battlefield, is it appropriate?

   "Aren't you worried that you won't be able to catch Kilrogg?" Bolvar couldn't help asking.

   Dun Morogh in June is the warmest season, even so, the highest temperature at 2pm is around 18 degrees Celsius. The short-term warm sun is not enough to melt the ice and snow here for thousands of years.

   McDonald lay down comfortably: "What are you worried about, that guy's eyes have a certain ability to predict. Don't look at it, you can't catch it. As for other small battlefields, hehe..."

   Overturning is impossible!

   Suddenly thinking of his own flag attribute, Mai Xie silently added a sentence in his heart: If this all overturns, sir, I will write the word [王] upside down!

   As expected!

   That night, McDonald received the news that Kilrogg was leading people to run away in advance. Haas led the way desperately, only to encounter the three Windrunner sisters and their rangers who had sneaked up the tunnel.

  This one-eyed monster is an example of the kind of person who can do whatever they want with the ability to predict. He may not be able to understand the entire 'historical process' like a certain Mai, but most of the things in the near future can't be hidden from him.

   I don't know if Kilrogg's lifespan is long enough for him to play a few times to peep into the future...

  On July 1, two big news that made the people of the member states of the alliance happy came one after another.

   On June 25th, Duke Bolvar Fordragon led 20,000 Stormtroopers and General Haas' mountain knights to liberate the Dun Morogh and Loch Modan areas where the Bronzebeard dwarves were located.

   On June 26, Lothar led the main force of the Alliance to break through the Wall of Thoradin, forcing the remnants of the Orcs on the Arathi Heights into the ruins of Stromgarde. It is only a matter of time before the remnants of the orcs lacking materials will be destroyed.

   (end of this chapter)