Stratholme God

v1 Chapter 222: lottery (1 more)

   Chapter 222 Lottery (1 more)

   "I've blocked the tunnel of Shiba Path..."

   Valley of the Kings, Stormwind City.

Orgrim looked at the letter sent by Kilrogg, and then at the messenger. After a long silence, he said, "The blockage cannot be blocked. If the dwarves have the ability to dig such a long tunnel, they have the ability to dig another one. Come here. It's just a matter of time. It turns out that the offensive of Stormwind City and Wetlands is actually a feint attack! It's been put together..."

Next to   , Varok reminded: "Great Chief, Blackrock Mountain has our Blackrock Dwarf friends."

   Orgrim was silent. If he chose to retreat, the dark iron dwarves, who were not allies in the first place, would immediately abandon the orcs and stick to their own Darkforge City.

   The dark iron dwarves donated a batch of dark iron weapons for free because of the orcs' arrogance against the Bronzebeard clan. For more, the orcs must exchange for ore.

   In order to update the equipment of the orcs, the Great Chief has been asking all the second- and third-rate clans to donate a lot of hard work to mine in Blackrock Mountain.

  The problem is, as the army of orcs is cut off in batches like wheat, the chain of **** of the orcs [the great chiefs rule the first-tier clans, and the first-tier clans dominate the second- and third-tier clans] also begins to collapse.

  The chiefs of the second- and third-rate clans did not have the courage to resist the orders of the great chiefs. After all, the orcs had the final say with their fists, but they could secretly do things and go against the grain. For example, cut off some of the supplies, weapons and equipment sent to the front-line clans.

   This is the result of the consecutive defeats - the prestige of the warchief is rapidly weakening.

   looked into the distance, there was a group of hard workers, and they were forced by the orc warriors to send them.

   They trembled in their legs, some shouting "Dad", some "Grandpa", and reluctantly went deep into the streets of Stormwind. Then, a mechanical "I don't have such unsightly descendants as you!" sounded, and a dozen orc hard laborers either flew into the sky, or were pierced and hacked to death by various traps on the spot, becoming meat sauce.

  The Great Chief was silent for a while, and then said, "Call all the chiefs of the first-line clans!"


  Three days later, Lakeside Town of Chiji Mountain (occupied area).

   In the newly built camp, all the first-line chiefs gathered together.

  Blackrock: Orgrim.

  Blood Cave: Kilrogg *Dead Eye.

   Fire Blade: Samuro.

   Dragonmaw: Zulu Hed.

  Battle Hymn: Grom Hellscream.

  Representative of the Mok'Nathar clan: Rexxar.

   and Derek Proudmoore, commander of the newly built Black Sails fleet.

   Orgrim opened the scene with a sentence that shocked the audience: "If there is no wrong calculation, the orcs... will lose!"

  Grom and Rexxar stood up on the spot: "Warchief, we can still fight!"

   Zuluhed: "As long as the Dark Portal can be opened..."

"Fight, who dares to say that we can win? Open the door? Who can open the door!?" Orgrim said with a sullen face: "Wake up! My compatriots, we have not won a battle in the past six months. This is no longer courageous. There's a problem. Varok, get those things out."

   The first thing presented was an incredibly hard Thorium breastplate.

  Everyone was silent for a while.

   Unless you are a centurion or a strong beastman with a black iron weapon, you will rarely be able to cut through this kind of armor directly. Against those paladins wearing Thorium armor, it was almost impossible to kill those guys.

   The opponent's Thorium weapon can easily cause damage to orc warriors.

   If it is a strong one and a half of the alliance, this equipment is not a problem. The recent momentum is that more and more alliance soldiers wear Thorium and Mithril armor, and even ordinary soldiers are starting to be equipped with steel armor.

   This is typical equipment suppression.

   The second piece presented is a cannon with a curved barrel.

   "This thing, we paid the price of the lives of 7 ogres and 51 orc warriors to demolish one." Varok said softly.

   The chiefs became more and more silent.

It is also an indisputable fact that    was beaten by the alliance with long-range weapons.

   Who dares to ignore the bombardment of artillery except for a strong man like Grom?

   The few gronns have been lost in Quel'Thalas. The ogres brought from Draenor were originally few in number, and now there are more than a thousand left.

  However, the artillery of humans and dwarves, like a conjuration, became more and more numerous.

   At the end is the corpse of an orc.

   Seeing the corpse, the nameless fire of each orc chief blazed upwards.

   That's an orc messenger!

   In accordance with the rules of human beings, he put a white flag on his back, but the head of the messenger was missing, and a wolf's wolf head was roughly sewn onto it.


   Relentless humiliation!

  Worgs have a lofty position in the hearts of orcs, they are close to relatives of orcs!

   "Kill them! I must kill all the humans!" Grom's roaring roar shocked all the orcs in the camp.

After everyone calmed down a little, Orgrim said calmly: "That's how the messenger I sent came back! It was put on a trebuchet and launched back, and it fell into a pond we used exactly. "

   "Kill all humans!"

   "Decisive battle! A battle to the death!"

   The chiefs roar!

In the frenetic atmosphere, Orgrim raised his mouth: "Decisive battle? Of course! As the warchief, I will naturally bring the Blackrock clan and all the other orcs to seek a decisive battle with the Alliance of Lordaeron! But one clan must be an exception. !"

   "Who? A traitor? Damn Gul'dan? Or Brother Blackhand? I'll take the Warsong clan to destroy them!" Among all the chiefs, Grom was the most excited!

Orgrim sighed: "We don't just represent our own clan! We are looking for a way out for all our compatriots in the destroying [our world]! If we can't conquer this world of Azeroth, at least for the sake of Later compatriots blazed a trail!"

The    chiefs were stunned.

In their opinion: Maybe this war was caused by Gul'dan's bewitchment, but in the world of Draenor where they live, resources are exhausted, hunting grounds are getting smaller, and prey is poor. This is what drives the orcs to launch millions of troops to cross The main cause of planetary expeditions.

   They failed as an advance army. Although the remaining orcs could breathe because of the reduction in the number of people, the end of their survival was still death.

The warchief continued: "That's why I decided to leave a first-class clan out of the final battle list. This clan will become the fire seed, and go with Derek Proudmoore to the southernmost, wettest and most chaotic place on the continent. Stranglethorn Vale area. I hope he can re-alliance with some trolls. I have found that to conquer this world, orcs alone are not enough. Orcs are the bravest warriors, but the strongest warriors also need range Armed support."

   Orgrim stood up suddenly and roared loudly: "This is my absolute order as the warchief! Disobey? Yes! Mac' Gora wins me, then you have the final say."

  The chiefs fell silent.

   Zulu Hed gritted his teeth and said, "Which clan is going?"

   "Drawing lots!"

   That night, the famous Warsong clan left the orc army gathering place.

   Sorry, I had something to do yesterday, everyone was tired, and I couldn't open my eyes at 11 o'clock. Should be back to normal today, with more



   (end of this chapter)