Stratholme God

v1 Chapter 227: Seems like something is wrong

   Chapter 227 Something seems wrong

On the    Alliance's side, they don't know anything about the changes in the orcs.

  Beginning in July, Elwynn Forest has entered the hottest and humid climate with frequent summer rains. In conditions of heat, humidity and poor visibility, Griffin reconnaissance becomes ineffective.

The    alliance executives are quite satisfied with the shrinking of the orcs - this definitely fits all the characteristics of a failing power.

   By capturing and interrogating the captives, it is not difficult for the Alliance to learn that all the orcs came from a huge [door]. Then through the captive's description of the surrounding scene, it is not difficult for them to know that this special portal is just south of the Swamp of Sorrows.

   Now, the dead place that was polluted by the terrible curse, the Alliance named it [Curse Land].

"The orcs can't do it! They are assembling the last force and making a desperate fight." The massive orc corpses can't be faked. Lothar summed up this conclusion based on various information: "We only need to destroy the war chief Orgrim's place. Leading the main force of the Blackrock clan, killing all the way to the cursed land, destroying that **** portal, can end this war."

   In fact, when the war hits this point, no one feels bad.

   The wars of the past year, except for Kul Tiras, Stratholme, and the Hinterland where the Eagle's Nest Mountain is located, have engulfed almost every territory in the entire alliance.

  The tragic loss of human life and the decline in food production brought the internal affairs of various countries to the brink of collapse.

   If you don't kill all the orcs, the country will not collapse as simple as fast-forward to destroying the country.

   Now all countries are tightening their headbands and grit their teeth in support of this astonishingly expensive transcontinental expedition.

   No matter how rich the local tycoon is, the money cannot be exchanged without damage, and it can be turned into grain.

   The only good thing is that McDonald's laid a solid foundation in the Western Wilderness, with various bunkers and N multiple granaries, and delivered the winter grains from Andorhal and Stratholme in advance.

The    Alliance only needs to ship the big army over here.

  The newly built Menethil Harbor and the Gold Coast Pier in the Westfall became the busiest docks, followed by Stormwind Harbor, which was just beginning to rebuild.

   On July 25, Lothar and others rushed to Jason's farm to build a new Jason's Fortress, and joined McDonald's.

  In the front-line castle, the tool man Turalyon faced the military map and explained the big bosses who arrived.

"First of all, in the northeast, the dwarf mechanized troops led by Muradin* Bronzebeard are madly attacking the Redridge Mountain fortress group, but the effect is not good, the orc's city wall is stronger than expected. The dwarf howitzer can't make effective damage to the city wall. I'm trying to mobilize a more penetrating cannon. But it will take time." Turalyon first placed three metal dwarven tank models on the Redridge Mountains.

"Due to the severe damage to Stormwind City, once the offensive is setback, it will not be able to withstand the orcs' counterattack, so we decided that the Stormwind City Front Army will be the northern division, and only the second and third army of the original Stormwind Kingdom, only as a check." Turalyon put the two A metal villain representing ten thousand people is placed on the map of Stormwind City.

"The South Route Army has set off. They are guerrillas led by Brigadier General Alleria* Windrunner, with elf rangers as the core, supplemented by professional hunters, with a total of 8,000 people. They have carried a large number of supplies and river-crossing ships, just waiting for our signal. Just cross the river and attack the south flank of the Orc's Goldtown defense. But they don't carry heavy weapons, they can only be used for harassment."

Turalyon continued: "The west is our main force. There are the first, second, and third armies of Lordaeron, the Scarlet Crusade of Mograine and Abidis, and the first and second mixed army of Dalaran. Magic Infantry, Arathi Highland Knights, Stormwind First Army, Ironforge First Armored Division, and Stratholme Army, a total of 360,000 soldiers!"

   Having said this, there was a low commotion in the military medical hall, which was the excited whispers of the soldiers.

   This battle brought together the essence of the entire alliance!

   This is still the premise of simplifying most of the miscellaneous soldiers, and hard fortresses come in, I am afraid that the number of troops will go up to 800,000.

   After all, at this point in time, except for Gilneas and Quel'Thalas who play autistic, the recruitment stations of various countries are filled with people every day. Even though the Union has stopped conscription, the people still spontaneously demand enlistment.

  Simple militia training has been unable to satisfy the willingness of the people to join the war!

  It’s a pity that the food can’t support it!

   The ability to support so many soldiers on a cross-continental expedition depends entirely on a certain local tyrant to arrange in advance.

  Even so, the seemingly vast Elwynn Forest still couldn't accommodate such a huge army to expand all at once.

After the brief introduction of   , the bigwigs from all walks of life began to clamor and request to fight.

   In their opinion, this is the last chance to compete for merit.

   On the contrary, the first battle of the battle - the recovery of the former site of Xiquan Fortress, there is no one to fight.

   Everyone thought that taking Xiquan Fortress was a logistical life. After all, this forward base was too close to the newly built orc camp in Shining Gold Town. Whoever goes, will not switch defenses in a short time, and there will be no chance to make the final great effort.

   "Well, since no one has taken the initiative to apply to go to Xiquan Fortress, then I will go." McDonald said casually.

   All the bigwigs showed their envious eyes. They were not grateful for McDonald's generosity, but because McDonald's was the only existence who didn't need to take credit. His exploits have long been unmatched in the Alliance of Lordaeron. Make Terenas look good.

   No matter how many dukes Lordaeron hangs, one McDonald's will earn all the face back.

There is nothing to say about this battle. McDonald's is useless to the two elite troops of Rivendell and Serriek. He just let the guest worker Kurtaz lead 10,000 people to charge, and two charge Take this fortress guarded by a third-tier clan.

   West Spring Fortress, located in the southwest of Stormwind City, was not seriously damaged when it fell last year. Because when the Goldtown defenses were broken, Bolvar withdrew most of his troops back to Stormwind.

  Xiquan Fortress symbolically left 3,000 people to hold back the orcs' advance and prevent the orcs from rushing into the western fertile fields so quickly.

   After fierce hand-to-hand combat, all the human defenders were killed, but the main building of the fortress was still intact.

  A four-storey hard rock bunker, with eight arrow towers that are just enough, this is Xiquan Fortress.

   Seriously, this place is not good for McDonald's.

   As always, McDonald's, the king of the bunker, will build a large building whenever he goes.

   Of course, the more important thing is the forward movement of the supply station. Almost at the same time as he took the Xiquan Fortress, the 300,000 alliance army had already been allocated.

  The bored McDonald sat at the top of the fortress and casually watched the layout of the orc camp with his binoculars.

  The fertile Elwynn Forest, in just one year, many trees began to grow back. There are lush saplings everywhere.

   It's just that McDonald's doesn't feel right when he looks at it.

   "Wait! The spacing between the camps is too wide."

   This kind of open layout, which is very similar to the goblin racing field, looks like it is used for the impact of large troops.

   (end of this chapter)