Stratholme God

v1 Chapter 233: Thank you (2 more)

   Chapter 233 No thanks (2 more)

   Handsome is only three seconds!

   McDonald's never imagined that this kind of **** would happen to him one day.

   Forget about wearing the gang, and I even showed it to my own guardians, and the shame was thrown to Quel'Thalas.

   Fortunately, the strength of the body that passed through is not bad, the earthlings can't say that their legs have been comminuted and fractured.

  Azeroth's noble body is a small bug anyway.

   I don't know if it is an anti-ancestor phenomenon. After all, the ancestors of the human beings here are vrykul people of half-giant bloodline, and they are also stone people. They become weaker after being cursed by flesh and blood.

   Here, McDonald's just ordered to fire, but Lothar had already rushed downstairs to command the army. He also witnessed this shocking blow and shouted "Okay!"

  When the crisis is over and Lothar is ready to lead his army to attack and slaughter the orcs, he will naturally not forget the powerful commander of McDonald's.

"Tell the Duke of Stratholme, let him not hide and tuck, and quickly bring the Stratholme Army to follow me." Lothar's order was quickly passed to McDonald's side, and then the messenger quickly rolled back. .

The    messenger said: "Commander Lothar, Brigadier General Rivendell will lead the 30,000 Stratholme army to attack with you, and request to arrange the main attack direction."

   "Huh? What happened to him?"

   The face of the messenger was embarrassed, but he still whispered what he saw and heard.

  Lothar's eyes almost popped out of their sockets in shock.

   Such a coquettish shock, it was the first time he saw it.

   This is a move that has nothing to do with knight training.

   Serious knight who would teach kicks to interrupt spellcasting?

  The swordsmanship training of knights in this era emphasizes the T-step, speaks steadily, and never kicks blindly. Maybe some wild people can teach kicking, and most of them are lower-level attacks. Who can teach flying kicks?

When he heard the messenger say that someone had to reset his joints because of excessive force and broke his leg, and screamed like a pig, Lothar felt a lot of crows circling around his forehead, just screaming " Fool! Fool! Fool!"

   "Okay, leave him alone, he is wounded in the battlefield anyway. We have to take care of the wounded. Let Rivendell go to the right flank!"

Luckily, McDonald's didn't blow up the bridge. The Alliance army, who had just passed the bridge, saw the operation of their own boss, and they really threw the orcs. They escaped so many big moves, and their morale was immediately boosted. Under the command, they shouted. Crash across the bridge.

   "Woo woo woo--" The horn of the attack sounded again.

   This time, the partial divisions from both Stormwind City and Dusk Forest attacked together.

   In fact, it is a general attack, it is better to say that it is a harvest.

  A large number of human crossbowmen filled the edge of the pit. They did nothing, just concentrate on turning the winch and pulling the bowstring to shoot arrows. About ten meters below, a large number of orcs were stuck like targets and couldn't get up.

Except for a few lucky ones like Orgrim, who can find a way back in advance and climb up and run away in various ways, most orcs can't escape the range of this big pit even if they can move, and they are densely packed like rain. The crossbow musket was shot dead.

The    alliance's long-range arms are cool, the infantry and cavalry can only stare blankly, can't they jump into the pit and fight hand to hand with the dying orcs, right?

   Under the orders of the commanders, they had to make a big circle along the edge of the pit, trying to intercept the orcs in the middle and rear. Unfortunately, this was doomed to fail. The orcs behind received the Great Chief's order to retreat a long time ago and began to retreat.

The    Alliance did not dare to pursue, because it was soon discovered that there were actually quite a few Iron Stars on the Orc side. The tank group led by Brian Bronzebeard wanted to go over, and a big iron ball was thrown across it. Brian lost three tanks to escape.

   As a result, a large-scale combined battle in which the two sides mobilized more than 500,000 troops ended in a strange, near-draw way.

The    Alliance lost to the Arathi Highland Legion and found that more than 25,000 people died and more than 10,000 people were injured.

The    orcs side are nearly 10,000 black stone orcs who played the front and more than 20,000 orc warriors from second-rate clans.

   At first glance, it seems to be a real draw.

  Actually, everyone knows that the orcs have finally pulled out some epoch-making new weapons, but they have not achieved the expected results. This time, the orcs have suffered a big loss.

   On the other hand, as long as the Alliance cannot crack the [Steel Star] well, once the battle breaks out in the open, the Alliance will still suffer a lot.

  Here, Saidan and Tirion pulled the struggling Uther out of the ground like a radish.

   "Brother, what's the matter with you? You are so embarrassed." Sai Dan teased Lao Wu.

  Uther calmly: "This is the Holy Light guiding me."

   "Cough, wooden man!"

   Ordinary people may feel that it is just as shameful, but the true devout will not have any other feelings at all, but simply feel that they should do this.

The    war ended, and Veresa, who gave up the pursuit, just returned to the West Spring Fortress when she heard the screams like McDonald's killing a pig.

   "Ahhh! Stupid woman, are you going to kill me? Help! Help! Murder—"

   Veresa became anxious when she heard it, and was about to rush up, but was pulled by Second Sister Xi: "Stupid girl, look at the knights."

  Those knights who have been loyal to the Stratholme family for unknown generations, all of them are stern and hard to hold back.

fake! all fake!

  What Stratholme are all fake!

Everyone was deceived by Mai's invincible achievements, thinking that his duke was possessed by an ancestor who manifested a spirit of war or something. In fact... no matter if he can fight or command a terrific commander, his lord is still an uninjured one after all. youth.

Going up to the third floor of the fortress, even if Veresa saw a red-haired elf with a big **** sitting on McDonald's thigh, and a beautiful blond single ponytail elf girl pressing his feet, Veresa would not care. Moved, and even wanted to laugh a little.

   Well, McDonald's is in physical therapy.

   Yes, it is purely physical.

  Only those who have been dislocated will understand what kind of pain a dislocation is.

   The muscles were dislocated, and the tendons and nerves were forcibly pulled. The pain was no less than a stab, let alone two.

   The worst thing is that there is obviously no bone-setting old Chinese medicine in the world of Azeroth.

   Maybe some field doctors will, but it just so happens that there is no one around McDonald's who can do it.

   "Silly woman! Are you going to kill me? Missed the seventh time—" McDonald's throat was hoarse.

   Liadrin, a professional priest, can't, and I didn't expect Valeera to not.

   Valeera: "Actually I suggest cutting the outer skin of the leg with a dagger, or even..."

  Liadrin: "Well, I think it's quicker too."

   "Murder!" Mai Shazhu continued to howl miserably.

   In the end, Queen Xi couldn't see it, she rushed over, stepped on McDonald's thigh with one boot, and made two "snacks", and the bone setting was completed.

   "Thanks...Thank you! Sylvanas..." McDonald's sweaty and weak thanks.

"you are welcome!"

   (end of this chapter)