Stratholme God

v1 Chapter 234: Three weapons (3 more)

   Chapter 234 Three Weapons (3 more)

   (monthly pass 3/43)


   Confirmed the eyes, she is a woman I can't hold!

  Without the pain of dislocation, McDonald was paralyzed on the camp bed like a dead dog.

   This time, it was Liadrin's turn to be embarrassed. A professional nurse of hers couldn't handle McDonald's dislocation, but a wild ranger did it. What a shame.

   "By the way, Ms. Liadrin, when are you going to sit?" Veresa was a little dissatisfied.

   "Ah! Sorry!" The priestess immediately stood up.

  This time, it was McDonald's turn to be a little disappointed.


   far away!

  If possible, McDonald's definitely wants to disguise the sick number and not attend any military conferences.

  At present, the savior of the alliance must be present.

  In order to prevent another dislocation, Veresa still carefully splinted his right leg.

  Lothar and other guys are also happy to see the invincible Mai God of War occasionally deflated.

   "I thought you were the invincible **** of war?" Lothar teased his MacDonald in a rare manner.

   "Mud!" McDonald's head was covered in black lines.

   Seeing McDonald's coming in with a cane, all the bigwigs felt amused.

   Of course, McDonald's, surrounded by a group of beautiful elves, is the most beautiful cub in the audience wherever he goes.

Toolman Turalyon continued to introduce the situation: "Now the main force of the orcs is intact, they just retreated to the east for about 70 miles and re-established their camp near the East Valley Logging Field. But this time, we have no mines to use. That kind of The war weapon named [Steel Star] is still a hurdle that we cannot get around."

Lothar pressed his hands on the edge of the military chairperson's table covered with a map, like a lion standing on a boulder: "If you have any ideas, please come up with them! But I want to remind everyone that the enemy has changed, and it is no longer that one. An ignorant and reckless savage race. The enemy's new weapons are quite technologically advanced."

Brian * Bronzebeard raised his short hand first: "The enemy has seven [Steel Stars] trapped in the pit, if we get them out, let us and the gnome craftsman study together, maybe we can find a way to solve it. road."

  Lothar asked, "How long?"

"Hard to say."

   "Then... please do it as soon as possible." Of course, Lothar knew about technological progress, so he couldn't be in a hurry.

  The next issue became how to coordinate. As the leader of the Alliance's number one beggar gang, Lothar had to take the opportunity to propose the restoration of Stormwind City as a forward base.

  This is not only for Stormwind Kingdom, but also for the Alliance.

   After all, the 'yo-yo' of the orcs came over, and ordinary camps couldn't hold it.

  Unfortunately, most of the big guys are not interested in this. The money needed to repair Stormwind City starts with 500,000 gold coins, and even a certain tycoon would not dare to give this money blatantly.

  Old Taizi: Our Tirisfal woodland has been burned to nothing by the orcs. Why don't you give me some money to support me first?

After a long time of wrangling, that is to allow Stormwind Kingdom to give a large amount of food on credit, so that Stormwind Kingdom can provide relief for work, mobilize the rescued refugees to clean up the almost filled King Valley, and clear a main road from Stormwind Harbor to the city gate. , to facilitate the transportation of supplies.

   As for the orc camp in Shining Gold Town, 10,000 forward troops were sent there, and by the way, the orc camp was burned to prevent the orcs from coming over.

   The situation suddenly entered a deadlock.

After the    military meeting, Danas Trollbane found Lothar privately.

  Lothar is an upright person, looking at Danas' face, he is full of guilt: "I'm sorry about today's matter, Lord Torbane."

  Danas' mouth squirmed for a long time, and finally he said: "Is this all for victory?"


  Danas smiled bitterly, nodded to Lothar, turned and left.

   "Wait, if possible, I can help you contact..."

"The Duke of Stratholme? He's a great man! But he also has a lot of money to spend. Recapturing Stromgarde is the best reward for the Arathi Highlanders. All sacrifices are just Highlanders. It's just a repayment." After that, Danas left Lothar's tent without looking back.

   Looking at the back of Danas, Losar seemed to have lost something.

  In the end, Lothar didn't tell Mak about it on the spot.

  Mai local tyrants regret missing 100 million...

   If he heard it, he would definitely say "Let me do it! I invest, as long as the system doesn't require it, I don't want a return."

The war between the    Alliance and the Orcs fell into a strange period of relative peace.

   is relative, because there are also Alleria's mixed army of rangers and hunters, infiltrating wildly in the forest, constantly strangling orcs who dared to step out of the logging area of ​​the East Valley Logging Field.

   Now the number of this guerrilla force has reached as high as 7,000. Any orc who dares to step into the forest will surely be shot into a porcupine and hang on the southeast branch.

  Alleria couldn't advance either, because the orcs, based on the logging area in advance, cut the entire Elwynn Forest from north to south, literally cutting out an unshaded open space, forcing the alliance to fight in the open space.

  Only McDonald was the most ruthless, and suggested that Lothar recruit brave storm refugees, almost under the eyes of the orcs, to restore the summer grain cultivation of several large farms near the town of Gold.

   Time goes by day by day.

   By the end of August, the Alliance finally gathered the cards for the decisive battle.

   "Can this thing really work?" Lothar silently looked at the steel behemoth in front of him.

  Brian* Bronzebeard, the dwarf on top, is as small as a green bean.

   "Hahaha! McDonald's is right - there are no guns and no cannons, the enemy made it for us! No, this stuff is absolutely fun."

  Lothar's eyes twitched: "It won't explode, will it?"

   "No! We've taken all the explosives. Trust our dwarf skills!"

  The three dwarfs of Azeroth - goblins, dwarves, and dwarves. Among them, goblins are the most dangerous, and dwarfs play off periodically, and dwarfs are more reliable.

   Following a secret sentence from someone from Mai, Lothar became a little bit nervous again: "I'm not afraid of it blowing up, but I'm afraid of overturning."

  Lothar frowned: "What else?"

   Then he saw a rather retro catapult.

   Since the installation of mortars, humans have rarely played this, but there is no way, in order to project those black sesame paste-like things, go retro.

   was finally launched by the Trident Legion. The U-shaped metals fixed on the open carriage were covered with thick metal wires.

   "What is this again?" Saidan Dassault whistled frivolously.

MacDonald snapped his fingers, and with a strange slight buzzing sound, Saidan suddenly flew upside down in an extremely strange way. Shengguang, the armor on his body weighs ten thousand pounds, and the armor that originally protected him has become a restraint tool to imprison him!

   "Damn, what is this?"

It was clear that Saidan was attacked, but Sylvanas next to him had nothing to do. He raised a claw knife made of the claws of some kind of beast and gently touched Saidan's neck: "Mr. Dasuohan, you have already Oh dead."

   Saidan: ? ? ?




   (end of this chapter)