Stratholme God

v1 Chapter 237: The second Dark Portal final mobilizatio

  Chapter 237 The Second Dark Portal Final Battle Mobilization (1 more)

  McDonald leaned over and fed [Invincible] a piece of bean cake that he liked to eat. After [Invincible] licked his mouth with his tongue, he rubbed McDonald's with his horse's neck affectionately.

   Seeing that the foal he had given to his good brother had become like this, Arthas was in a better mood again. [Invincible] was more like a testimony of his friendship with McDonald's.

   Then, when Macdonald rode out of the fortress, the scene stunned Arthas.

   Outside the fortress, huge square formations of 10,000 people were neatly lined up. When 200,000 troops gathered on a grassy field, the scene became very spectacular.

   On the top floor of the fortress, at a glance, there are so many soldiers that I can't see it all without turning my head.

  A continuous line of heroic soldiers stretched from the far end of the forest to the edge of the mountain line.

  Suddenly, Rivendell shouted loudly, and the voice spread far away in the silent square: "Soldiers, answer me, who is it, who has repeatedly cracked the conspiracy of the orcs?"

   Without waiting for Mai to react, all the soldiers of the five legions under Stratholme shouted in unison—

   "McDonald's! McDonald's! McDonald's!"

   That uniform shout made the surrounding legions look at it.

  Mai Xie was embarrassed for a moment, feeling a little embarrassed.

   Demo, actually play this hand?

   But, in fact, that is not impossible.

   Rivendell continued to roar: "Who?? Killed the most orcs? The strongest Gronn?"

   "McDonald's! McDonald's! McDonald's!" Unexpectedly, this time even the Ranger Legion, the Scarlet Crusade next door, and the Royal Legion of Lordaeron roared.

   "Who? Leading us to victory after victory—"

   "McDonald's! King of the Bunker! Stratholme Pizza Hut!" This is even more exaggerated. It was not clear whether this was an incitement or a sincere sympathy. The Arathi Legion, the Dwarf Legion, and so on, who were farther away, followed suit. That is to say, the division of Stormwind Kingdom, which started from Stormwind City, is not there, and all the other legions are mixed in.

   They were shouting haphazardly, apparently without any rehearsal.

   But their love for McDonald's is absolutely genuine!

   They raised their weapons high and roared loudly.

   Swords are like mountains! The spear is like a forest!

   A full 200,000 people roared in unison, and the sound like a mountain and a tsunami rolled into the sky.

   At this moment, Arthas finally truly realized what a lofty prestige a commander with a winning streak has in the alliance.

   "Now, let our God of War speak!" Rivendell's roar was exchanged for higher and more fiery cheers.


  McDonald's horse came to the top of a high slope, overlooking the army, and he was met with fiery and adoring eyes.

   This is in exchange for victories over and over again.

   From Andorhal to Lordaeron, from Quel'Thalas to Wetlands, to Dun Morogh, and finally Elwynn Forest.

  Whether it is the surging green tide, the terrifying Golon, or the indestructible steel star, nothing has ever been able to knock down this **** of war.

  McDonald was a little ashamed, most of which were bonuses for transmigrators, and then he calmed down again. Even if they are also transmigrators, no one can do better than him.

   He made a movement of closing his fists with both hands and pressing down, and the whole place fell silent immediately. Every Union soldier held his breath, ready to listen to his words.

   This scene made the hearts of Arthas and the big guys who were watching secretly stunned - what a lofty prestige! ?

   McDonnell spoke, and with the boost of [Breaking Roar], the voice spread far away.

"Those nasty orcs invaded our world through a giant portal called [Dark Portal]! They burned down our towns and slaughtered our relatives and friends! But soon, they will be for their own Evil pays the price of life—"

   Looking at McDonald's raised fist, the 200,000 soldiers suddenly boiled again, and it took a while to calm down.

   "Although we are about to defeat them. But remember - this is not the last battle!"

As soon as the    voice fell, there was a slight commotion among the soldiers.

   "They were the first invaders, by no means the last!"

   "So I hope everyone remembers that no matter whether we can still stand on this earth after this war, those who survive must maintain a vigilant heart!"

   "The crisis is far from over, and the future still needs to move forward!"

   "However, as long as we maintain courage and hope, a great peace will surely come to the world of Azeroth!"

  Speaking of the end, McDonald took out his dragon tooth sword and shouted to the sky: "Long live the alliance!"

   "Long Live the Alliance!"

   "Dry the orcs—"

   "Long live the Duke of Stratholme!"

   With an excited heart and firm will, the army set out and pressed towards the orc front line thirty kilometers to the east.

Orgrim received the news of the    Alliance army's advance.

The real confrontation took place seven days later. For the first three days, Orgrim used the third-rate clan as cannon fodder to delay the advance of the Alliance army.

Now the orcs dare not confront the Alliance on two terrains: one is the waterside, where the Alliance does not know how to make the murlocs who were originally chaotic and neutral to defect to the Alliance; the other is near the mines, the ghost knows Will there be a next dip?

  The area near Crystal Lake to the east of Shining Gold Town was first removed, and then the area to the north near the mine.

  Finally, the orcs set the final battle location near the Tower of Azura.

   There is just a small forest area in the game, but in reality it is a prairie of more than ten square kilometers. Once upon a time, this place was also a dense forest. With the order set by Lothar last year, a torch set the forest on fire, and now the small saplings that have just grown up have been chopped down by the orcs toiled, and this place has become a sparsely distributed tree stump. of grassland.

   "Woooooo!" With the shocking horn sound, the armies of both sides slowly approached.

   Orgrim sat on a peculiar steel chariot, the shape reminiscent of a crab, and it was a king crab with sharp protrusions on its chelicerae.

   The three-story body allows him to easily observe the alliance's formation - there are no unexpected regular formations. In front was an infantry regiment of five thousand people lined up, with cavalry on both flanks, and a large number of artillery, ballistas and catapults were arranged on the left and right sides of the center.

   "You have to give it a try." Orgrim raised his hand, and the [Steel Star], who had almost succeeded before, appeared again.

   At any time, this huge war machine will always cause shock on the opposite side.

The commotion of the    Alliance army could be heard even by Orgrim.

   "Rumble!" The four-story-high steel wheels crushed the small tree stump on the ground, and the huge roar even covered up the sad cracking sound of the tree stump.

   At this moment, the alliance's stone throwing maneuver.

  Thousands of huge iron barrels that could hold orcs were thrown into the sky, drawing crooked arcs, falling to the Iron Star or their path. As soon as the iron bucket fell to the ground, it even exploded in mid-air, splattering a large lump of viscous black liquid.

  The originally fierce and abnormal big iron wheel showed a strange deceleration state when it touched the black slime. It wasn't obvious at first, but when the whole wheel was covered with those black things, the revs dropped noticeably.

   "What is that?" Liadrin finally couldn't help asking McDonald's.


   (end of this chapter)