Stratholme God

v1 Chapter 301: Health and Civilization Inspection (5 mo

   Chapter 301 Health and Civilization Inspection (5 more)

   (monthly pass 26/43)


   At this moment, the iron-boned McDonald's was lying comfortably on a red flannel chaise longue, with the golden roasted chicken wings right next to it: "Alas! The doctor said that I have a bad stomach and want to eat [soft rice]!"

  Thinking of this, McDonald's angrily overturned the table of his mind.

   What about the soft rice?

   A good Sylvanas, as long as he doesn't die, he won't have a chance to be the Queen of the Forsaken in this life.

   Over in Stormwind City, the Duke's ticket has been bought.

   Let's take a look at this wave of natural disasters, whether Lordaeron destroys the country.

   I can't stand it, don't blame me for being dishonest at McDonald's!


   On the other side, the situation continues to ferment.

   "FBI, open-the-door!"

  After the Wine Festival, Stratholme and Andorhal are two major territories, whether they are big cities, towns, or small villages.

   One after another shouting and knocking can be heard everywhere.

   Don’t get me wrong, FBI is an abbreviation for the three common language words for food, biological products and inspection.

   On the surface, this is a combat readiness inspection. In fact, for most people, this is more like a large-scale poverty alleviation operation, and it is targeted poverty alleviation.

  Each inspection team is led by fully-armed Paladins or apprentice Paladins, supplemented by local garrisoners, apprentice priests from the Church of the Holy Light, as well as civil administrators, scribes, and so on.

   "Why didn't your family store enough food for three months?"

   "Insufficient income? Insufficient per capita basic food?"

   "No extra income?"

   "Have you done a good job of preventing moisture?"

   "Have you paid attention to food safety?"

   Basically a set, and the census is also done by the way.

   For the needy households, there will be special policy assistance, such as arranging better jobs that the disabled can do. Or if it is really difficult, distribute more food for poverty alleviation.

  In every village and factory, there are trained sanitation workers to gather the people and teach them about hygiene and epidemic prevention. Although it is not compulsory, those who voluntarily learn hygiene knowledge and answer the 10 guard knowledge questions randomly drawn in public can get a bonus of 20 copper coins (non-repeatable acquisition).

   Honestly, there are only 30 or 40 questions, and they are made up as a jingle. People with a little brain will answer them when they listen to them a lot.

  In the eyes of the people, this is the grand duke sending money again.

  Induced by the bonus, people from the two major territories set off a wave of learning about hygiene and epidemic prevention.

   At the same time, the territory held a health civilization evaluation activity.

  The whole territory will evaluate 10 excellent sanitary and civilized villages, small towns and urban areas, and local officials will be promoted to one level if they are evaluated. These days, the mayor is a tool person, but this promotion is incredible, and an official in white can be promoted to a knight.

   Although not a hereditary knight, this is already a class leap.

   In addition, various high bonuses were used to encourage the public to report the dirty and messy phenomenon. The officials of the two territories and the minor nobles were jealous like rabbits, for fear that the inspection team who repeatedly inspected them would find something wrong.

   Something interesting happened.

  One day, Rivendell found McDonald's nervously: "Report to Your Excellency the Duke, our people really found some sneaky guys!"

Soon, surrounded by a group of paladin priests headed by Liadrin, Rivendell and Tirion, McDonald saw a mage who was wearing elemental shackles to suppress magic power across the iron cage in the cell. .

   This Master passed out.

   "His name is Maleki and his nickname is [Pale]."

   Pale Maleki?

  Why not call it Pale Spicy Chicken Shreds?

   Just a glance, and McDonald's lost interest.

   "That's right, it's them. The trial is strictly enforced, and all torture instruments are allowed. After the trial, let Trident be responsible for the last blow." McDonald's understatement sentenced this guy to death, and all the vassals were stunned for a moment.

   They immediately decided that it was McDonald's who had a secret list.

  Rivendell bowed to send McDonald's away, then joined Tirion, approached the sovereign, pouted, and naturally a professional poured a bucket of water to wake Maleki.

   "Say! Why did you try to assassinate the Duke of Stratholme!?" Rivendell was full of anger, he couldn't forgive a human being who dared to assassinate his supreme benefactor.

   "Assassination? No, no, no! We are here to find the Duke of Stratholme to join the cause!" The pale, square-faced man had a morbid flush on his face.

   "What great cause?"

   "Death, of course - only death is eternal!"

   "Bastard!" Rivendell couldn't help but punched that face hard.

   It stands to reason that he is an earl and should not end up in person.

   He couldn't control his emotions.

   It was McDonald who gave hope to the humble man, introduced him to Archbishop Fao, and then rose up step by step from the baron who was almost in the aristocratic circle, giving him trust, status and honor.

   Grace is as heavy as a mountain!

  This despicable guy actually wanted to kill his benefactor?

  Rivendell was literally furious.

   Instead, Tirion clenched the fist of this junior brother: "Don't get angry, it's not worth it for this kind of rotten person. Maybe he just wants to provoke you and let you kill him so that the clues can be interrupted."

   Next, a severe torture could not pry Maleki's mouth open.

  Rivendell had no choice but to hand over to Trident.

   Unexpectedly, the man with the trident just entered the door.

  [The Sky of the Winger] He leaned into Maleki's ear and said a few names in one breath: "Darkreel, Les Frost, Mariah..."

   When Maleki heard this, all his souls rushed out: "No! Impossible! How did you know these names!?"

   Nonsense, these are the bosses of the psychic college.

   is a traveler who knows it!

   For the first time, his eyes, which had been full of fanaticism, lost focus for the first time, and Maleki's chest heaved and screamed.

   "Hehe! After tonight, your companions will know that you are a ghost!"

  What, the inner ghost is actually me! ?

   Maleki was completely dumbfounded.

  Travelers certainly won't give the cursed sect a chance to come back.

   After the list was circulated among the high-level officials of Stratholme that night, Maleki was sent to the wheel of a revised [Steel Star].

   Before changing Maleki from 3D to 2D, the people at Trident kindly reminded him that there were several Chinese characters written on it - the entrance of the second dimension!


   After a loud noise, pick up bones, set fire, suona, and take griffins to the sky.

   Raise the ashes of Nima!

   McDonald's discussed with the sand sculpture players, after a series of steps such as soul-suppressing, soul-killing, ash grinding, and ashes, even if these guys who play undead magic jump out again, it's only a matter of version 9.0.

   There's another benefit to figuring out the damned sect guys.

   It was only late at night that the list was sent out, and the family of Count Barov paid a secret visit.

   The former old duke started with a sentence: "Report to the lord, some people on the list seem to have mixed into my family."

   (end of this chapter)