Stratholme God

v2 Chapter 1002: Aftermath of the Sea Mountain War

   Chapter 1002 Aftermath of the Sea Mountain War

   Change to other hats, maybe McDonald's will follow.

  Dogdan's hat is a green hat, isn't it a green hat rounded up?


   McDonald swears to his death. With a glance out of the corner of his eyes, he sees the draenei hero Maraad who was kicked to the treatment team because he was not aggressive enough.

   "Maraad, you seem to be missing a legal helmet."

   In all fairness, Maraad's strength is not bad, but he is helpless compared to the Silver Five Saints.

   In a team, the melee positions are quite limited, and there are few positions for guys with low output.

  When necessary, the anti-riding can use the discipline talent to swipe a few two-handed swords, which does not mean that there will be a professional output position for the disciplinary riding.

  The League of Heroes now has four or five thieves stationed: Valeera, the Van Cleef father and daughter, Willis *Deep Shadow, and a non-essential Mathias *Shore.

   They are more professional than dps.

   As a result, Maraad, as a latecomer, had no choice but to obey the assignment to be a milk rider.

   Forget it, because there are not many contribution points, and the T6 set has no share. After all, there are already a few pieces of priority. Since it is a loose piece, you can't care about the effect of the suit.

   Seeing the McDonald's equipment, Maraad panicked: "This, this is the mail."

   "It's alright, you take this purified [Gul'dan's Hood]. When the Healing Knights put it on top, you can only say that the vanguard of the hero group is all dead, and the group should be destroyed."

   It makes sense for you to stuff your equipment, but I was speechless to refute it.

  Maraad glanced at the former boss Velen who had shrunk to the side, and found that he was counting the number of ants that did not exist on the ground. Maraad reluctantly gave in.

forget it. District lock armor, if you want it, you need it. What's more, the attributes of this thing are really not bad, plus [Rapid], [Spell Crit] and [Spell Power]. Paladins are also commonly known as 'all-needed knights', and it is not ashamed to have a mail armor.

  Maraad confirmed that after this thing was cleansed, he was not pretentious, and put on this somewhat green hat.

   As for McDonald himself, I got the [Broken Cloak of Antonidas] from the legal system. When I looked back and counted Akmonde Muru's collection, I found the [Almighty Ring] that made Jaina a little envious, and the [Changeable Naru Flakes] that made the mages drool.

  This accessory can be added with [Rapid]. The key is to open an energy magic circle that lasts for 15 seconds. The caster can enjoy a high magic power bonus while standing in the circle.

  [Changed Naru Slices] To put it bluntly, it is the fragments of the dead Muru. This thing is different from other collections. There is an upper limit on the number of them, and the whole group adds up to four. If you can't grab it, you can't grab it.

   McDonald's is both the leader and the leader of the alliance, so he has extra bonus contribution points. Since this guy took the wind sword, the contribution points are too many to be used. Other mages have to contribute to the weapons, and this product does not need to change weapons, which is a big advantage.

   However, Jaina is not a McDonald's person, so she couldn't even say such words in other words, so she could only get a little sullen.

  The happy split show will end soon.

   The aftermath of the Second Hyjal War is still fermenting.

   The worst is naturally the night elves, and the entire core area of ​​the regime was completely abolished.

  The Well of Eternity was polluted by half, and a small amount of well water was left, diluting the high concentration of evil energy around it. In turn, it corroded the few remaining intact bark of the World Tree Nordrassil.

   If the blow that killed Mende before, only made Nordrassil crippled, and now it has become a real bloodskin, there is only half a breath left.

   There are a few territories left. Originally, the most intact and largest is Ashenvale. Unfortunately, Ashenvale is on the front line of confrontation with the tribe. The Northern Barrens is the same as Ashenvale. The rest of Darkshore is too small for Azshara to clean up.

   After much deliberation, Tyrande found that one of his few options was to roll over and be with Fandral.

   Teldrassil was planted by Fandral!

   At this time, Fandral crossed Tyrande and directly asked the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza to bless the new World Tree and was rejected.

The original words of the Red Dragon Queen are as follows: "I gave the blessing of eternal life back then, to let you guard the Well of Eternity and Nordrassil. Since your mission has not completely failed, continue. Remember - dark night Elf! This is not a cheap reward, it is both your glory and your obligation! Once it fails, the Longmian Temple will not bless it again!"

   It's not a bird at all.

   After this matter relieved his anger, Tyrande accepted his fate.

   Once Nordrassil really dies, it will be the day the night elves will be cancelled from immortality.

   With this pressure, Tyrande had to seriously consider purifying the Well of Eternity with non-night elf means.

   Apparently Stratholme is an expert on this.

   Just as the Alliance was preparing for a grand triumphal ceremony, Tyrande ran to Stratholme City to find someone named Mai.

   "Ah! Well, it's not too difficult. Speaking of pollution control, we plan to achieve carbon neutrality within 20 years. No, what I said is that the land of the Eastern Kingdom will be fully purified in about five years."

   McDonald's set is nothing more than digging out the contaminated soil, pulling it to a barren place, classifying and purifying it.

   This work is too much work, the key is that the mountain giants and the ancient tree people cannot be used for this work.

The    Alliance produces the most excavators, wagons and trains and is the best fit.

   After all, these purely mechanical creations are not afraid of fel pollution at all, so send more paladins to drive excavators, and there will be no trouble.

   "Tell me first." Tyrande spoke despite hesitation.

McDonald took out the detailed map given by Tyrande: "To meet the transportation capacity, it is necessary to build a two-way four-track railway system in the forest, from Mount Hyjal all the way down, from north to south through Felwood The forest, then east across half of Ashenvale, to the Northern Barrens, and finally to Durotar. Of course, if you are not afraid of the rage of the tribe, you can also throw it to Stonetalon Mountain."

   Hearing this, Tyrande's long blue-blue eyebrows were shaking like Morse code.

As if he didn't hear it, McDonald continued: "On the other hand, I happened to discuss this with Velen. The draenei all believe in the Holy Light. If their civilians also contribute, the purification speed will be faster, then It is necessary to open a branch for the railway. From the southern part of Felwood Forest, it will go west through Astrana, and then all the way to the shore of the Darkshore, and it will be shipped to the Exodar. Of course, in this way, I am afraid that the railway The sleepers needed are not enough, and some trees may have to be cut down.”

   Tyrande's eyes widened:

  Isn't this the night elves all through the train?

   Still cutting down trees?

  Do you know how miserable the tree people are now?

   Good, you McDonald's, it's a shame to actually make such a proposal.

Huh? It doesn't seem to work, saying that this product is a dog, in case one day in the future... Wouldn't this burn myself?

   (end of this chapter)