Stratholme God

v2 Chapter 1004: All people prepare for war

   Chapter 1004 The whole people prepare for war

   It's not that the tribe doesn't want to build a ship, it's that they don't dare.

   You can’t build shipyards along the west coast of Feralas under the eyes of the Alliance Navy, right?

   There is no deep-water port with well-defended flanks like Booty Bay, so the Horde navy should not even think about it.

   However, how can such an excellent terrain be so easy to find?

  Thrall can only hope to restore the Horde's control of Desolace. According to the information returned, there are still several fjords in the west of Desolace by the sea.

   "Send an order to increase the development of Desolace. The clan that has not been placed is arranged there."


   Tribes are mostly medium and small clans. The medium-sized clans are okay, and the other small clans, or the orcs who directly lost their belongings, are now mostly included in the Frostwolf and Dark Iron clans by Thrall.

   It’s impossible to treat everyone equally, at least let these rootless duckweeds find a place to belong.

   However, Thrall would never have imagined that the Northern Fleet, with the [Tirpitz] as its flagship, had already rushed to the sea off Northrend to stand guard.

   As a traveler, how could he not guard against Lao Taizi's billions of hands.

  According to the progress of history, the Lich King Lao Taizi is about to come out again.

   This is the so-called Taizi is not in the paste, but the paste spreads his legend.

   There is no way out. The undead natural disaster led by Terenas in this world has brought too much pain to the people of the Eastern Kingdom.

Although many years have passed, no one has come to trouble McDonald's and Alsace because of this matter, but the existence of Lao Taizi is like an invisible and intangible transparent ceiling, which firmly binds McDonald's Ken, locked his cap.

   It’s not that there are no bigwigs in the federation, such as Lao Mo and Abidis, who persuade McDonald’s to enter.

   After all, you are a Duke, and I am a Duke. My generation recognizes you as a boss, and I can manage the next generation, but what about the third generation?

   There is no high-ranking status. After a hundred years of the old generation, there is a high probability that there will be troubles.

  In the eyes of McDonald, the most perfect enthronement still needs to first crusade Terenas.

  Others do not know when the northern expedition can be done, so how could the traversers not know.

   After the ceremony of killing Kil'jaeden, the leaders of the whole alliance received instructions from McDonald - to prepare for the Northern Expedition and to guard against natural disasters.

On the fifth day after the celebration, the 1st Division of the Stratholme 1st Army, with a total of 12,000 people, was sent to the northernmost part of the Kalimdor Continent, the winter spring valley, which is covered by ice and snow all the year round for polar training.

  The soldier in thin clothes was shivering from the cold.

The leading Trident Colonel [Guang Ge without skimming] didn't care, he taught these soldiers aloud in the cold wind: "I know that you have all experienced hundreds of battles, beat bones, and killed demons. However, we have to In the crusade against the Lich King, the first and foremost enemy of life and death is the cold. Tell me, how can you keep out the cold without winter clothes?"

   The soldiers below babbled about a bunch of dirt methods, nothing more than the old way of Lordaeron civilians, making some sackcloth, stuffing sawdust in it and so on.

   is even more outrageous, shouting "Rely on mental perseverance to get over it."

"Don't be silly, get winter clothes temporarily, let's not talk about whether there are any materials, and when you get the materials, you will already freeze to death. Now we will teach you how to keep out the cold in the polar regions. First of all, when the wind blows, you have to build your own shelter. Wind and snow, a hut that can warm itself.”

   That's right, he taught the igloos of the Eskimos (aka Inuit) on Earth.

   In front of them, the trident player used a steel shovel to demonstrate on the spot how to cut ice cubes and build ice cubes into hemispherical igloos.

  When the soldiers got in and found that these igloos not only protected against wind and snow, but also used a stove to make a fire to keep them warm. They were all stunned.

   For most uneducated soldiers, this is like a miracle.

   Soldiers adore the player operators who taught them these things.

   "Sir, you seem to be such an outstanding soldier in the army, why do you want to be an instructor?" a young soldier asked.

   It's not his doubts, because most of the instructors of the Stratholme Commonwealth Army are veterans, and they are often disabled and unable to perform normal farm work or factory work. Few active-duty generals serve as instructors, let alone an elite like Trident.

   [Brother Guang without apostrophe] a serious tone: "I'm here to make you die less."

  Who knows, he was sold by his own people in less than two seconds after pretending to force.

[Time period]: "Fuck! Seven pretty girls are blocking the door at his house, and one is an elf girl. All of them have to marry him to give birth to monkeys. He can't stand it, so he came to the snowy mountain to be cold. "

   Someone whose face was blushing fiercely gouged out a look: "Dear, if you can talk, talk more, as if you are not a peach blossom debt."

   "Hahaha!" The soldiers laughed in unison.

  The atmosphere suddenly became cheerful.

   They also learned from the players how to keep warm, such as sleeping and resting, do not touch the metal creation, which will accelerate the loss of heat.

  Also, wearing more single clothes will also help keep you warm.

A copy of the polar survival booklet specially made by the traveler was sent to the soldiers. There was not much text on it, and it even consisted of easy-to-understand comics, accompanied by a small amount of simple common language. can read.

In this way, the soldiers relied on dry food for less than three days, then hunted, used sappers as pots, and cooked with snow-melting water. They simmered on the snowfield for seven days without additional supplies. .

   All Stratholme regular troops began to rotate and train, not only going to the poles, but also getting on the ship, enjoying the "happy" of being tossed to the stomach on the troop carrier.

   At the same time, factories across the Federation are operating eight-hour, two-shift systems, producing various military supplies at 80% horsepower.

Not only do they hoard a large amount of arms that can be bombarded indiscriminately, from thick cotton jackets that can withstand extremely cold temperatures of minus 30 degrees, to various military cans that can be self-heated by pulling a rope, to water purification tablets, medicines to treat malaria and other diseases , as well as various tents and other military supplies...

   All kinds of armaments, I don’t know how many warehouses are hoarded.

   There are even more elite soldiers to guard them.

   And among the people, the national military training system is also being implemented.

  To this day, you can see everywhere in the shooting range at the village level, a half-old boy of twelve or three years old, manipulating a giant 'revolver'.

  Sorry, of course it's not a gun, it's a 40mm grenade!

  The recoil of a modern musket is not something that children can easily control.

   The subjects of these juvenile militia training are first of all bravery, then melee combat with swords, and lastly long-range weapons.

   A grenade with low recoil but good power will be quite sick after being installed at the militia level.

  You should know that in addition to conventional high-explosive bombs, grenades can also be put into special shells such as incendiary bombs and frost bombs.

   (end of this chapter)