Stratholme God

v2 Chapter 1006: Proclamation of the Lich King

   Chapter 1006 The Lich King's Proclamation

   One or two sand sculpture players are like tauren who have been beaten with chicken blood, and all kinds of talents from middle school, mental retardation and nonsensical talents are displayed.

   The scene almost got out of control.

   Very simple, not every village girl is called Joan of Arc.

   With the title of the trident, players can hook up with ordinary girls at will, and further up, they can only reach the daughter of a merchant.

   How can a real noble family approach these guys with unknown origins and suspected heroic spirits?

   These days, the difference in skin and body between working people's women and aristocratic women can really be seen at a glance.

The upper limit of    is limited, and the only one who can attract these LSPs is the ship girl of Mai.

   Anyway, they are no longer human, and they are not considered human, so they just paired up with Jian Niu, who is not human.

  The thing is, there are quite a few **** who have succeeded.

   These guys looked at the innocent and shy [Centaur] ship girl, and all of them screamed with excitement.

  Cough! As it happens, McDonald's doesn't touch the ship's mother.

  Without it, too much.

   With the only vertical grip to deal with the possibly infinite ship girl, McDonald's really can't do such a brainless thing.

   Ship girl, do you think there are only battleships and aircraft carriers?

Then you are wrong.

   A large number of auxiliary ships also have ship girls.

  For example, the Casablanca-class **** aircraft carrier that McDonald's is preparing for mass production recently, and the famous ship's mother, McDonald's has drawn more than 30 ships, and the actual upper limit should be 50 ships.

  When the hands are red and the European emperor is possessed, Mai someone can naturally draw out SSR ship girls such as Tirpitz.

   For the non-European conservation law, Mai also drew the [Free Wheel] collection package.

   Ten Liberty Ships can be built in one go.

   Well, even the cargo ship has a ship girl, which is very spiritual.

  Some LSPs that are not too meaty gave a 75-point rating.

   Leaving aside the outrageous story of the player and the ship's mother, McDonald looked at the metal hull of the [Centaur] with satisfaction.

  The main body of the ship is similar to the aircraft carrier of the same name in history. The hull is 225 meters wide, 38 meters wide, and has a displacement of over 20,000 tons.

   Since there is no suitable aircraft, it will be equipped with mecha units, and it is expected that 8 to 12 second-generation mass-produced Gundam [Rem] can be installed.

  Cough! This Rem is not a Perem!

   Of course, Mai knows that explanation is useless. After a lot of operators get the body, they will magically change it for the first time.

  Since there is such a maddening thing as itachi, even if there is a [Rem] Gundam, it will be very 'beaver'!

   Anyway, if there is a V-shaped antenna, it will be considered high.

   Having said that, the biggest difference on the [Centaur] is the four wind element anti-gravity engines installed in the four corners of the aircraft carrier.

   is also driven by the latest GN solar furnace, which can generate enough horsepower to stand up this behemoth with a total weight of more than 30,000 tons.

  Because of the different driving energy, the solar furnace itself will generate enough heat, and there is no need to worry about the extreme cold climate, there will be similar to the previous snowstorm in Texas, the ugly country of the earth, and the wind turbine propeller will be frozen.

   As for sea trials and flight trials, it will be carried out slowly.

   McDonald's has enough time to make magic changes to the ship girl.

  Unfortunately, what restricts the formation of the flying fleet has become the most basic steel output and rare ore ingots calculated by [tons].

  No way, the building of airships requires higher quality of steel and metal.

  McDonald estimated that the entire league's annual steel production capacity would be limited to 7 or 8 airships at most.

  It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice!

  Rome was not built in a day, nor was the Empire of Steel.

  Don't look at the footprints of the Alliance army all over Azeroth, it is made of steel, concrete and artillery.

He used the unlimited funds provided by the Shenhao system to pay for the steel produced, and used the mines, new crops, and other resources obtained from all over the world to promote the positive cycle of society, making people's lives rise indeed. The glory of the Commonwealth of the Somme.

   But no matter what he did to the country's industry, he took over this mess for only 14 years, and the time for three five-year plans has not yet come.

   It is really embarrassing for him to let the ship controlled by the ship girl suddenly dominate the entire sky like the five-color dragon army in Azeroth in ancient times.

   "Forget it, you can make as many as you can."

   Anyway, the completion of the first air carrier is definitely something to celebrate.

   That night, MacDonald played the latest popular map of Azeroth Beth in the ducal palace.

  Look, this Liadrin version of the map is really big and round.

Holding the Kalimdor Continent on the left in one hand, and the Eastern Kingdom Continent in the other, and supporting the center of the two continents is naturally the center of the Old Continent. The former city of Azshara is now marked as a maelstrom symbol on the map. of the endless sea.

  When the vertical handle turns into an anchor and is deeply inserted into the maelstrom, there is an illusion of digging into the deep sea and stirring up the secret treasures in the water.

  If the anchor is too short, it will not be able to reach the bottom of the sea, and it will only sway in the water that feels empty.

  Only a long enough anchor can reach the softest sand on the seabed and feel the gentle rubbing.

  Unfortunately, the sea water is turbulent, and the anchor seems to be up and down. It is not easy to fix it.

  Rao is the old Captain Mai, and he almost dropped the anchor and was squeezed out by the rapids ejected from the maelstrom.


   So, if you want to really control the eastern and western hemispheres, you must control the navy.

   Only by mastering the navy can you truly dominate Azeroth.

  Unconsciously, the night was late, and the wind and waves on the sea calmed down.

   Taking advantage of the calm weather, McDonald, who escaped from the predicament, only needs to defeat the evil warden Maiev and counter him, and he will be able to escape completely.

  No one knew that, tens of thousands of miles away, on a frozen throne shrouded by cold storms and snow all year round, a figure in black armor suddenly moved.

   A pair of blue eyes slowly opened.

   His master seemed to be an ancient giant who had been sleeping for ten thousand years, and finally woke up at this moment.

   He didn't stand up immediately, and let the biting cold continue to freeze the black armor on his body.

   He seemed to murmur:

   "Child! When you were born, the entire forest of Lordaeron was calling your name - Arthas!"

When the last name of [Alsace] was chanted, the blue light in his eyes floated away like smoke, turning into a cloud of faint smoke, pouring into the entire Icecrown Glacier, entering the thousands of In the spiritual network of the undead.

  In an instant, the entire undead world was a sensation!

   Hundreds of thousands of ice dragons recovered from their deadly stagnant state, raised their bony dragon heads high, and let out a silent roar.

  Thousands of death knights no longer pretend to be ice sculptures, they draw their black swords from their scabbards and hold their swords high in homage to their king.

   Tens of millions of low-level undead opened their jaws, and immediately greeted the return of their king with a grand five-body gift.

   "Clap la la!" The burly, heavy and cold black armor figure stood up, and the countless ice edges turned into crumbs and fell down with a "fluttering rustling".

Terenas's sonorous voice echoed across the frozen throne: "My silly son, you and your sister were both deceived by that **** MacDonald! The crown you gave away, this time I will be the witch. Demon King Terenas took it back with his own hands!"

   (end of this chapter)