Stratholme God

v2 Chapter 1105: what is king

   Chapter 1105 What is a King

   Terenas was speechless for a moment.

   However, even at this time, Lao Taizi did not forget to throw dirty water on McDonald's, so don't blame McDonald's for being rude.

   McDonald sighed and turned his head: "Arthas, Kalia, don't you want an answer? Now is the time."

  Old Taizi, I promised in my heart not to release the Noble Phantasm [Destroy Dad] first, but if you are so unprofessional, don’t blame me for being rude.

   Liadrin on the left, Valeera on the right, firmly protected Kalia slightly forward, and blocking further ahead was Arthas, who was obliquely holding the Balrog in front of him.

   "Heh! A wicked little brat! That's what you have to do."

  There is such a thing in the world as murder!

   There is also a kind of heart that is called not killing people!

   This period of grievances and grievances in Lordaeron is destined to be resolved by the people of Lordaeron and even the Menethil family, and the bigwigs of the alliance are destined to be the audience in the town.

   "Sister, be careful." Arthas was extremely vigilant.

   "Hmm." Kalia's eyes were a little blurry.

   The man in front of her had a face that was both familiar and unfamiliar to her.

   The facial contours that will never be forgotten are filled in every fragment of her memories.

   Terenas, a strict father, but not lacking in kindness.

   But as she grew up, she began to understand that this gentleman had some hidden ambitions that were unknown to outsiders, as well as the... cruelty wrapped in kindness!

   As a well-educated political chip, Kalia has long been accustomed to giving up thinking. She always thought that she would use her life and soul to repay the cultivation of the royal family of Lordaeron for her.

  Unfortunately, his father fell for eternal life, which really broke through the bottom line of being a human being.

   This made her completely unacceptable.

   She has so many questions to ask her father: Why do you do this? Why so cruel?

  Before today, she really had a lot of questions to ask, and she believed that her man would create opportunities for her to ask these questions.

   After seeing her father's crazy and cruel eyes, she realized that the father, whom she once respected the most, had been forever sunk in the abyss of power and desire, unable to extricate herself.

"Alas!" Kalia's beautiful cherry lips opened and closed a few times, and finally all the words turned into a long sigh: "Father, since you don't repent, then I have nothing to say. Please allow me to finally Say hello to you once."

   His eyes were full of sadness, and his face had a wonderful serenity. With a noble and elegant temperament, as well as his impeccable appearance, the former princess gently lifted the corner of his priest's robe and made a ladylike ceremony.

   "Good day, Father!"

   "Farewell, Father!"

   After saying that, she turned and left without looking back. Many people noticed the clear tears shed at the same time as the seemingly chic farewell turned around.

   The filial piety of her daughter was only a cold snort of disdain.


   Boring feelings!

  The Lich King Terenas said this in every detail of his body.

   Then, Terenas fixed his gaze on Arthas's face: "What about you? The unfilial son whose brain was broken after being deceived! What 'advice' do you want to teach your father?"

   Contrary to everyone's expectations again, everyone thought that the two fools would spit out fierce remarks, and even furiously accuse his father of injustice and cruelty.

   Judging from Alsace's fiery bright eyes, what he said next was a little too calm.

   "Father! I just want to ask you - what is [King]!?"

   Terenas replied in seconds: "I am the king!"

   This answer is full of arrogance and arrogance, not like a man who is about to reach the end of the road to destruction.

   Arthas ignored the old father's secret accumulation of strength, and asked with extraordinary patience: "I want to ask, what kind of existence is the king?"

   "The existence that rules all things in the world!"

   "An eternal kingdom of the dead?"


   Arthas exhaled a breath of hot air, which immediately formed a cloud of ice fog in the cold wind. He looked around: "What if the Scourge really succeeded? Look at this majestic fortress. There are man-made traces everywhere, but there is a lifeless death everywhere, and time freezes here. History stops here, it will forget the outside world, and the world will forget it. Is that what you want?"

   This time, Lao Taizi really didn't feel confident for Alsace.

This is the sad part of his Lich King, the slogan is so loud, but how much of this so-called dream is from his heart, and how much is imposed on him by Ner'zhul when his soul merges. of?

   Lao Taizi was silent for a long time, and then he argued forcefully: "As the most noble existence in this world, I have the right to dispose of my kingdom at will!"

   "Really? But McDonald's told me - no one is born noble!"

   Don't talk about Lao Taizi, even all the kings present looked at him!

   These words are quite harsh for feudal kings!

Arthas continued to explain: "In that savage age, there were no gods who fell from the sky, only mortals who stood up. Thoradin the Great was born as a mortal, defeated the attacking trolls, joined hands with the high elves, and revitalized all mankind. The people are revered as emperors! Menethil's ancestors pioneered Lordaeron and expanded the borders of mankind, so they are revered as kings! No one is born noble, but only by what they do!"

  Not only Lao Taizi, but also the king of the alliance, could not help but look awe-inspiring.

   This history, which has been preached by bards for thousands of years and promoted by various royal families, happens to be the best refutation of what Terenas just said.

   "In my opinion, someone who ignores the lives of vassals and people and tramples on their wealth is unworthy of being a king!"

   Arthas's words were sonorous, and his words were like a knife, savagely gouging into Terenas's chest, and engraved in the depths of his soul.

   Although Alsace mentioned vassals, he did not simply elevate the position of the people, but as a prince of a feudal royal family, McDonald felt that he was already very great.

   As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked!

" renegade son!" Lao Taizi was stunned to find that he couldn't scold him in principle. When he was short of words, he could only rely on the relationship between father and son to suppress Arthas. He was really mad: "Bah! Is it bad to join the Scourge Legion and become the first person under my command?"

Arthas suddenly smiled bitterly: "Even if the Scourge Legion can really conquer the world, how can there be a prince who remains unchanged for ten thousand years? If you can't enter, it's better to just step back and give your position to someone more suitable! Therefore, the vassal and the The people's lives and property are put first, to protect their lives, and to give them a better life, McDonald's is more worthy of the crown of Lordaeron than your father!"

   (end of this chapter)