Stratholme God

v2 Chapter 1150: Raise the ‘flag of treason’ against

  Chapter 1150 Raise the 'betrayal flag' against forced marriage

The war between the    Alliance and the 'unknown' enemy, rarely ended without a trace.

   Kul Tiras has nowhere to go.

   Now, tens of thousands of Kul Tirans are in the army, sitting in Stratholme's warships, circling their hometown every day, but they can't get in. As long as you get a little closer, the sea that was calm a moment ago immediately becomes choppy and dangerous.

   Jaina couldn't blame anyone for being careless.

  You see, more than 300 warships of Stratholme help you surround the three major islands of Kul Tiras, and tens of thousands of people are eating here.

   This is not something that everyone can afford. In another alliance country, most of them can't even burn oil.

   That's why McDonald's has the financial strength and courage.

  Cough, the ship girl would go ashore for a walk at most, and if they didn’t go into the water for a long time, they would feel uncomfortable all over.

  Time will always make people forget everything. After a long time, everyone defaults to the alliance territory, and Kul Tiras has become a forbidden word that is unwilling to be mentioned.

   During this period, the Alliance did find trouble with the Horde.

   Hell, the Alliance couldn't find the Horde's flaws.

   Neither the MI7 of Stormwind nor the newly formed band of thieves led by Welles *Deep Shadow by McDonnell have found any evidence that can be hammered.

Verles knelt down on one knee and lowered his head deeply: "I'm very sorry, Your Majesty, my men have carefully checked all the existing troops of the tribe, as well as the number of young men of the major clans, and did not find that they were in Kultila. There are signs of troop transfer before and after the Sri Lanka incident."

   "Got it. I can't say it's a good job, but at least you tried your best. Let's go."

   "Yes." Welles' eyes were a little sad.

   As everyone knows, the tribe is definitely tricky.

   After the Kul Tiras incident happened and Darion arrived at the Horde, Thrall immediately issued a public statement [The Horde definitely did not get involved in this incident, let alone send a single soldier].

  The Great Chief even acquiesced to Darian and his party to send an inspection team of no more than 50 people to inspect the clans of the tribe.

   In order not to trigger a war with the Alliance, Thrall's attitude is extremely humble in the eyes of others.

   This time there is really no evidence, at least on the surface.

   Only the traveler knows that the Zandalari trolls who are destined to mix with the tribe in the future are just pawns on the table.

On the facade, the Zandalari trolls have absolutely reasonable reasons to declare war on the alliance alone: ​​the alliance frantically surrounds and suppresses the trolls, regardless of the clan classification, and kills them all, from the Amani trolls, to the major forest trolls, to Zul Grubb. This undisguised hatred forced the once glorious Zandalari trolls to the opposite side of the Alliance, which was almost inevitable.

   In fact, the loa gods on Zandalar alone can wrap the entire Kul Tiras with a giant seaspout?

  Don't be funny!

   In the eyes of McDonald's, this is the great union of all the hostile forces of the Alliance - Zandalar trolls, N'Zoth and his subordinate Queen Azshara, the orthodox tribe dominated by Thrall, and... Brainless Roar!

"The order goes on, we don't care about the little actions of those little people. Strengthening our own comprehensive strength is the most important thing, and hard power is king. When hard power goes up, it can crush everything." McDonald's conveyed Such an oracle.

   The following vassals understand it.

   In this way, the enthronement ceremony, which was once stagnant, quietly restarted.

  Politicians often say "we will win at all costs", but the hard truth is "as long as they don't become that price". For example, in the history of World War II on Earth, Churchill, who said he was on the beach with the enemy and fought to the death everywhere, arranged for the royal family to retreat to Canada under the circumstance of 'a last resort'.

   After a series of battles, the morale of the alliance soldiers was high because of the victory, and the people were ecstatic.

   But what is the price?

   Even if the Alliance is equipped to crush the Scourge Legion, there are not many casualties on the frontal battlefield, but all kinds of unavoidable harassment still cause a large number of casualties to the Allies.

   For the Stratholme family alone, 30,000 were killed and 50,000 wounded. The biggest reason for this seemingly unreasonable death-to-injury ratio is that the dead will be quickly transformed into the undead, which cannot be saved. And the powerful Holy Light treatment group and all kinds of sufficient medicines can bring back the injured person's life to the maximum extent.

   In addition, the expedition of hundreds of thousands of troops devoured all the canned rations accumulated in the past two years, and added more than one million tons.

  The consumption of shells is double the stock.

  A large number of civilian factories have been converted into military factories due to wartime laws, or are dedicated to military logistics, which has led to varying degrees of shortage of consumer consumer goods.

   To the north, there is a large amount of new land to be developed from Northrend.

  In this country, a bunch of vassals are waiting to be sealed.

  To this day, Stratholme has finally been promoted from the Federation to the Empire. This is not a question of whether McDonald himself is willing or not. It is a question that a group of vassals forced him to agree to.

Even if MacDonald wanted to use the magical technique [low-key technique] of the Heavenly War, such as taking a photo of a 10,000-ton truck to look like a fishing boat, unfortunately, a site as large as Stratholme spanned three continents. , would you like to be a kingdom?

  Take ten thousand steps back, in the world of Azeroth, you are embarrassed, others think you are not a thing.

   What level of strength must have a title of what level.

   Besides, you didn't come to the throne right, so how could you hide it?

  The enthronement ceremony must be done, and it is a big deal!

   In fact, since the news of the defeat of the Lich King Terenas came back, McDonald's men have been preparing for his enthronement ceremony, and now they are just putting the preparations that were once stagnant on the surface again on the bright side.

   Among them, there is a lot of wrangling.

   For example, the candidate for the queen.

"To be honest, I don't really want to get married. You have to force me to get married, right? It has to be a person. Well, it's just Kalia. Don't go too far. If you're in a hurry, I'll marry Onyxie. Ya." There is no need for 'crossing eyebrows and cold fingers', in the face of the vassals' alternative force, McDonald's hand raised Onyxia's pointy chin, like a rua cat.

  In this battle, the dukes such as old Mograine, Abidis, and Barov felt their scalps go numb.

   The atmosphere at the scene was too embarrassing.

   His own lord is notoriously unreliable in this regard, and it is the only black spot in his glorious deeds that can be criticized.

  It used to be 'elf control'. At least the babies born are human-like, with slightly longer ears and slightly longer eyebrows. It also depends on the odds, after all, some half-elves will look more like people.

   Before, the vassals could pretend they didn’t know, but now McDonald’s just doesn’t hide it, and clearly tells all the vassals that ‘I am a dragon knight’. Don't look at Onyxia's innocent and docile appearance, who doesn't know that she can become a huge black dragon that the palace hall can't hold in the next second?

   At least a baby is born with an elves, and if you are born with a dragon... the future crown prince will be an egg first?

   (end of this chapter)