Stratholme God

v2 Chapter 1283: Old Chen in the pit

   Chapter 1283 Old Chen who entered the pit

   Normally, pandaren are a typical neutral race, they will choose to join the tribe or the alliance according to their own will. Historically, Chen*Stormstout has been a little closer to the Horde in terms of performance, helping Thrall build Orgrimmar and Vol'jin, and thus forged a deep friendship.

   In this life, Lao Chen met his 'nemesis' - the player.

  The neutral faction is different from the diehard hostile faction. Neutrality means a good fight. As long as the Alliance does something, it can poke the itch of the neutral camp race and do something that shocks their hearts, basically it will be done.

As a pandaren who grew up on the Wandering Isle (Shenzin's Turtle Back), Old Chen has developed a good skill. If he sees that the tribe's General Nazgrim first crashed and hit Shenzin, and then he The boat rescued Shen-zinko, and maybe Lao Chen's buttocks are crooked.

It's so hard to die. A few days ago, when Lao Chen and Lili started an adventure, ahem, they actually went shopping in Stormwind City and took a new steel cargo ship—actually, a freewheeler that was eliminated as a private businessman and returned to fans. On the way to the island, the navigation was so crooked.

   Don't ask, ask is the cauldron of the Pandaria Mists.

   It is definitely not that elite operators misread the compass, wrong latitude and longitude or something.

  Once Old Chen returned to Pandaria, he happened to 'mistakenly sail' to the Jade Forest in the northeast, and also very 'coincidentally' came across the Ganlu Village incident.

   "Help... help—" On the coast, the pandaren-looking [Big Flower Fragrance] bumped into Lao Chen, screamed and collapsed on the spot.

   "Brother, what's wrong with you!?" Lao Chen and Lili were shocked.

   This compatriot in front of me is too miserable, his left arm was completely chopped off, and there were many axes in his back. Old Chen felt that this kind of scar was inexplicably familiar at first glance.

   "Some green monsters attacked us, save us..."

  The pure Chinese, the appearance that is indistinguishable from him, Lao Chen did not doubt that he had him, and immediately believed it, he raised his hand and it was a blood-enhancing [Mist of Resurrection], which stabilized the injury of this compatriot.

   told Lili to take good care of this compatriot, and Lao Chen took the guy and strode towards the direction pointed by the injured compatriot.

   Chen *Storm Stout was stunned by the situation in front of him. Along the way, he accidentally ran into a few pandaren from Ganlu Village who had fled in panic, and also inquired about more information.

   He was absolutely certain at this moment that it was the orcs who attacked his compatriots.

  As an old friend of Thrall and Vol'jin, Chen is emotionally unwilling to believe that the orcs would do such a rude thing. All the warmth of the past still haunts Old Chen's heart. At this time, it is better to say that he is eager for an answer rather than rushing to save his compatriots.

   Pandaren corpses scattered in the woods are the best road signs.

  Old Chen's footsteps suddenly accelerated, he pricked up his ears, and easily heard a battle cry that shook the entire forest.

   "Bastard! Found you!"

  The hot blood seems to be burning in Lao Chen's body. Lao Chen, who is famous for his temper, has never been so angry.

  If not, with the trees on both sides flying by the corners of his eyes, he finally found the culprit - it was a very burly orc with a blood-stained battle axe.

   On the ground beside him, there were a few pandaren who had just been killed.

   "You **** bastard! What have you done?" Old Chen roared in a eloquent orcish language.

For the sudden appearance of the Panda Brewmaster, Malkorok was a little disapproving: "Oh? You cowardly black and white bears, have you finally stopped running? Know our language? That's even better! Obediently submit to the feet of the great tribal chief! Become an honorable tribal warrior - or die for me!"

   At the end of his words, his tone became more and more severe.

   Lao Chen's face changed drastically.

   This orc is far from the kind orc in his impression. The orc warriors he remembered were brave and brave, at least not so unreasonable.

   At first, he suspected that Malkorok was controlled by the evil [Demon Blood] that Thrall spoke of, but he sensed it carefully. Although this orc showed cruelty and madness, there was no demonic aura on his body.

   That is to say, this **** slaughtered the pandaren villagers in Ammonium Village out of his own will.

  Old Chen angrily said: "You beast! Don't slander the Great Chief! Thrall is definitely not such a person-"

"Thrall! Do you mean that coward Thrall? He has long since returned to Nagrand's hometown to knit an apron for his grandmother!" Malkorok laughed: "The one who now leads the tribe is the greatest ever. Warchief Garrosh* Hellscream! Now, in the name of the warchief, I command you to submit! Black and white bearmen!"

   Male orcs rarely do knitting work. In the eyes of the orcs, it is undoubtedly the greatest insult to say that a man does work.

   There was a brief blank in Lao Chen's mind, and then he realized that the tribe had changed, becoming unfamiliar and cruel. This guy who came to power is definitely not a good guy.

   "I refuse! Pandaren are free!" Old Chen Yizheng said.

   "Then go to hell—"

   If you can't bear it, you don't need to bear it any longer.

   In the face of Malkorok who charged with his battle axe high, the seemingly ordinary magic wand in Lao Chen's hand was sandwiched between his right waist and his arm swung violently.

   This orc boss's [Charge] is very fast, and Lao Chen's magic stick is even faster.

  The thick cyan stick seems to be swept over simply, and there is a feeling of pouring down from the Tianhe Waterfall. The ten meters or so between the stick and Malkorok seemed to be both estranged and approaching - at this moment, the thick stick had come to Malkorok's ankle.

   This is a [sweeping leg] in disguise.

   Malkorok didn't have to look down to understand how dangerous this stick was. Don't say it's just his ankle, even if it's his body, he will be maimed on the spot if he doesn't die if he is hit by such a stick that seems like a thousand miles of mountains and rivers are torn apart from the top of his head and thunder is rolling down.

   "Roar!" He roared, switched quickly, and stepped on a [Thunder Clap].

  The light of the thunder and lightning has not yet arrived, and the ground that exploded and shattered, the momentum alone has already grabbed people.

   This step is solid, not to mention that the stick will be stepped on, there is a high probability that even Lao Chen will be forcibly slowed down and pulled into the rhythm of the orc warrior.

   Unexpectedly, his reaction was not slow, while Lao Chen's reaction was faster.

The    Demon Subduing Stick suddenly closed with a light-heavy aura, changed its sweep to a jab, and stabbed Malkorok in the belly with the head of the stick.

   In the eyes of others, this is simply Mal Korok's own weight sinking, exposing his stomach and being poked by Old Chen.

   This time, Malkorok really didn't know what to do.

   As soon as Lao Chen came out of the stick, he gave birth to a feeling of insignificance and unavoidable.

   This time, Malkorok was finally powerless to resist, and he took a bite. The powerful and heavy blow knocked him upside down for more than ten meters, and flew backwards into the woods behind him, crackling and breaking how many trees.

   The subordinate who happened to be rushed by him saw this scene...

   (end of this chapter)